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Bozicno rasolozenje na temi `Dobra plata...` uz Miles Davisa:


Merry Christmas
I hope you have a white one, but for me, it's blue

Blue Christmas, that's the way you see it when you're feeling blue
Blue Xmas, when you're blue at Christmastime 
you see right through,
All the waste, all the sham, all the haste
and plain old bad taste

Sidewalk Santy Clauses are much, much, much too thin
They're wearing fancy rented costumes, false beards and big fat phony grins
And nearly everybody's standing round holding out their empty hand or tin cup
Gimme gimme gimme gimme, gimme gimme gimme
Fill my stocking up
All the way up
It's a time when the greedy give a dime to the needy
Blue Christmas, all the paper, tinsel and the fal-de-ral
Blue Xmas, people trading gifts that matter not at all
What I call
Bitter gall.......Fal-de-ral

Lots of hungry, homeless children in your own backyards
While you're very, very busy addressing
Twenty zillion Christmas cards
Now, Yuletide is the season to receive and oh, to give and ahh, to share
But all you December do-gooders rush around and rant and rave and loudly blare
Merry Christmas
I hope yours is a bright one, but for me, it bleeds


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Jos jedan bozicni klasik:



Was 'It's a Wonderful Life' really communist propaganda? FBI investigated classic Christmas film because it portrayed banker Mr Potter as greedy and evil

Edited by noskich
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Ajmo malo matematike:

 Lets say you make $60,000 per year and save 10% of your income, a total of $6000.  This means you need to work 10 years to save the money to maintain your car.  And that’s before you add in the actual initial cost of the car.  Worse yet, add in a monthly car payment of, say, $300.  Now your monthly expenses are $150+$300=$450.  This means you need $180,000.  At the same savings rate of $6000 per year, this would take 30 years.  All so you could drive to the job that you do so you can own the car that gets you there.  This sounds too bad to be true, but it isn’t.  These are simple equations that an economy based on consumerism doesn’t want you to truly realize.


So let’s tally up the results.  By selling my car, moving to a new city, and downsizing my house, I received an immediate cash value of $183,000.  More importantly, I reduced my monthly expenses by $1780.  This would require a nest egg of $712,000 with a 3% ROI after inflation to maintain.  Adding these two together, I am $895,000 closer to retirement!

What does this mean in actuality?  At my current income, savings rate, and expenditure rates, I’ve pulled in my retirement age from 55 (22 years from now) to 35 (2 years from now).  And I’ve done it while making no significant sacrifices, increasing my healthy activities, and living in a more friendly neighborhood.


Edited by noskich
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taj small house pokret je nastao u krizi prije par godina, dosta je popularan tako pa doticni veb dizajner nije bas neki revolucionar (ali je slucaj jednako zanimljiv bez obzira na to, naravno)

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Meni je ovde jedino zanimljivo da je pukao 30 hiljada dolara na fensi šupiče. Ne kapiram, moji drugari su nedavno napravili montažnu kuću za deset hiljada evra, kuća je fantazija, imaju regularne sobe i prostor i za decu ako budu imali nekad, i pritom koliko kapiram ovih deset hiljada pokriva sve od poda do krova uključujući i radnike koji su to napravili.

Kao koncept - male kuće, kapiram, ali da je affordable, ali zašto praviti ovako nešto za skupe pare?

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Meni je ovde jedino zanimljivo da je pukao 30 hiljada dolara na fensi šupiče. Ne kapiram, moji drugari su nedavno napravili montažnu kuću za deset hiljada evra, kuća je fantazija, imaju regularne sobe i prostor i za decu ako budu imali nekad, i pritom koliko kapiram ovih deset hiljada pokriva sve od poda do krova uključujući i radnike koji su to napravili.

Kao koncept - male kuće, kapiram, ali da je affordable, ali zašto praviti ovako nešto za skupe pare?


Kalifornijske cene...

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Verovatno je dizajner kupio sav nov materijal plus uracunao bukvalno sve troskove - instalacije, namestaj...

Najjeftinija varijanta je reciklirati materijal besplatno ili za mali novac, ili koristiti prirodne materijale poput cob (mesana zemlja, pesak i slama).

Odusevili su me Japanci kako bez bilo kakvih eksera ili drugog materijala mogu da naprave cvrste konstrukcije od drveta cistom stolarskom vestinom:



Ima mali milion tehnika, moj favorit je cob, a interesujem se i za upotrebu polovnih kontejnera: 






Edited by noskich
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Zvuci jako lepo ali samo ako imas njivu u nekoj pripizdini i spreman si tamo da se nastanis. Sa cenama zemljista u gradskoj zoni pitanje je koliko ovo pravi razliku u novcu (a definiticno prvi razliku u kvalitetu zivota).

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