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Zemljotres od 9 stepeni Rihtera u Japanu, 11.03.2011


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Meni se baš sviđa ta "ružnoća", a i bar znam da su kuće i zgrade takve kakve su iz nekog razloga - uvek mi je bilo zanimljivo to što nigde nema stepenica da uđeš u zgradu (sad, negde ih ima sigurno), sve je u nivou - i ulica i pločnik i prizemlje kuće/zgrade.Ovo za raniji odlazak kući - snaći će se valjda.@kapetan: B92 je otišao u ... Čitao sam ovo pre, čini mi se, 20 strana ovog topika.

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Uz sve, putovanja su odlozena, samo low hanging fruit. Samo sto je u blizini.Danas (subota, mozda juce) je bio novootvoreni Railways Museum u Nagoji.Nekoliko slika pa onda na temu o zemljotresima.Sam muzej je impozantansniknasen01.jpgVoziti Shinkansen u trenazeru je velika atrakcija, izvlaci se na lutriji ko ce imati priliku da proba. shinkansen07.jpgIma i upozorenje:shinkansen06.jpgKoga izvuku, moze, ima osoblje da poduchi:shinkansen08.jpgNa temu, sta se desava sa Shinkansenom kada je zemljotres?Ako idu na 5 minuta (Tokyo - Hakata, kao Beograd - Bec)), teoretski u njima moze biti i 250 hiljada ljudi u nekom trenutku. Sam sam bio u vreme godisnjih odmora, stajao kao i mnogi, kao u tramvaju, dok on ide 270kmh.Ovde deca probaju interaktivno, da izazovu zemljotres , na dugme , i da vide sta se desava sa Shinkansenom.Prvo, nista, ide:shinkansen02.jpgshinkansen05.jpgOnda zemljotres (deca pritisnu dugme da ga izazovu):shinkansen04.jpgVidi se kako koncetricni krugovi idu, epicentar u crvenom. Shinkansen ih hvata od prvog preko podstanica i onda - staje pre nego sto zemljotres dodje do njega.shinkansen03.jpgKada se Shinkansen zaustavi, tek onda dolazi zemljotres do njega i ova zelena ploca na maketi pocinje vidno da pocinje da se trese.Nije samo da deca znaju da se sklone od zemljotresa nego i shvataju kako stvari rade uopste, otuda nema ni panike koja bi normalno isla uz nesrece.

Edited by Yoyogi
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Miyage Prefecture, tesko razorena i prva na udaru tsunamija. Kako rasciscavanje nanosa i krsha ide, odredili su jedno fudbalsko igraliste da na njega donesu svu belu tehniku, kompjutere, mikrotalasne pecnice, sve elektricne aparate.Odatle ce da ih razvezu na rastavljanje i reciklazu. Ni u normalnim okolnostima ovakve stvari ne mogu jednostavno da se bace. Mora da se kupi nalepnica koja kaze da je placena taksa za odnosenje, 10-30 dolara, i da se odredjenog dana iznese na odredjeno mesto. Frzideri, PC, aircon, TV, njih niko ne nosi, to moras sam da odneses na mesto za reciklazu i licno platis da uzmu.dump2.jpg

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Radioactivity in water at reactor 2 at the quake-damaged Fukushima nuclear plant has reached 10 million times the usual level, company officials say.Workers trying to cool the reactor core to avoid a meltdown have been evacuated.Earlier, Japan's nuclear agency said that levels of radioactive iodine in the sea near the plant had risen to 1,850 times the usual level.
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Blunder...greska. Vest od pre 15 minuta. Treba jos jedno citanje da se utvrdi.Report of huge radiation spike at nuclear plant was mistake: TEPCOSunday 27th March, 09:30 PM JSTFUKUSHIMA — Emergency workers struggling to pump contaminated water from Japan’s stricken nuclear complex fled from one of the troubled reactors Sunday after reporting a huge increase in radioactivity - a spike that officials later apologetically said was inaccurate.The apology came after employees fled the complex’s No. 2 reactor when a reading showed radiation levels had reached 10 million times higher than normal in the reactor’s cooling system. Officials said they were so high that the worker taking the measurements had withdrawn before taking a second reading.On Sunday night, though, plant operators said that while the water was contaminated with radiation, the extremely high reading was a mistake.“The number is not credible,” said Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO) spokesman Takashi Kurita. “We are very sorry.”He said officials were taking another sample to get accurate levels, but did not know when the results would be announced.The situation came as officials acknowledged there was radioactive water in all four of the Fukushima Daiichi complex’s most troubled reactors, and as airborne radiation in No. 2 measured 1,000 millisieverts per hour - four times the limit deemed safe by the government, Kurita said.Officials say they still don’t know where the radioactive water is coming from, though government spokesman Yukio Edano has said some is “almost certainly” seeping from a cracked reactor core in one of the units.While the discovery of the high radiation levels - and the evacuation of workers from one reactor unit - again delayed efforts to bring the deeply troubled complex under control, Edano insisted the situation had partially stabilized.“We have somewhat prevented the situation from turning worse,” he told reporters Sunday evening. “But the prospects are not improving in a straight line and we’ve expected twists and turns. The contaminated water is one of them and we’ll continue to repair the damage.”The discovery over the last three days of radioactive water has been a major setback in the mission to get the plant’s crucial cooling systems operating more than two weeks after a massive earthquake and tsunami.Workers have been scrambling to remove the radioactive water from the four reactors and find a safe place to store it, TEPCO officials said.On Sunday night, Minoru Ogoda of Japan’s nuclear safety agency said each reactor could have hundreds of tons of radioactive water.The protracted nuclear crisis has spurred concerns about the safety of food and water in Japan, which is a prime source of seafood for some countries. Radiation has been found in food, seawater and even tap water supplies in Tokyo.Just outside the coastal Fukushima nuclear plant, radioactivity in seawater tested about 1,250 times higher than normal last week - but that number had climbed to 1,850 times normal by the weekend.Hidehiko Nishiyama, a nuclear safety official, said the increase was a concern, but also said the area is not a source of seafood and that the contamination posed no immediate threat to human health.Experts with the International Atomic Energy Agency said the ocean would quickly dilute the worst contamination.

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Oda autora koji jos nije pogresio a dnevno pise o Fukushimi.There is no sign of the madness abating: reporters are now in a desperate battle to breathe life into the Fukushima non-story, and are resorting to increasingly outrageous methods. Consider the latest work of veteran New Scientist scaremonger Deborah MacKenzie (selected previous headlines: "Pea sized bomb could clear a city" [no it couldn't], "BSE: it's not over yet" [yes it was], "Iran showing fastest scientific growth of any country" [utter bilge]).MacKenzie tells us that "Fukushima fallout nears Chernobyl levels". Normally that wouldn't matter: unfortunately this article is now all over the internet.Ceo clanak.

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Nepogrijesni Japanci zovu Francuze u pomoc

Par ailleurs, Tepco a demandé "l'appui" de groupes industriels publics français pour faire face à la crise sur ce site, a indiqué, lundi, le ministre de l'industrie français, Eric Besson, pour qui la situation est "critique". "Tepco, pour la première fois, je m'en réjouis (...), a demandé l'appui des industriels français concernés, en la circonstance EDF, Areva et le CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique). C'est une bonne nouvelle qu'ils le fassent", a déclaré le ministre sur RTL. Interrogés par l'AFP, ni EDF ni Areva n'étaient en mesure de préciser dans l'immédiat la nature exacte de cet appui, qui n'a pas été détaillé non plus par le ministre.
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Greska je sto to nisu uradili ranije. Mogu oni biti i najbolji na svijetu, ipak su i iskustva drugih dobrodosla.Na pocetku krize Japanci su odbili sve vrste pomoci od Francuza (robote naprimjer).

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Ovo je izjavio ministar Besson. Moguce je da laze (ne bi mu bilo prvi put).Le point
Cek da pitam baba Kuranu, ona sigurno zna za izvor te "vesti". Aha, evo, kaze ona to je sa Radio Andjelije:Izvor vestiObican facebook anonimni poster kao milioni drugih. Vish ti dokle budalastina moze da ide, da se i to citira, i to ministri pe sve dole do ovog Foruma. Nije li bilo drugog izvora?
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