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Zemljotres od 9 stepeni Rihtera u Japanu, 11.03.2011


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evo šta kaže drugarica iz prefekture nagano
I ja sam na pocetku postovao slike iz ofisa dok je trajalo.Posle 15 sekundi (prvi, najjaci, je trajao 5-6 minuta) vec se znalo gde je i koliko je jako. Odmah su stavili TV na mobilnima (vidi se na slici) i nastavili da rade (da u stavri zavrse sta su radili i "save").quake1103-02.jpgEto, i ja sam slikao, bez panike.Neki su gledali kroz prozor dok se sve ljuljalo:quake1103-01.jpgOdmah se pojavila i mapa Japana na TV, sa crvenim linijama na obali gde ce da udari.Dete u skoli, priredba, deca kao vojnici pravac sa bine pod stolove a roditelji, (uglavnom stranci) u panici ne znaju sta da rade, umesto da oni vode.
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Company Executive Swept Away By Tsunami After Saving Chinese WorkersThe Chinese media has been reporting about a Japanese fisheries company executive who saved the lives of his company’s Chinese trainee workers by leading them to high ground. The executive was later swept away by the tsunami, and is presumed to be dead:

When the tsunami hit Miyagi Prefecture on March 11, Sato Mitsuru, a commissioner with the Sato Fisheries Corporation, led the Chinese research students to a safe place and went back to search for his wife and daughter. However, waves soon engulfed the area and Sato went missing. Yi Yanan, a research student from northeast China, said she saw Sato climb to a roof to avoid the tsunami, but he was quickly carried away by the water. Sato’s wife and daughter remained missing too. Cao Jing, another Chinese research student, said the executives of his corporation found a hotel for five Chinese students, even when they were out of touch with their own children. Later, the five students were sent to a shelter and were united with other Chinese. “I dare not imagine what would have happened if they hadn’t helped us,” Cao said. Onagawa-cho had a population of 10,000, half of whom have not been found. All of the about 100 Chinese students were safe in the disaster. Many survived due to the help from locals.

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Nagoya: Pre sat vremena sam se vratio iz supermarketa. Sada ima vode u 2L bocama a opet stoji natpis 2 boce po osobi.Simptomaticno, nema hleba (ima, samo mali izbor)ni kolaca. To se nikada nije masovno trosilo, mislim da je pre zbog poremecaja u saobracaju ili necega indirektno vezanog za punjenje polica (mozda kamioni poslati da dopremaju u ugrozena podrucja) je uzrok tome.To bih primetio, i jedino to, i da ne znam da je bio zemljotres. Drugo nista.

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Evo moja ofis zgrada. Ko se ne bi osecao bezbedno u njoj. Ona ima vidljivo pojacanje (i lezi na hidraulicnim jastucima) i sve druge to imaju a na mnogima se ne vidi spolja:office.jpgBio sam u kolima pa nisam osetio, evo ga opet pre dva sata:M6.1 quake jolts Ibaraki Pref, vicinitySaturday 19th March, 07:10 PM JSTTOKYO — A strong quake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.1 jolted Ibaraki Prefecture and its vicinity in the Kanto region and the southern part of the Tohoku region Saturday evening.The 6:56 p.m. quake registered upper 5 on the Japanese seismic intensity scale of 7 in the northern part of Ibaraki and lower 5 in the southern part of the prefecture, according to the Japan Meteorological Agency. A change in the sea level may occur following the quake, but no damage is expected, the agency said.

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A kablovi, kablovi (elektricni) za pumpe. To je teze nego sto su neki izvestili jos juce da je gotovo:Lower temperatures reported at nuclear reactorsSaturday 19th March, 07:10 PM JSTFUKUSHIMA — Officials on Saturday reported some stability and lower-than-anticipated temperatures at crisis-hit reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant as anticrisis efforts continued.Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano said that conditions at the plant’s most dangerous No. 3 reactor unit have likely become relatively stable after firefighters threw some 60 tons of water at a boiling spent fuel pool there shortly after midnight from outside the damaged building housing it.Defense Minister Toshimi Kitazawa separately said the surface temperatures at the No. 1 to No. 4 reactors were found in the morning at 100 C or lower by a Self-Defense Force helicopter, adding their conditions remain more stable than expected.‘‘We’re trying to get things under control, but we’re still in an unpredictable situation,’’ Edano said.Prime Minister Naoto Kan instructed the Defense Ministry to keep monitoring around the plant, Kitazawa said.Plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Co., meanwhile, managed to connect power cables to the No. 1 and No. 2 reactor buildings, paving the way for checks of their equipment as early as Sunday to see if they can work.Restoring a stable source of electricity to reactivate lost cooling systems is a key step to prevent further deterioration of the situation, particularly as the No. 2 reactor has suffered a rupture at its containment vessel’s pressure-suppression chamber at the bottom.

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Japan said radiation levels in spinach and milk from farms near its tsunami-crippled nuclear complex exceeded government safety limits, as emergency teams scrambled Saturday to restore power to the plant so it could cool dangerously overheated fuel.The food was taken from farms as far as 65 miles (100 kilometers) from the stricken plants, suggesting a wide area of nuclear contamination.While the radiation levels exceeded the limits allowed by the government, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano insisted the products "pose no immediate health risk."
AP Edited by funk soul sister
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Kyodo agencija je nezavisna i njihov izvestaj (deo):Relief efforts for victims, nuke crisis continue in JapanTOKYO, March 19, KyodoRelief efforts for the survivors of the massive earthquake and tsunami that ravaged Japan's northeast last week are progressing slowly but steadily, while the country continues to struggle with a stricken nuclear plant and is now facing the problem of foodstuffs contaminated with leaked radioactive substances.Vlada kaze da tu nema rizika za zdravlje.Mozda i nema rizika:In Maebashi, Gunma, 2.5 becquerels of iodine and 0.38 becquerel of cesium were detected Friday per kilogram of water, the prefectural government said, adding it is the first time the substances were found since it began testing tap water for radioactive materials in 1990.The Nuclear Safety Commission of Japan limits an intake of iodine at 300 becquerels per kilogram of water and of cesium at 200 becquerels.

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nuklearometrija:British Government: French Advice is “Not Based on Science”Yesterday afternoon, the UK’s Chief Scientific Advisor, Sir John Beddington, held a telephone briefing regarding the situation at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. He was asked to comment on French government statements about radiation danger and the need to evacuate Tokyo.

Q: Why is the French giving different advice?Sir John:
Their advice is not based on science

Evacuations, worst case scenarios, and the trustworthiness of the Japanese government were also discussed:

Q: You now advise to “consider leaving” – at what stage would you change that to “leave”?Sir John: Only in the worst case scenarios. The reason we said “consider leaving” – there are major disruptions to transportation and supply chain in the whole of Japan. We are NOT advising that people leave due to the risk of radiation.
Even IF a plume were to reach Tokyo, it would not pose major health risks
. Q: What does plausible worst case mean? Is there an implausible worst case?Sir John: Implausible – all reactors and all ponds go up at the same time and extreme weather conditions bring the plume to Tokyo; it’s not sensible to consider this. Q: How do we know if the Japanese government is telling the whole story?Sir John: There would be a series of explosions at the reactors – the Japanese government cannot hide that if it were to be the case.

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Klinci bre, 22-25 godina. Dosli kao da "predaju" engleski a u stvari zbog 3.14-cke.
http://www.blic.rs/Vesti/Svet/242513/Pet-herojskih-prica-iz-JapanaDvadeset sati tražio devojkuZak Branam, dvadesetčetvorogodišnji Amerikanac koji predaje engleski jezik u Japanu, pešačio je dvadeset sati preko ruševina da bi u drugom selu pronašao voljenu devojku.Brenam je novinarima CNN pričao o svom iskustvu, pokazao im fotografije i video-snimke katastrofe koje je zabeležio na svom putu, ali i snimak srećnog kraja neverovatne priče o ljubavi.Nastavnik spasao decuJedanaestog marta posle podne Britanac Robert Bejli držao je čas grupi japanskih đaka, kada je zemlja počela da podrhtava. Sirena za uzbunu primorskog gradića Ofunato počela je da zavija, upozoravajući da stiže veliki cunami i da je neophodno da se što pre evakuišu, piše britanski “Dejli mejl”. Imali su samo osam minuta da se spasu.Dvadesedmogodišnji Robert Bejli je brzo reagovao i ceo razred (42 dece) odveo na sigurno. Sa vrha obližnjeg brežuljka mogli su samo da posmatraju šta se dešava ispod njih, moleći boga da su dovoljno visoko da uzmaknu pred gnevom cunamija.“Ponosni smo na njega, ali on sam sebe ne smatra herojem. Samo je radio ono što je mislio da treba”, izjavila je njegova majka za “Dejli miror”.Bejli i njegova 42 đaka zaista su imali sreće, jer je džinovski talas uništio školu i okolna naselja. Za Bejlija to, međutim, nije razlog za slavlje, jer se 137 drugih đaka vode kao nestali. Mnogi od njih su osamnaestogodišnjaci koji su završili nastavu i koji su u trenutku kada je grad pogodio cunami bili sa svojim porodicama u niskim kućama pored obale. Edited by ndjordjevic
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U večerašnjem dnevniku Javnog Zahoda saznaćemo šta su razlozi sve učestalijih razornih procesa na planeti (poplave, zemljotresi, vulkani, požari, Vuk Jeremić...) Apsolutno moram da vidim taj prilog koji će naciji Srbalja sve objasniti.

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U večerašnjem dnevniku Javnog Zahoda saznaćemo šta su razlozi sve učestalijih razornih procesa na planeti (poplave, zemljotresi, vulkani, požari, Vuk Jeremić...) Apsolutno moram da vidim taj prilog koji će naciji Srbalja sve objasniti.
Ni ja neću stići da pogledam, ali kladio bih se da je uzrok ili NWO ili manjak spiritity u svetu.
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Počinje:Nezapamćena zima u SADLa Ninja u AustralijiŠto su bili bliže obali, talasi cunamija su bili sve češći.Sagovornici: jedna naša klimatološkinja i lik iz pacifičkog centra za cunamijeDa li postoji centar za upozorenje od cunamija u Mediteranu? Ne postoji, ebga.Mesec je večeras najbliži zemlji. Neki veruju da SuperMesec, kako ga astrolozi zovu, može izazvati prirodne katastrofe. Stručnjaci tvrde suprotono.I to je sve. Ništa od univerzalnog objašnjenja koje su najavili danas popodne. Narušeno je naše pravo da znamo sve.

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Počinje:Nezapamćena zima u SADLa Ninja u AustralijiŠto su bili bliže obali, talasi cunamija su bili sve češći.Sagovornici: jedna naša klimatološkinja i lik iz pacifičkog centra za cunamijeDa li postoji centar za upozorenje od cunamija u Mediteranu? Ne postoji, ebga.Mesec je večeras najbliži zemlji. Neki veruju da SuperMesec, kako ga astrolozi zovu, može izazvati prirodne katastrofe. Stručnjaci tvrde suprotono.I to je sve. Ništa od univerzalnog objašnjenja koje su najavili danas popodne. Narušeno je naše pravo da znamo sve.
Jebeš mu mater, kad u nekoj emisji, koja predenduje da bude ozbiljna čujem nešto o astrologiji, dobijem napad sličan onom koji Vasa ima kada se spomene GSP...Jebote, NEKI veruju, a stručnjaci ne veruju... Pa koji kurac onda spominje te neke? Čime su ti NEKI zaslužili da se njihovo mišljenje spominje?Ja bih za šarlatanstvo na nacionalnim frekfencijama oduzimao dozvolu i globio sa 1M€... Neki veriju da se zemljotresi dešavaju jer se ona kornjača na kojoj stoji zemlja malo drmne... Što nisu i to spomenuli... Edited by radisa
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