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A convicted murderer who spent time in a hospital for mental illness after he killed his mother legally obtained a permit and purchased an arsenal of guns because of a loophole in the Minnesota legislation.Christian Oberender, now 32, killed his mother in the family's home with five shots from a shotgun in 1995, according to the Minneapolis Star Tribune. He was 14-years-old at the time and was eventually committed to a hospital for being mentally ill and dangerous. Despite this, Oberender was able to obtain a gun permit last May and has since amassed an arsenal of 13 guns, including semi-automatic rifles, an AK-47, a Tommy gun, assorted shotguns and a .50-caliber Desert Eagle.
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Pitanje za vas koji ste vise upoznati sa njihovim zakonima, zar ne vazi pravilo da se maloletnicki dosije nigde ne pojavljuje? Tj. vidim da pise da je imao 14 godina kada je izvrsio zlocin, sto bi mozda znacilo da se taj "prekrsaj" nigde ne pojavljuje u proverama.

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Pitanje za vas koji ste vise upoznati sa njihovim zakonima, zar ne vazi pravilo da se maloletnicki dosije nigde ne pojavljuje? Tj. vidim da pise da je imao 14 godina kada je izvrsio zlocin, sto bi mozda znacilo da se taj "prekrsaj" nigde ne pojavljuje u proverama.
Koliko razumem, tj. kako sam procitao, tacno je da je maloletnicki kriminalni dosije zatvoren posle 18-te godine, ali samo za javnost (ne i za drzavne organe). Zavisi ko proverava, i za sta se proverava. FBI, npr, moze da dobije maloletnicki dosije.
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Koliko razumem, tj. kako sam procitao, tacno je da je maloletnicki kriminalni dosije zatvoren posle 18-te godine, ali samo za javnost (ne i za drzavne organe). Zavisi ko proverava, i za sta se proverava. FBI, npr, moze da dobije maloletnicki dosije.
Tako nesto sam i ja shvatila, ali koliko razumem iz teksta propust je sto njegovih podataka nije bilo u bazi. Samo nisam bila sigurna da li za proveru kod kupovine oruzja imaju pristup maloletnickim dosijeima, a bilo bi glupo da nemaju.
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Stephen King on gun control
The assertion that Americans love violence and bathe in it daily is a self-serving lie promulgated by fundamentalist religious types and America’s propaganda-savvy gun-pimps. It’s believed by people who don’t read novels, play video games, or go to many movies. People actually in touch with the culture understand that what Americans really want (besides knowing all about Princess Kate’s pregnancy) is The Lion King on Broadway, a foul-talking stuffed toy named Ted at the movies, Two and a Half Men on TV, Words with Friends on their iPads, and Fifty Shades of Grey on their Kindles. To claim that America’s ‘culture of violence’ is responsible for school shootings is tantamount to cigarette company executives declaring that environmental pollution is the chief cause of lung cancer.
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There is pleasure to be had in exercising one’s rights, learning something new in midlife and mastering the operation of a complex tool
You're a complex tool.
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The Arkansas state Senate voted Monday by a margin of 28-4 to pass a bill that would allow concealed guns in churches, reports ABC local affiliate KATV.The bill, called the Church Protection Act of 2013 (SB 71), was authored by Arkansas state Sen. Bryan King (R-Green Forest)and would repeal the current ban on concealed handguns in churches or other places of worship.From the bill:

It is found and determined by the General Assembly of the State of Arkansas that personal security is increasingly important; that the Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States ensures a person's right to bear arms; and that this act is immediately necessary because
a person should be allowed to carry a firearm in a church
that permits the carrying of a firearm for personal security.

If the bill becomes law, only those with a permit for concealed carry would be allowed to bring a gun inside Arkansas' churches. And even so, individual churches will have the freedom to decide for themselves whether or not to allow firearms inside their doors.

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Former congressman Ron Paul came under fire on Monday after a tweet was posted on his account about the death of Chris Kyle, an author and retired Navy SEAL who was allegedly murdered with another man at a shooting range about 70 miles southwest of Fort Worth, Texas over the weekend. The message posted on Paul’s account read: “Chris Kyle’s death seems to confirm that ‘he who lives by the sword dies by the sword.’ Treating PTSD at a firing range doesn’t make sense.” Kyle often worked with veterans. Authorities say Eddie Ray Routh, an acquaintance who had accompanied the victims to the gun range where the killing took place, has been charged with one count of capital murder and two counts of murder. After widespread criticism, a follow-up note was posted on Paul’s Facebookpage: “As a veteran, I certainly recognize that this weekend’s violence and killing of Chris Kyle were a tragic and sad event. My condolences and prayers go out to Mr. Kyle’s family,” the post stated. “Unconstitutional and unnecessary wars have endless unintended consequences. A policy of non-violence, as Christ preached, would have prevented this and similar tragedies. -REP” Kyle’s book “American Sniper: The Autobiography of the Most Lethal Sniper in U.S. Military History” was national bestseller. He had a new book on guns in the works at the time of his death.
Edited by pacey defender
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