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Moras da imas u vidu i potrosnju struje, vode i sredstva za pranje. Ako bi imao samo dva para carapa morao bi jedan par da peres svakih par dana sto bas ne bi bilo efikasno, to jest vise bi energije utrosio pranjem nego da imas vise carapa. Cost-benefit analiza.


Kakve struje, pa ti bi čarape stavio u mašinu za veš? To se ručno pere ako ćeš da štediš.

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Brate mili jebo ih african internet, sve postove mi pojede.


Time sto se ljutis?




Neki forumaši su promenili svoj stari model iPhonea za 6-icu. Da li bi mogli iskreno da kažu da li je to bilo iz neke realne potrebe ili je u pitanju menjanje radi menjanja, tj. čist konzumerizam?



Ja vec mesec dana idem okolo sa vaucerom za novi smartphone i pokusavam da nadjem nacin da ga utopim i potrosim pare na nesto pametnije. Izgleda cu morati na kraju da ga kupim. Da ne pricam o tome sto su nam u firmi povecali mesecnu pretplatu za telefon na 150 evra, pa mater mu, nismo svi budale koje svaki tren provode mazuci prstima ajfon gore dole. Bolje da su dali pola toga kao kes na ruke. 

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Kakve struje, pa ti bi čarape stavio u mašinu za veš? To se ručno pere ako ćeš da štediš.

Cost-benefit analiza, ne samo cena.


Petoro ljudi u stanu koji svi rade. Bez ves masine niko ne bi iznajmio sobu u stanu. Cena komunalija je uracunata u rentu koja pokriva sve nase troskove, ne racunajuci trud oko odrzavanja stana i stanara. Taktika je drugacija, ona se ne moze kopirati i zavisi od slucaja do slucaja, strategija je bitna.


Ko je u UK ili Australiji preporuka za ovaj dogadjaj: http://www.theminimalists.com/tour/


Throughout 2014, The Minimalists will embark on a 100-city tour across the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, & Australia to share their story and celebrate their new book, Everything That Remains.

At age 30, Joshua and Ryan left their six-figure corporate careers, got rid of most of their material possessions, and began living more deliberately. Come listen to them speak about their journey into the simple life, followed by a short reading from their new book, a Q&A session, and an optional book signing. Each event is 90 minutes. Admission is free. So are the hugs.

Follow The Minimalists on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram for updates, photos, and stories from the road. Join the conversation: #MinsTour

UPDATE: More than 63,000 RSVPs so far. Thanks!

2014 TOUR DATES —US & CANADA 2014—

January to August — 82 Cities (list)

—UK & IRELAND 2014—

October 8 — London (free tickets)

October 11 — Southampton (free tickets)

October 14 — Bristol (free tickets)

October 15 — Cardiff (free tickets)

October 17 — Birmingham (free tickets)

October 20 — Manchester (free tickets)

October 21 — Leeds (free tickets)

October 23 — Newcastle (free tickets)

October 25 — Edinburgh (free tickets)

October 27 — Glasgow (free tickets)

October 29 — Belfast (free tickets)

October 31 — Dublin (free tickets)


November 4 — Brisbane (free tickets)

November 6 — Gold Coast (free tickets)

November 10 — Sydney (free tickets)

November 12 — Melbourne (free tickets)

November 15 — Adelaide (free tickets)

November 19 — Perth (free tickets)

Edited by noskich
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  • 2 weeks later...



How Much Of The Economy Do We Actually Need?
The reason some people do not have food to eat, the reason there is no cure for the ebola virus, the reason why we recycle fashion and design machines to break down just fast enough not to piss off the customer is because every time we do we enable someone else to “earn a living.” But when do we stop to ask the critical question and, more importantly, come to the natural conclusion that we simply don’t need everyone to “earn a living” anymore?
Think about the activities performed by our ancestors and people living tribal cultures. When they were not playing or acting leisurely, nearly everyone would be engaged in activities that were directly related to the survival of the group with food production being the primary focus. Surely, with all our modern technological advances, we should be able to accomplish what our ancestors were able to – meeting the basic human needs for all – with far more ease.
When the United States declared their independence in the late 1700s, ninety percent of Americans earned their living by growing food. The remaining ten percent were left to be the shopkeepers, blacksmiths, seamstresses, bankers, and all other professions. Today, less than one percent of the population is involved in food production, putting the vast majority in the position of needing to think of some new thing we can get people to buy. Instead of realizing the gift that automation could bring to the entire human race by alleviating the need to “earn a living”, we kept the charade of forcing people to invent new ways to do it. So what are some of those ways we are earning our living today? 
Is what I do to “earn a living” really needed by society? In other words, could society get by without whatever I produce? I can honestly say that I have never held a job that was crucial to human survival. That is not true for everyone but I suspect if we are honest with ourselves, most of us would agree. What then is the purpose of our economy, if it is not to meet the needs of all people? 
So how much of the economy is really needed? Well, it turns out that food production and distribution comprise about five percent of the overall economy. Energy production and distribution is just over three percent, most of which goes towards fueling the transportation of all these superfluous goods and moving us back and forth to our jobs designing, marketing, financing, manufacturing, shipping them. Even at its current levels of catastrophic waste and price gouging, the health care industry is just seven percent of GDP. What else do we need? The Internet? 0.3 percent. Veterinary services? 0.1 percent. When you add it all up, only fifteen percent of the economy is needed to meet our basic needs (and probably much less due to all the wasteful practices designed to increase revenue). 
By looking at what comprises GDP, we can see that most of the economy is unnecessary and only exists due to this antiquated notion of the need to justify our existence in terms of what we can produce that others will buy. Not only that but all of this excess production and consumption (and the apparent need to secure the resources needed to keep it going) is the main driver of climate change, inequality, war, and all the other forms of depravation and suffering in the world. All of this to fuel an economy that we don’t even need? What are we doing?
Edited by noskich
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Zizek lepo objasnio, konzument danas placa ekstra cenu kako bi se osecao dobro u vezi svoje destruktivne potrosnje - Starbucks daje neku sitninu na fair trade, ekologiju i slicno, zato lepo kupis kafu tamo za 7 dolara, 7 centi ode na `fair trading` seljaka u juznoj Americi i ti se osecas ispunjeno:




Nesto sam slicno video u Norveskj, lupe sertifikat na mesu da je krava zivela `pristojim zivotom` po nekom standardu - koliko je vremena provodila napolju, koliko je pasla travu... i onda se ljudi osecaju moralno dobro sto jedu komade ubijenog lesa te krave jer eto ona je zivela `solidnim zivotom`, nije prestajala ceo zivot 100% vremena u dva metra kvadratna u mraku nekog industrijskog kompleksa, vec je prestajala 75%, dok bizmismeni trljaju ruke.

Edited by noskich
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Sa druge strane Slavuj sa tom pricom proda ko zna koliko knjiga i predavanja od kojih vishe nego pristojno zivi u tom istom 'odvratnom potrosackom drustvu'


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Sa druge strane Slavuj sa tom pricom proda ko zna koliko knjiga i predavanja od kojih vishe nego pristojno zivi u tom istom 'odvratnom potrosackom drustvu'



Dok je ovaca... :P

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Sa druge strane Slavuj sa tom pricom proda ko zna koliko knjiga i predavanja od kojih vishe nego pristojno zivi u tom istom 'odvratnom potrosackom drustvu'


Sustinski problem tog drustva je prisila, i mentalna i fakticka - to da moras da prezivis, a da bi preziveo moras da se prodajes i iznajmljujes. Zizek nije nikakav izuzetak. Tako da ne vidim sta je tu protivno. U svakom slucaju mislim da je bolje da kupuju Zizekove knjige i posecuju predavanja koja ce ih podstaci na razmisljanje ili ukazati na nesto sto pre nisu imali u vidu nego da se odaju klasicnim trzisnim drogama - kafi kad rade, alkoholu vikendom, zabavom kao proizvodom, a koji ih pasiviziraju i umrtvljuju.

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