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Zemljotres od 9 stepeni Rihtera u Japanu, 11.03.2011


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Pa kad ne gledaš "Žarište" na ex-Fox Belgrade. Eno je usplahirena reporterka sa gajgerovim brojačem u centru Beograda, očitava svakih sat vremena i izveštava, moli ljude koji dolaze iz Japana da pod hitno odu da se "izmere, ne samo zbog sopstvenog zdravlja nego i..." tuc-muc-blja. Valjda su nuklearno zarazni, ne znam. A kad eksplodira Fukušima, onda će i svi ti zaraženi srpski turisti lančano da odu u vazduh...A mi se posle zajebavamo kako je tamo 99./00. RTS savetovao da se obavezno ostane u kućama zbog pomračenja Sunca.
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De,de, nemoj odmah odbrambeni stav, naravno da nisam bio tamo...I napisah, da ja mala salaSamo kazem, individualna odgovornost je osnova kolektivaA sasvim drugo je sebicluk
Nikakav odbrambeni stav nemam, niti hocu da kazem da je odgovor drzave i naroda na Katrinu bio dobar. Naprotiv! Samo me spopada muka kad vidim da ljudi prosipaju neke mitove koje su stvorili senzacionalisticki raspolozeni mediji i koji su se u prvih nekoliko dana/nedelja uzimali zdravo za gotovo, da bi se kasnije utvrdilo da mnogo toga uopste nije bilo tacno.
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Nikakav odbrambeni stav nemam, niti hocu da kazem da je odgovor drzave i naroda na Katrinu bio dobar. Naprotiv! Samo me spopada muka kad vidim da ljudi prosipaju neke mitove koje su stvorili senzacionalisticki raspolozeni mediji i koji su se u prvih nekoliko dana/nedelja uzimali zdravo za gotovo, da bi se kasnije utvrdilo da mnogo toga uopste nije bilo tacno.
Potpuno si u pravu i verovatno sam tome doprineo namernim preuvelichavanjem "rata" koji se tamo vodio, chisto da bih obesmislio poredjenje Japana i New Orleansa jer se oni zaista i ne mogu uporediti. Znam za okrshaje nekih bandi i policije kao i onaj chuveni sluchaj ubistva crnachkog aktiviste u navodnoj samoodbrani (panika) jednog naoruzanog stanovnika bogatog predgradja, ali je to bilo definitivno svetlosnu godinu daleko od onoga shto se u Srbiji prizeljkivalo.
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Preformulisacu, stvarno sam napravio odvratnu generalizaciju: postoji jedan soj emigranata, uglavnom prve generacije, ciji se pripadnici vezuju za najkonzervativnije vrednosti zemlje u koju su dosli.
А да, тога има. Питање је какви су то људи били пре одласка, и зашто су уопште одлазили.Претпостављам да смо многи својевремено имали проблема што смо били овако или онако различити. Неко од тога направи толеранцију, неко гледа да се пришљамчи оним истијима.
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Pa kad ne gledaš "Žarište" na ex-Fox Belgrade. Eno je usplahirena reporterka sa gajgerovim brojačem u centru Beograda, očitava svakih sat vremena i izveštava
Ево ја очитах синоћ и ништа. Исто као и прошле године, тек понеки тик тик из позадине, сказаљка се ни не мрда.
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postoji jedan soj emigranata, uglavnom prve generacije, ciji se pripadnici vezuju za najkonzervativnije vrednosti zemlje u koju su dosli.
Postoji i problem kada dolazish iz zemlje u kojoj su i najprogresivnije vrednosti bile znachajno konzervativnije od najkonzervativnijih u zemlji u koju si doshao, pa se 'vatash za najblize vrednosti kojima si bio izlozen i mogao usvojiti. :lol:Mislim da nisam daleko od istine, iako ovo nije autobiografski iskaz.Ovde su recimo i white supremacists verovatno tolerantni prema homoseksualcima, dok gradonachelnik Beograda, demokrata, to definitivno i nije bash. :D Troll off. Japan.
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Ovde su recimo i white supremacists verovatno tolerantni prema homoseksualcima, dok gradonachelnik Beograda, demokrata, to definitivno i nije bash. :D
ne znam kako da pocnem da odgovaram na ovo
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Paralelno osiguranje. Dve torbe sa neophodnim stvarima, vodom i baterijama, stoje uz izlazna vrata. Jedna, manja, rezervna, stoji na balkonu koji ima otvor sa stepenicama za evakuaciju, ako se ulazna vrata urushe. Dokumenta, debele jakne, cebad i voda su dole u kolima, cak i da zgrada padne, ne bi lako dohvatila kola (teze bi bilo da mi ostanemo zivi i da do njih dodjemo). Instant noodles, za 7 dana, takodje. Slemovi, uz svaki jastuk. Pre su bili ispod svakog kreveta.Nije bas spavanje na jedno oko a opet se (za sada serija spokojnih noci) dani zive sa oprezom. Spremnost za nesrecu je uvek bila tu, sada je malo podignuta na gore.Ubrzo ce zivot, kao kada se prodje pored saobracajne nesrece pa se uspori da se vidi, pa se posle vozi polako, pa posle pola sata isto kao da nista nije bilo.

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Statement on the Japanese Nuclear Accident - Bernard Bonin, Chairman of the European Nuclear Society High Scientific Council, Vladimir Slugen, European Nuclear Society PresidentThe information gathered from the Japanese authorities permit to draw a rough picture of the sequence of events that led to the Fukushima nuclear accident. Among the 6 reactors at Tokyo Electric Power Company's (Tepco's) East coast Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, reactors 1, 2 and 3 were in operation when the magnitude 9.0 earthquake struck. During the earthquake, the safety rods were automatically inserted in the three running reactors, stopping the chain reaction...

At the same time, the grid power supply was blown out, and the auxiliary reactor core cooling system started normally, providing temporary cooling to the reactors. The same scenario then applied to the three reactors. At the time of the shutdown, the decay heat that needed to be removed from the cores amounted to about 7% of the nominal power of the reactors. Unfortunately, the 7 to 10 meter tsunami wave that hit the coast in the plant area after the earthquake seems to have caused the failure of the heat sink necessary to cool the reactors on a long-term basis. The cooling of the reactors then depended on the vaporisation of the water available in the reactor vessel and in the other reservoirs in the plant. The steam produced inside the reactor vessel was condensed in the condensation vessel, whose temperature and pressure began to rise slowly. A few tens of hours later, it was decided to vent some steam outside this vessel in order to reduce the pressure. Unfortunately, the steam appeared to contain some hydrogen, produced by the oxidation of the overheated fuel cladding. This hydrogen, vented in the top part of the reactors buildings, exploded when it came into contact with air.At this stage, the presence of hydrogen and of volatile fission products like iodine and caesium in the released steam suggested that the temperature of the fuel was such that severe damage of the fuel claddings might have taken place inside the reactor vessel.Pumping seawater into the reactors was decided as an ultimate measure to cool the reactors, to maintain the integrity of the reactor and containment vessels, and to confine the radioactivity. This procedure seems to have succeeded so far in reactors 1 and 3. A confinement leak in reactor 2 containment structure has been dreaded, but was not confirmed as of March 18th.As another dramatic consequence of the earthquake, the storage pools which contain the spent fuel of reactors lost some of their water. Consequently, the spent fuel rods might have been insufficiently cooled and exposed to air. This might have resulted in heating of the spent fuel, with severe degradation of the fuel zirconium alloy cladding and subsequent release of part of the volatile fission products it contains into the atmosphere. A high level of radioactivity was measured around reactor 4.The local population has been evacuated in time, and does not seem to have received radiation doses liable to induce health effects.It is still premature to assess the possible consequences of the accident. For reactors 1, 2, 3, the amount of released radioactivity will depend on the resistance of the confinement vessels, and it is hoped that the ongoing procedure to cool the reactor cores will finally succeed, as the heat produced by the cores decreases every day. The outcome will also depend on the ability of the operators to refill and cool the pools containing the spent fuel.One can note that, contrary to the previous nuclear accidents, Three Mile Island and Tchernobyl, a major external hazard (earthquake and tsunami) is the primary cause of the accident.It should be stressed that the magnitude of the tsunami that struck Japan was beyond the design value to which the reactors were supposed to withstand. It will be the task of seismologists and earth scientists to determine if the probability of occurrence of such extreme events have really been underestimated during the reactors design, or if these events are so exceptional that the residual risk could a priori be considered acceptable.Nuclear power plants have proven their value to society in Japan and elsewhere. The recent events have also shown the associated risks. In the future public debate that will certainly take place in democratic countries about the use of nuclear energy, it will probably be difficult to weigh with serenity the advantages against the risks of this form of energy.The European Nuclear Society expresses its deepest thoughts to the Japanese population.Bernard Bonin, ENS High Scientific Council, Vladimir Slugen, ENS President with the contribution of experts from the French Atomic Energy Commission : Patrick Dumaz, Patrick Raymond and Henri Safa.

ENS statement

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Kad smo vec kod novinarsta, uvek objektivan i umerena politika daje vest sa sledecim naslovom i podnaslovom:

nesto nize ide objasnjenje u txt:
Амерички званичници су први пут изнели процене о опасностима из оштећене нуклеарне централе у Фукушими које су драматичније од јапанских.„Ниво радијације” је екстремно висок, оценио је пред Конгресом главни амерички нуклеарни регулатор Грегори Јацко. Из овога су проистекли и различити савети за евакуацију: амерички безбедносни појас је 80 километара изван проблематичних реактора, док је јапанска препорука 20.У исто време најављено је и слање авиона за евакуисање америчких држављана из угрожених подручја Јапана, уз процене да ће радиоактивни облак до обала Калифорније стићи у петак по подне, али да неће донети озбиљније опасности, пошто ће његово радиоактивно дејство на путу преко Пацифика радикално ослабити.
Politika - ozbiljne novine.
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Updated on March 19, 2011 01:00 (JST)(Japan Standard Time)Realtime radiation data collected via the System for Prediction of Environment Emergency Dose Information (SPEEDI)The Results are the maximum values of the space dose rate distributions shown from local governments in the latest updated date and timeNot surprisingly, Miyagi and Fukushima are completely N/A, as every single reading is Under Survey, also known as censored.Ishikawa is reported also as Under Surveylink

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Paralelno osiguranje. Dve torbe sa neophodnim stvarima, vodom i baterijama, stoje uz izlazna vrata. Jedna, manja, rezervna, stoji na balkonu koji ima otvor sa stepenicama za evakuaciju, ako se ulazna vrata urushe. Dokumenta, debele jakne, cebad i voda su dole u kolima, cak i da zgrada padne, ne bi lako dohvatila kola (teze bi bilo da mi ostanemo zivi i da do njih dodjemo). Instant noodles, za 7 dana, takodje. Slemovi, uz svaki jastuk. Pre su bili ispod svakog kreveta.Nije bas spavanje na jedno oko a opet se (za sada serija spokojnih noci) dani zive sa oprezom. Spremnost za nesrecu je uvek bila tu, sada je malo podignuta na gore.Ubrzo ce zivot, kao kada se prodje pored saobracajne nesrece pa se uspori da se vidi, pa se posle vozi polako, pa posle pola sata isto kao da nista nije bilo.
Ova situacija mi je sasvim normalna, pa i sam ramisljam sta bih uradio kad bi bilo... Ali kad se okrenem i pogledam sina kako tuce igrice, ceru kako gleda crtace, zenu kako cita novine i kuce kako se igra loptom cini mi se da ja nisam normalan sto tako razmisljam, ili mozda jesam.Fali ti komplet za prvu pomoc (zavoji, jod, antiseptici, antibiotici, neki dezificijenti za vodu...). Malo morfijuma bi dobro doslo ali samo po potrebi :D. Radio radi kratkog dometa sa polis fr, sekira, cekic, testera, kljesta za armaturu, rukavice...Za literaturu predlazem prirucnik za borbu protiv zombija i kupoholicarku.
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a jel se moglo uraditi vise za one ljude u prinudnim sklonistima?
Nema tu "vishe" ili "manje". Mora da se uradi sve.Sinoc, posle obracanja naciji na TV, Premijer Naoto Kan je prvi put za 7 dana otisao u svoju kucu. To se od svih zvanicnika i odgovornih ocekuje. Za evakuisane (za one kojima je nereca unistila domove, ima ih evakuisanih iz kruga od 20km olo Fukushima kojima nije) ce drzava napraviti stanove. Sportska hala u Yamagati, pocece razmestaj, ko ima gde da ode, onda u domove po zemlji koji ce rado da prime neku porodicu i u druge smestajne objekte koje drzava ima ili zakupi. Za manje od godinu dana ce svi imati novi smestaj. Na tom rekontrukcionom zamahu i ocekivanju traznje svetski investitori su poceli da kupuju yen i digli ga do neprijatno i opasno velike vrednosti da je pocelo da ugrozava konkurentnost japanske robe. Treba sinhronizovana akcija centralne evropske bamke i US Feds da se yen sopusti na dole, to je i dogovoreno prekjuce.art_evacuees.jpgOn relief efforts, Kan said he knows there has been ‘‘a lot of confusion and difficulty.’’ He said the government is now redoubling its efforts to ‘‘do everything in its power’’ not only to supply food, water, blankets and other basic needs, but also to create an environment in which people can live without anxiety.He said the government is exploring the possibility of moving some of the hundreds of thousands of evacuees living in shelters in northeastern Japan to different regions of the country for some months until housing for them is built.After giving the address in the evening, Kan moved back to his official residence, located adjacent to the premier’s office, for the first time since March 11, when the quake and ensuing tsunami devastated the country’s northeast coast.Kan had stayed the whole week in his office, addressing the emergency situation around the clock and only taking naps, according to government officials close to him.
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