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Glavni razlog tome jeste sto je balon nekretnina nov fenomen. Ponavljam se, ali sustina je da je do 2000-ih cena prosecne kuce bila tri bruto godisnja prihoda prosecnog domacinstva, a sada je osam. Zbog toga ne samo da do skora nije bilo garsonjera, vec su i stambene zgrade bile retkost, uglavnom su bile kuce i tzv. townhouse - kuce u nizu koje se naslanjaju jedna na drugu. Zato sto su nekretnine bile pristupacne. Zato je izostala i bilo kakva efikasna akcija drzave da problem ublazi. U Singapuru i Hong Kongu u kojima ovaj problem postoji dosta duze postoje resenja koja ublazavaju teret nepristupacnosti nekretnina. Drzavna subvencionisana gradnja. A u Oz ne samo sto to ne postoji vec imamo negative gearing koji situaciju cini jos gorom.


Viđam jako puno poruka protiv tog negatibe gearing-a na fejsu od nekog starog poznanika Australijanca koji se u međuvremenu vratio iz Evrope u australiju i očigledno ima problem sa negative gearing-om.

Znaš kako, Australija je i pored toga što (koliko vidim sa fejsa :lol: ) ima problem sa preuzimanjem države od strane krupnih kapitalista, ipak demokratska zemlja. Ako dobar deo ljudi izađe na neki protest, da se to malo više vokalizuje nego samo tako lajkovanjem fejs strana, pa opet na drugi protest, sa zahtevima za "socijalnu gradnju", otprilike ovo što si ti napisao, stvari bi mogle da počnu da se dešavaju.

Uz ogradu naravno da možda pričam gluposti jer fakat ne poznajem stanje stvari u Australiji i možda već godinama izlaze stotine hiljada na ulicu za džaba.

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The Village Effect: How Face-to-Face Contact Can Make Us Healthier, Happier and Smarter 



150 as the maximum number of meaningful relationships that the human brain can manage. Ties develop naturally through frequent in-person contact. 

If you have a cohesive community, you will have extra helping hands for the young and the old and everybody in between. The village effect impacts not only those who are vulnerable but it helps people feel they belong somewhere.

And if we know anything from all of the demographic studies in neurosciences, if you are lonely or isolated, it is almost a death sentence.

By contrast, according to research, we've never been lonelier as a society than we are now, and this can take a toll on our health.

Edited by noskich
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The Village Effect: How Face-to-Face Contact Can Make Us Healthier, Happier and Smarter 



150 as the maximum number of meaningful relationships that the human brain can manage. Ties develop naturally through frequent in-person contact. 

If you have a cohesive community, you will have extra helping hands for the young and the old and everybody in between. The village effect impacts not only those who are vulnerable but it helps people feel they belong somewhere.

And if we know anything from all of the demographic studies in neurosciences, if you are lonely or isolated, it is almost a death sentence.

By contrast, according to research, we've never been lonelier as a society than we are now, and this can take a toll on our health.


Bravo, evo i moj ljubimac Dmitri Orlov lupa u isti bubanj: http://cluborlov.blogspot.com.au/2016/06/the-law-of-attraction.html


'One unintended consequence of our current mode of living is that it has warped and perverted our interpersonal interactions. In order to be able to afford to simply inhabit the planet and satisfy our basic needs, we are required to play all sorts of contrived roles. Specifically, we are forced deal with each other according to arbitrary rules that are forced upon us.

As employees we are expected to readily lie to customers to protect our employers’ profits. As salespeople we are expected to sell things we know better than to ever want to buy. Then there is a whole category of people who work as enforcers, and are specifically paid to disregard all humane considerations and to dole out punishments without any allowance for dire personal circumstances. Vast social and financial hierarchies reward psychopathic behavior (which is regarded as professionalism) while punishing altruism and compassion (which is regarded as weakness or corruption).
Co-workers arbitrarily thrown together by managerial whim often spend more time with each other than with their own families, trapped in a world of stunted, superficial relationships that gradually erode their humanity. Parents often have no choice but to pay strangers to raise their children for them. These strangers work for a wage rather than out of love for the children, and when their contract ends, so does the bond between the child and caregiver, undermining the child’s faith in humanity. When parents do get to see their children, they are often tired and distracted, conditioning the children to treat them no better than they treat the strangers who take care of them the rest of the time.
Growing up with a constant deficit of sensitivity, sincerity, security and warmth, once they reach adulthood these children expect their relationships to be either manipulative and abusive, or regulated by contract. Their humanity becomes reduced to a set of selfish and materialistic drives. Their misshapen psyches are balanced on a knife’s edge between a morbid fear of exclusion, which drives them toward mimicry and conformism, and an unnatural, hypertrophied competitive drive that destroys their instinct for spontaneous cooperation.
When you take a step back from it all and look at it, the impression is one of a society-wide mental disorder. '
Edited by noskich
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Ovo me je potpuno oduvalo. Kuca na tockovima, spavaca soba, dnevna soba, kuhinja, ostava, i sve u 3-4 kvadratna metra: http://www.designboom.com/design/cornelius-comanns-bufalino/

Dizajner je koristio italijanski piaggio APE 50 kao osnovu koncepta, ali bi se ceo koncept mogao pozeleniti tako sto bi se koristio elektricni tricikl kao osnova koji bi se punio solarno, vetrokazom i okretanjem pedala (a moguce i prostim ukljucivanjem u struju gde ima mogucnosti).

Edited by noskich
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Mogao bi jos da doda pozadi malu kabinu kao toalet/tus i sve je spakovao u 5 kvadratnih metara. Kabina bi mogla imati klizajuca vrata koja se sklapaju i dvoslojno dno, drugi sloj spustis kada se tusiras. U centru kabine postavis sediste sa otvorom po sredini umesto WC solje, a sedis i kada se tusiras. Na krovu treba sistem prikupljanja kisnice ili rucnog dopunjavanja vodom i eto tusa koji bi se takodje koristio za pranje dna nakon vrsenja nuzde. Na kraju, na dnu mini rezervoar za prikupljanje izmeta sa kesama koje se bacaju i menjaju. Ukratko tus kabina-cucavac sa sedistem umesto WC solje.



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Na Tajlandu se klasicni tuk tuk pravi za nedelju dana i kosta oko 5 hiljada dolara.

Ova varijanta kampera-kuce na tockovima bi bio macji kasalj za Thai tuk tuk majstore, samo sto bi naplatili vise jer nije standardni posao.





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Nesto luksuznija varijanta od mini-kombija:


Online izvori tvrde da se moze napraviti da tezi ne vise od 60 kila sto znaci da je moguca kombinacija sa elektricnim triciklom.

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Nisam ni mislio da su turisticke cene, nego nisam otvarao clanak pa nisam video da se odnosi na uk expate. Nisam bio u luandi, al posle londona sumnjam da je ista jezivo. Nekretnine pogotovo.

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'Expat' troskovi podrazumevaju nov condo u zgradi sa recepcijom, teretanom i bazenom na odlicnoj lokaciji, taksi ili rent a car kao transport, svi obroci u gourmet restoranima... Sto je potpuno nerealna slika. Recimo Singapur, rent a car je jeza, MRT (metro) je dolar-dva. Michelin restorani su jeza, hawkeri su 3-5 dolara. Condoi oko centra i na istocnoj obali su jeza, master soba u deljenom stanu u kraju na pola puta izmedju centra i aerodroma je ispod 1000 dolara mesecno. Expat u Singapuru lagano moze da potrosi 10,000 mesecno samo za troskove. Sto da ne kad placa firma. A alternative koje sam ja naveo su oko 1500 mesecno.


Postoje gradovi koji imaju ogroman raspon cena od najveceg luksuza do vrlo povoljnog kao sto su Singapur i recimo Dubai. Dok London i Sidnej nemaju nizak prag, vrlo tesko mozes rucati van sa manje od 10 dolara dok u prva dva mozes sa 3 dolara pa nadalje. To je samo pokazatelj ishrane, svi pokazatelji variraju.


Nije savrsen, ali jos ne videh bolje: http://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/


Najnizi troskovi u ovim napucanim gradovima bez niskog donjeg praga su po uradi sam principu. Skuvaj sebi sveze. A transport i smestaj smo vec pokrili sa postovima iznad. Majstor sam za minimizaciju troskova u napucanim gradovima.

Edited by noskich
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