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América Latina, España, Portugal...

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Chavella Vargas. The best of the Mexican cancion ranchera singers. Her first recordings appeared in 1961. Although she retired in 1979, a victim of alcoholism, Vargas returned in 1990 after accepting a role in the Werner Herzog film A Cry of Stone. One year later, she contributed a song to the soundtrack of Tacones Lejanos, and in 1993 she entered a recording studio for the first time in decades.
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While many of the performers during the heyday of Tropicalia and the rise of MPB (música popular brasileira) opted for a more radical stance in their challenge to Brazil's political and cultural authorities, Ben became known as one of the country's great musical alchemists, a furiously eclectic songwriter who combined elements of indigenous Brazilian music with a groove from the west coast of Africa.
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Originally more of a collective than a band, the Barcelona-based flamenco fusion group Ojos de Brujo, came together in the mid-'90s when guitarist Ramon Giménez began playing with likeminded experimental musicians like singer Marina "La Canillas" Abad and percussionist Xavi Turull, trying to find out what kind of sound they could create.
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savrsena pesma. pogresio sam sto topic nisam nazvao America latina i mediteran, onda bi mogli da kacimo i klezmer i grcku muziku i italijansku, npr. Fabrizio de Andre ili tako nesto..

pogresio sam sto topic nisam nazvao America latina i mediteran, onda bi mogli da kacimo i klezmer i grcku muziku i italijansku, npr. Fabrizio de Andre ili tako nesto..
a gde bi onda mogao da se okači hose gonsales? on živi i stvara, čini mi se, negde u skandinaviji, ali je poreklom argentinac.s druge strane, može uvek da se doda poneka 'palabra' pa da se opravda kačenje.a sa treće strane, ima mesta za još topica :)

Edited by slepa živana

souad:)v. parra!

pa repa hopahit hit hit...iii najbolja verzija

Edited by prima

Marcos Valle

.... 1972's "Vento Sul" album found Valle long-haired and bearded, and backed by the progressive rock band O Terço. His most experimental and left-field effort to date (he even flirted with heavy metal on the song "Mi Hermoza"), it was something of a sales flop, although it has accumulated many admirers over the ensuing decades. ....

Edited by prima

samo mi nije jasno kakve veze souad massi ima sa ovom temom, ali ajde, da ne zakeram, uvek je lepo videti je ...

jos malo letai ribot legenda

Before Ry Cooder brought the Buena Vista Social Club into Starbuckses and Barnes & Nobles across the land, there was Marc Ribot y los Cubanos Postizos. Formed on a bit of a lark by fellow NYC session musicians, the band applied its subtle contemporary American touch to a classic Cuban/Puerto Rican sound. Ribot is at his loosest and most comfortable here, while the Prosthetic Cubans cook behind him in a way that transports the listener to a modern Havana that exists only in myth for us outsiders.
samo mi nije jasno kakve veze souad massi ima sa ovom temom, ali ajde, da ne zakeram, uvek je lepo videti je ...
fado massizaebato klasifikovati muziku po bilo kom osnovu pa to ti je

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