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Opet ja. I dalje imam isti problem i dok čekam rešenje/guglam, da priupitam i ovde da li neko zna šta s ovim:




Dakle, PC mi ne vidi Nexus 5, a ne mogu da apdejtujem drajver zbog ovoga gore, a u drugom dialogu vidim da je problem Code 31.


edit: ne vidi se telefon ni na linux mašini. Odnosno, tamo se vidi kada ga povežem kao kameru, ali samo foto folder.

Edited by Lrd
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jesi probao ovo:


go to device manager and uninstall and delete ADB interface driver. Unplug nexus. Then download this driver from google.

Set your Nexus as MTP and plug in but be sure before you plug nexus in that "automatic driver install" is disabled in your Windows settings..
After you plugged it in you should find it listed in your device manager as unknown device. Then manually install the above driver. Hope that works.
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jesi probao ovo:


go to device manager and uninstall and delete ADB interface driver. Unplug nexus. Then download this driver from google.

Set your Nexus as MTP and plug in but be sure before you plug nexus in that "automatic driver install" is disabled in your Windows settings..
After you plugged it in you should find it listed in your device manager as unknown device. Then manually install the above driver. Hope that works.



Da, radio sam to, baš sa te strane. Access denied kada pokušam da ponovo instaliram drajvere.

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Jel ti počišćen stari driver?


Kako to da proverim? Sada mi je promenio ikonicu telefona u device manageru, ali ništa dalje od toga. Opet je access denied.

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Ne znam da li će to riješiti problem, ali moraš u konzolu (cmd). Prije toga, kliknidesnom prvo na ikonu, trebaju mi dvije stvari: poruka na prvom tabu drivera, točno, i onda na onaj treći tab, Details, inf name.


Najgore što bi moglo biti, a da mi pada na pamet, je da je zbog nečega ograničen pristup hajvu tog drajvera u registryju. To će bit megasjebano riješit.

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Okej, kada se desnoklikne, poruka na prvom tabu je:


The drivers for this device are not installed. (Code 28)

Access is denied.

To find a driver for this device, click Update Driver.



A treći tab je sad samo ovo:



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Klikni device description, dođi do inf name.


Nego, budući da je riječ o USB driveru, žešće sumnjam na registry i da će riješavanje morat izgledat ovako.

Error: "Access is Denied" during USB Driver Installation
First of all, make sure you are logged in with administrator account and have full permission on your machine. If you are still facing same problem then most probably the USBSTOR registry key has denied access to SYSTEM account.
So to give permission to USBSTOR registery key, open the regisrty editor and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\USBSTOR
Now right click on USBSTOR and choose permission from the shortcut menu, now check the SYSTEM account from the list for full permission also make sure that your user account has full permission, uncheck the deny checkbox if any and apply the changes.

Now you should be able to install the USB mass storage device driver.

Does that look like your cup of tea? Ili će trebat strućno vođenje...

Edited by Roger Sanchez
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Klikni device description, dođi do inf name.


Nego, budući da je riječ o USB driveru, žešće sumnjam na registry i da će riješavanje morat izgledat ovako.

Does that look like your cup of tea? Ili će trebat strućno vođenje...


Može ovako, nemam ništa protiv.


Samo što nemam inf name. :(




I gore ima još opcije device description i hardware ids

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Znači nije ništa instalirano, ne laže Windows.. Morat ćeš probati ovo iz kvota onda!


I to sam probao i Access denied. Bar smo zatvorili krug. :)


Hvala što se cimaš, ali ako ti nije teško, daj mi bar neku smernicu šta da prčkam po registryju.

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Ma znam da ne sme, pizdim i hoću da razbijem i kompjuter i telefon.


Imam Avast. A moguće je da su mi se problemi pojavili kada sam (DEBIL!) instalirao nedavno iTunes, pa mi je prijavio pri instalaciji da nije sve prošlo kako treba, te sam ga aninstalirao. Nemam predstavu kakve bi to veze moglo da ima, ali to je jedino čudno što se dešavalo do sada.

Inače, neće da se konektuje ni na druge mašine, kako Win 7, tako i XP, i sada linux (mint 12).

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