February 4, 201114 yr [fotografski troll] Evo ga veliki intervju od pre mesec-dva, u kom su Neil i Daniel Lanois pričali za American SongwriterHa! Znao sam. Kao prvo i osnovno, vidim fotke prvoklasne. (Cak neko ispod teksta komentarise da su "warm and vibrant" - now, that's a clear giveaway, mislim se). Ne budem lenj, i iskopam nesto o autorici Alissi Anderson... guess what? Koristi film - srednji format ... evo joj licni sajt, a evo je i na flickru)[/fotografski troll]
February 4, 201114 yr Neverovatno lepo... a obozavljem 1 nezne tex/mex detalje u gitarskom radu. Sve, sve, ali taj bridge... x1000http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skJddbSJQjA
February 4, 201114 yr Једном сам имао срећу да Бруса и Нила видим на сцени заједно. Интензитет је био раван ономе шта га некоћ осетих у КСТ када је Грант Харт почео прву песму.
February 7, 201114 yr Uh, to se stvarno zove sreca.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3goJ6YUjE70 Da ne pominjemo sve legendarne, ali meni je ovo mnogo dobar album. Kad se pojavio, bio sam opcinjen kako rokaju cetiri veterana.Edit: Proslo je vec 20 godina... :o Edited February 7, 201114 yr by The Ghost
February 7, 201114 yr Ja sam svih ovih 20 godina opcinjen ovim albumom. Jos uvek ga redovno slusam mada u poslednje vreme mp3. Ploca je za svecane prilike. Interesantno je da su neke pesme, po Neilovom obicaju, u trenutku objavljivanja bile stare i po 15 godina (White Line). Na poledjini omota ima poruka Don't spook the horse a istoimena pesma nije dospela na plocu mada nije ni malo losija od objavljenih.
July 21, 201113 yr Nisam dosad primetio da Neil ima svoj topik, super.Da li ima zainteresovanih da uslikam Greatest hits : easy guitar with notes & tab ?Ima 16 pesama:Down by the river -- Cowgirl in the sand -- Cinnamon girl -- Helpless -- After the goldrush -- Only love can break your heart -- Southern man -- Ohio -- The needle and the damage done -- Old man -- Heart of gold -- Like a hurricane -- Comes a time -- Hey hey, my my (Into the black) -- Rockin' in the free world -- Harvest moon.
February 2, 201213 yr Horse back!http://www.neilyoung.com/ Neil Young has posted a video to his website called “Horse Back.” Recorded on January 6th, the 37-minute long video captures the audio of Young and Crazy Horse doing an instrumental jam on “F–in’ Up” and “Cortez the Killer” while a camera moves through Young’s rehearsal space. Young and Crazy Horse reportedly have a new album that’s due out in the late spring
February 2, 201213 yr Horse back!http://www.neilyoung.com/ Neil Young has posted a video to his website called “Horse Back.” Recorded on January 6th, the 37-minute long video captures the audio of Young and Crazy Horse doing an instrumental jam on “F–in’ Up” and “Cortez the Killer” while a camera moves through Young’s rehearsal space. Young and Crazy Horse reportedly have a new album that’s due out in the late spring POsle 2 minuta usudjujem se reci da je ovo najbolji video i audio stream sto je moj racunar ikad propustio.
February 2, 201213 yr Posle 2 minuta usuđujem se reći da volim VU metre, da mi se sviđa zvuk gitare i da ću svakako odgledati do kraja.EDIT. Skinuo video (Firefox + Ant Video Downloader) i sad vrtim na repeat. Hevn! Edited February 3, 201213 yr by Indy
March 20, 201213 yr http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/neil-young-and-crazy-horse-to-release-new-album-americana-on-june-5th-20120319
October 21, 201212 yr Neil Young o kvalitetu muzickih snimaka, pirateriji, muzickim kompanijama, Steve Jobsu itd. Koja je on milica! Let the people have a 100% ^_^http://on.wsj.com/M3gfam
October 26, 201212 yr Izasao je u pretprodaji Psychedelic Pill. Stanc masina kao i sve posle Greendale. Jbg. Valjda cu docekati da ga cujem na koncertu.
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