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Movie producer Harvey Weinstein announced for the first time on Howard Stern’s radio show that he is making a full feature drama to try to destroy the National Rifle Association.Mr. Stern asked Mr. Weinstein on Wednesday whether he owned a gun. The Hollywood heavyweight replied that he did not and never would. “I don’t think we need guns in this country. And I hate it,” the producer said. “I think the NRA is a disaster area.”Mr. Weinstein then revealed his secret project about the gun rights group. “I shouldn’t say this, but I’ll tell it to you, Howard,” he said. “I’m going to make a movie with Meryl Streep, and we’re going to take this head-on. And they’re going to wish they weren’t alive after I’m done with them.”
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Zanimljivo. Da li je u periodu nakon 2008. bilo nekih promena u javnim politikama u pogledu bezbednosti u saobraćaju?


A možda ljudi manje voze nego ranije, pre krize :)

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Evo, iz teksta odakle je grafikon. http://thinkprogress.org/justice/2014/02/22/3320751/gun-deaths-surpass-car-accidents-leading-cause-young-people/


Deaths of young people as a result of car accidents have dropped dramatically in the last two decades, from a high of more than 12,000 deaths among this age group in 1990. This decline is not an accident: billions of dollars have been spent on public health and safety research to understand motor vehicle accidents and how to prevent them from becoming fatal. This research has resulted in design innovation, changes to cars and roadways, and new laws that have led to a significant and steady decline in such fatalities among all age groups, including young people. There was no silver bullet for reducing vehicular death: airbags, seatbelt laws, anti-lock brakes, better signage, and tough drunk driving laws all contributed to it. But, in combination these measures have saved tens of thousands of American lives.

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U istom periodu je pao i broj gun deaths. I generalno, u gotovo svim statističkim kolonama SAD su bezbednije sada nego pre 20 godina. 



Ali slažem se, poenta je uvođenju nekih pravila koje dalje treba da smanje te brojke. Ovo što si preneo me je podsetilo me na ovu epizodu Daily Show. Pogledati od 3:10 (mada je sve pre toga takođe zanimljivo). 



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U istom periodu je pao i broj gun deaths.

Meni je u stvari upecatljivija poruka kolika je dimenzija "gun deaths" (bez obzira na uspone i padove). U vecini zemalja mislim da ne bi mogli na istu skalu ni da se stave (a da se nesto vidi).

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čitao sam neki tekst koji kaže da je "gun deaths" broj manji uglavnom zato što je napredovala medicina i zdravstvena zaštita, jer se ranjeni i teško ranjeni uspevaju brzo prebaciti u bolnicu i tamo oporaviti. bila je i neka statistika...



ne mogu da nađem to sad :(

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Meni je u stvari upecatljivija poruka kolika je dimenzija "gun deaths" (bez obzira na uspone i padove). U vecini zemalja mislim da ne bi mogli na istu skalu ni da se stave (a da se nesto vidi).

Kačio sam ranije ovaj link. 




U kategoriji Homicides by guns per 100.000 people, theUSofA ima stopu 3.2. Među EU državama najgore stoji Italija sa 0.71. I što je jednako zanimljivo, u obe države se otprilike dve trećine ubistava dogodi na ovaj način - by guns. U drugim EU državama ova stopa je još niža ali istini za volju, manji je udeo ubistava by guns u ukupnom broju odnosno stopi ubistava.


čitao sam neki tekst koji kaže da je "gun deaths" broj manji uglavnom zato što je napredovala medicina i zdravstvena zaštita, jer se ranjeni i teško ranjeni uspevaju brzo prebaciti u bolnicu i tamo oporaviti. bila je i neka statistika...



ne mogu da nađem to sad :(

Evo statistike New York Crime Rates 1960-2012. Generalno gledano, u svim kategorijama je primetan pad kriminala. Nakon što je vrh dostignut osamdesetih i početkom devedesetih, kreće gotovo linearni pad u broju kriminalnih radnji, sve do nivoa koji je bio prisutan šezdesetih (u proseku). 



Naleteo sam i na textove koji ukazuju da se trend iz NY beleži i drugde širom theUSofA.


Tako da, sumnjam da je broj gun deaths opao jer je napredovala zdravstvena zaštita. Ondosno, to teško da je primarni razlog. Pre će biti da je generalno gledano, theUSofA danas bezbednija nego pre 20 godina. Odnosno, da je manje bilo upucavanja, pa samim tim i manje smrtno upucanih. 

Edited by pacey defender
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Kačio sam ranije ovaj link. 




U kategoriji Homicides by guns per 100.000 people, theUSofA ima stopu 3.2. Među EU državama najgore stoji Italija sa 0.71. I što je jednako zanimljivo, u obe države se otprilike dve trećine ubistava dogodi na ovaj način - by guns. U drugim EU državama ova stopa je još niža ali istini za volju, manji je udeo ubistava by guns u ukupnom broju odnosno stopi ubistava.


Evo statistike New York Crime Rates 1960-2012. Generalno gledano, u svim kategorijama je primetan pad kriminala. Nakon što je vrh dostignut osamdesetih i početkom devedesetih, kreće gotovo linearni pad u broju kriminalnih radnji, sve do nivoa koji je bio prisutan šezdesetih (u proseku). 



Naleteo sam i na textove koji ukazuju da se trend iz NY beleži i drugde širom theUSofA.


Tako da, sumnjam da je broj gun deaths opao jer je napredovala zdravstvena zaštita. Ondosno, to teško da je primarni razlog. Pre će biti da je generalno gledano, theUSofA danas bezbednija nego pre 20 godina. Odnosno, da je manje bilo upucavanja, pa samim tim i manje smrtno upucanih.


pazi ovo (na prvu loptu):




The reported number of people treated for gunshot attacks from 2001 to 2011 has grown by nearly half.


"Did everybody become a lousy shot all of a sudden? No," said Jim Pasco, executive director of the National Fraternal Order of Police, a union that represents about 330,000 officers. "The potential for a victim to survive a wound is greater than it was 15 years ago."

In other words, more people in the U.S. are getting shot, but doctors have gotten better at patching them up. Improved medical care doesn't account for the entire decline in homicides but experts say it is a major factor.




After a steady decline through the 1990s, the annual number of homicides zigzagged before resuming a decline in 2007, falling from 16,929 that year to an estimated 14,722 in 2010, according to FBI crime data.


At the same time, medical data and other surveys in the U.S. show a rising number of serious injuries from assaults with guns and knives. The estimated number of people wounded seriously enough by gunshots to require a hospital stay, rather than treatment and release, rose 47% to 30,759 in 2011 from 20,844 in 2001, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Electronic Injury Surveillance System-All Injury Program. The CDC estimates showed the number of people injured in serious stabbings rose to 23,550 from 22,047 over the same period.


Mortality rates of gunshot victims, meanwhile, have fallen, according to research performed for The Wall Street Journal by the Howard-Hopkins Surgical Outcomes Research Center, a joint venture between Howard University and Johns Hopkins University. In 2010, 13.96% of U.S. shooting victims died, almost two percentage points lower than in 2007. (Earlier data used different standards, making comparisons useless.)

Enlarge Image


The Howard-Hopkins analysis of the National Trauma databank, which collects information from more than 900 trauma centers in the U.S., also found a decrease in the death rate for victims admitted for stab wounds.


Criminologists say they are cautious about using such medical statistics to draw conclusions because of year-to-year inconsistencies in the number of medical institutions reporting data. The FBI collects annual homicide and aggravated assault statistics but doesn't have reliable numbers for gun and knife attacks.


Jens Ludwig, a law professor and the director of the University of Chicago Crime Lab, said he was leery of any number beyond reported homicides.


"Homicide is the one thing we're measuring well," he said. "Everything else is subject to much more uncertainty," including varying numbers of emergency departments contributing data, as well as differences in how injuries are classified.


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Tu se brojke baš i ne slažu na prvi pogled. Roe v. Wade je slučaj iz 1973. godine. Narednih 15-20 godina beležen je rast kriminala. 



pa da, ali oni koji bi bili (a nisu) rođeni tokom '70-ih bi taman '90-ih došli u doba da čine budalaštine.

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