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Ruku na srce, celu stranu sam doživeo kao puku zajebanciju, koja ne pretenduje da ustvrdi da novinari Tajmsa for real ne vole Đokovića zbog njegovih fer-plej poteza (osim zbog toga što je Srbin). S obzirom da vidim da grešim, povlačim se željno iščekujući sledeći razlog. Možda zbog njegove veličine u predajama? Vidi ovde kako mu se ovaj amater Gilbert podsmeva:


"Četnik s reketom" je dole i sasvim je dovoljan, ovo već postaje smešno. Daj okači onaj video sa njegovom torbom da se još malo smejemo


Izvini, ali nisam ja započeo fer-plej zajebanciju. Vidi sa nekim od fanova. Torba može kao prilog tome da ga nedovoljno cene zbog religioznog fanatizma.


Izvini, ali nisam ja započeo fer-plej zajebanciju. Vidi sa nekim od fanova. Torba može kao prilog tome da ga nedovoljno cene zbog religioznog fanatizma.


A ti kao verni citalac Times-a odmah skocio da branis taj ugledni dnevnik. Bravo. Harvard Business Review, Times, Daily Telegraph, ponosan sam sto sam u drustvu konzumenata najboljeg sto medjunarodna stampa ima da ponudi.


Ma aj sve sve, ne bi bio problem da ni trener nije u istom fazonu. 

  • 3 weeks later...
The question of Djokovic's relative unpopularity is a perplexing one. As a natural contrarian, it doesn't particularly bother me that he's not everybody's favorite player, as Federer is here, but it does irk me a little how often I hear people express their distaste or even contempt for him. I both get it and don't get it. I understand that certain things about him can be off-putting, like the shirt ripping, or the Cro-Magnon roar; it can come off as brutish in a sport that tries to project an image of refinement. Yet, as you said, Djokovic has this very human quality to him. He gets too upset with himself, too concerned with the crowd—though it is hard to imagine a crowd cheering for Stepanek against Federer, so you can see the frustration he might feel—but these moments, along with his near unparalleled sportsmanship, seem very genuine.
It seems, though, that many people can't get past the moments of brashness. While I was watching the Wimbledon final I was texting back and forth with my cousins, who know I'm a big Djokovic fan, and they were openly rooting against him, more so than rooting for Federer. Much like Djokovic that day, I was feeling a little alone in the world.
To answer your other question, regarding my Eastern European background and its role in my identification with Djokovic, I think there is something to it, and it has something to do with this feeling of always being an outsider. I am literally Eastern European in name only. My paternal grandfather was born in the Czech Republic but immigrated to Canada when he was 5, and my only real connection to the "homeland"—my great-grandmother—passed away more than 10 years ago. I can't legitimately claim to be anything other than Canadian, but I have found myself, more and more as I grow older, identifying with the outsider's perspective that Eastern Europeans often have (coincidentally, I recently played a singles match against a Czech player who most people find off-putting; he and I immediately hit it off). I don't know if it has to do with my heritage, but I suspect it does. 
The interesting thing about those in the outsider role is—if I can wear my academic hat for a moment—those who are on the inside are quite fine with them as long as those outsiders know their place. This is why players like Stepanek, who plays the slightly exotic but mostly harmless clown role, and Del Potro, who is always deferential and humble, like a good servant, may be more acceptable outsiders. Ultimately they’re unthreatening; they know their place. Whereas Djokovic, while he can be both deferential and clownish, seems to not know his place. He’s therefore threatening, and people tend to project negativity towards that which threatens them. 
How’s that for a cynical outsider’s perspective?



Fan Club: Novak Djokovic [tennis.com]


Wow, kad sam ja ovo isto napisao pregazise me anti-cetnik brigade kao plitak potok. :s_a:


Wow, kad sam ja ovo isto napisao pregazise me anti-cetnik brigade kao plitak potok. :s_a:


a, pa cekaj...drugovi se jos grupisu :D


Wow, kad sam ja ovo isto napisao...


Zato sam ga izmedju ostalog linkovao i kvotovao bas taj deo. :D

Posted (edited)

mislim da je poenta u tome što se novak drznuo da bude nešto više od klauna i to je baš dobro primećeno

njegove imitacije su bile jako simpatične sve do momenta dok nije ozbiljnije zapretio vladaocima teniskog neba, a koji su prihvaćeni kao legitimni

novak nikad neće biti prihvaćen na taj način i to svakako nije do njega i njegove ličnosti



padobranac koji tu samo smeta

umesto da se ponaša kako i dolikuje, tj. kao dekoracija oko kraljevskog trona  :kralj: 

Edited by dùda

Nije valjda da sad krece novi krug... :(


Nije valjda da sad krece novi krug... :(


Nema potrebe, reg je zakljucao topik. Nekoliko nas odavno tvrdi da su ovo legitimne teme u teniskoj javnosti i ovim je to samo potvrdjeno.


Nema potrebe, reg je zakljucao topik. Nekoliko nas odavno tvrdi da su ovo legitimne teme po Đovakovim fan klubovima i ovim je to samo potvrdjeno.


Da, tennis.com je Novakov fan klub a Tignor je njegov najveci navijac. Hajde idi i gurni glavu u prase, umesto sto se bavis necim o cemu nemas pojma.


O jbt, normalno da ce federerovi navijaci vise mrziti novaka nego stepaneka. Dovoljno je pogledati odnos prema federeru i nadalu na ovom topicu.


pitanje je zasto djokovic ima tako malo fanova, a onaj tekst definitivno nije odgovor.


mislim da je poenta u tome što se novak drznuo da bude nešto više od klauna i to je baš dobro primećeno

njegove imitacije su bile jako simpatične sve do momenta dok nije ozbiljnije zapretio vladaocima teniskog neba, a koji su prihvaćeni kao legitimni

novak nikad neće biti prihvaćen na taj način i to svakako nije do njega i njegove ličnosti



padobranac koji tu samo smeta

umesto da se ponaša kako i dolikuje, tj. kao dekoracija oko kraljevskog trona  :kralj: 

...do momenta dok ne pocnes da stavljas ruku preko ociju i promenis kanal posto ti je neprijatno da gledas kako po stoti put imitira sarapovu ili nadala. kursadzijski humor.

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