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Bila je jos 2011 na BBC emisija Rich and famous in slums. Doveli su bili cetvroro iz UK u najveci slum u Africi, Kiberu u Najrobiju. Ziveli su sa ljudima tamo. Jedan sa decom sirocicima, drugi sa porodicom koja se jedva prehranjuje... Vidim nema ga vise na Youtube, taj mi je do sada najbolji dokumentarac tog tipa.

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"You get up two and a half million dollars, any asshole in the world knows what to do, you get a house with a 25 year roof, an indestructible Jap economy shit box, you put the rest into the system at 3-5% to pay your taxes, and that's your base, get me?
That's your fortress of fucking solitude. 
That puts you for the rest of your life at the level of Fuck You.
Someone wants you to do something, Fuck You!
Your boss pisses you off, Fuck You!
Own your house, have a couple of bucks in the bank. Don't drink.
That's all I have to say to anybody at any social level."


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Prisilni rad je ropstvo, a oslobadjajuci rad je igra: http://www.spunk.org/texts/writers/brown/sp001735.html


What is a slave? A slave is commonly regarded as a person who is the legal property of another and is bound to absolute obedience. The legal lie that is created when we speak of a worker's capacity to sell property in the person without alienating her or his will allows us to maintain the false distinction between a worker and a slave. A worker must work according to the will of andther. A worker must obey the boss, or ultimately lose the job. The control the employer has over the employee at work is absolute, There is in the end no negotiation -- you do it the boss' way or you hit the highway. It is ludicrous to believe that it is possible to separate out and sell "property in the person" while maintaining human integrity. To sell one's labour power on the market is to enter into a relationship of subordination with one's employer -- it is to become a slave to the employer/master. The only major differences between a slave and a worker is that a worker is only a slave at work while a slave is a slave twenty-four hours a day, and slaves know that they are slaves, while most workers do not think of themselves in such terms.



What would a better way of work look like? It would more resemble what we call play than work. That is not to say that it would be easy, as play can be difficult and challenging, like we often see in the spores we do for fun. It would be self-directed, self-desired, and freely chosen. This means that it would have to be disentangled from the wage system, for as soon as one is paid one becomes subservient to whoever is doing the paying. As Alexander Berkman noted: "labour and its products must be exchanged without price, without profit, freely according to necessity,"(2) Work would be done because it was desired, not because it was forced. Sound impossible? Not at all. This kind of work is done now, already, by most of us on a daily basis. It is the sort of activity we choose to do after our eight or ten hours of slaving for someone else in the paid workplace.It is experienced every time we do something worthwhile for no pay, every time we change a diaper, umpire a kid'sbaseball game, run a race, give blood, volunteer to sit on a committee, counsel a friend, write a newsletter, bake a meal, or do a favour. We take part in this underground free economy when we coach, tutor, teach, build, dance, baby-sit, write a poem, or program a computer without getting paid. We must endeavor to enlarge these areas of free work to encompass more and more of our time, while simultaneously trying tochange the structures of domination in the paid work-place as much as we possibly can.

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Kristina Kljajić: Kako sam se odlučila za život u planini


Ne radi se o vraćanju u 19. vek, kako neki površno sude, već o implementaciji svih savremenih znanja u jedan ekološki pristup životu, radi budućnosti svojih porodica. Sačuvana je individualnost porodičnih domaćinstava, ali se obnavljaju dragoceni seoski običaji zajedničkog rada po potrebi, mobe, trampe, podela znanja, iskustava, alata, čime svaki član zajednice dobija više vremena za sebe i svoje lično stvaralaštvo.


Sada nekoliko naših porodica radi na realizaciji eko zajednice na Rudniku i privodimo kraju izgradnju prvog objekta od prirodnih materijala (zemlja, slama, drvo) koji će biti srce zajednice i multifunkcionalni objekat za boravak, kuvanje i druženje dok svako sebi ne sagradi kuću na imanju. Predeo je slikovit, ima dovoljno vode i šume, zemlja je zdrava a škola je udaljena samo jedan kilometar."

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