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Kreteni. Mene cudi da im je toliko dugo trebalo da izadju sa svojim umobolnim teorijama. '95 su se oglasili 3 dana posle OKC bombing, a tad internet nije bio ono sto je sad.

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I Went After Guns. Obama Can, Too. By JOHN HOWARD IT is for Americans and their elected representatives to determine the right response to President Obama’s proposals on gun control. I wouldn’t presume to lecture Americans on the subject. I can, however, describe what I, as prime minister of Australia, did to curb gun violence following a horrific massacre 17 years ago in the hope that it will contribute constructively to the debate in the United States.
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Robert A. Levy on gun rights after Newtown shootingAP0803090324741357854181.jpg Luis M. Alvarez/ASSOCIATED PRESS -Robert Levy funded the litigation in the 2008 Heller case.Robert A. Levy was a driving force behind the landmark 2008 case District of Columbia v. Heller, in which the Supreme Court struck down the District’s gun laws and recognized an individual right to keep and bear arms. Not only was he one of the lawyers on the case, but he also personally funded the litigation. Levy, who is also chairman of the board of the D.C.-based Cato Institute, spoke with Style’s Eva Rodriguez on Thursday. What does the defender of gun rights think of the talk about new gun regulations in the aftermath of the Newtown, Conn., shootings? You might be surprised. Below are edited excerpts. On banning high-capacity ammunition magazines:I can imagine a shop owner in the midst of a riot and he says he needs multiple rounds to protect his store and his family. I can also imagine the multi-victim killings like we had in Newtown, where there’s a reasonable argument that innocent lives might have been saved if these magazines had been banned and if the ban had been effective. So I think if government can show the benefits of banning high-capacity magazines, then I have no doubt that such a ban would survive a court challenge. There are three problems that occur to me. One is that homemade magazines are easy to assemble; it’s just a box with a spring. The second is there is not any effective way to confiscate maybe 25 million high-capacity magazines that are now in circulation. And third, a significant number of existing firearms are configured for 12- to 19-round magazines. So I think a ban on any size of less than 20 rounds would meet with great, great resistance. All of that said, I don’t share the NRA’s view that we shouldn’t consider a ban on high-capacity magazines. I think a ban on magazines of 20 rounds and above seems to me to be reasonable. On banning ‘assault weapons’: We had an assault weapons ban from 1994 to 2004. The New York Times, after the ban expired, reported that despite dire predictions that the streets would be awash in military-style guns, expiration of the assault weapons ban has not set off a sustained surge in sales or caused any noticeable increase in gun crime. There are, of course, millions of these so-called assault weapons, and they’re used by millions of Americans for all sorts of things, including hunting, self-defense, target shooting, even the Olympics. Criminals use handguns because assault weapons are expensive and they’re difficult to conceal. Now, [the Supreme Court] said that the Second Amendment would likely pose no barrier to outlawing weapons that are not in common use and are especially dangerous. And we have proof of that because fully automated weapons, like machine guns, have been essentially banned since 1934.I don’t consider myself an expert on the technical features of firearms, and so I’m not prepared to say exactly which weapons would go on the list and which shouldn’t, but I think experts should be able to come up with a pretty good list — obviously not needed for self-defense, obviously dangerous, not in common use. And that would be the new assault weapons ban. On the ‘slippery slope’: The NRA and the gun lobby had argued that each new gun regulation was a step down this slippery slope, leading ultimately to confiscation. . . . That clearly is what some radicals among gun controllers had in mind. But this is a new environment now. I think [the Supreme Court’s decisions] have taken the slippery slope argument pretty much off the table because [the court] has now established — for the first time ever — some hard-and-fast rules. There’s some wiggle room in those rules, to be sure. But at least we do know now that there’s an individual right to defend yourself, and a wholesale ban on a type of weapon that does have self-defense utility and that is in common use is not going to be permitted by the Supreme Court.On gun registration: Criminals don’t register firearms. I mean, what the heck? Why would a guy who’s not deterred by a law against murder be deterred by a law that says he has to register a firearm? It’s only law-abiding citizens who register weapons, so I’m pretty skeptical about the value of registration. On the other hand, I’m not adamant about resisting it. Again, I think the burden is on government to come up with some evidence [that it improves public safety], and so far they haven’t met that burden. On the ‘gun show loophole’: Survey data suggest that less than 2 percent of guns used by criminals are bought at gun shows and flea markets, and that includes the sales through [federally] licensed dealers at gun shows. The public doesn’t really realize this, but . . . not all sales at gun shows escape background checks. It’s only private sales. If I go to a gun show and sell my weapon to you, then there’s no background check. But if a dealer sells a weapon to you at a gun show, then the same background check has to occur that occurs if he sells it out of a store. And any dealers — retailers, wholesalers and manufacturers — have to be federally licensed. If technology facilitated truly speedy background checks — and by that I mean 24 hours max — and if there was some reasonable assurance that privacy rights weren’t being violated, then I’d have no objection to extending to cover private sales at gun shows. It’s not because I’m convinced that they would do any good. But I think it would get us past this particular debate and let us address options that might be more effective, including earlier detection and treatment of mental illness and, frankly, the NRA’s proposal, which I think is a good idea, for armed guards at school.On federal background checks: The one thing that’s pretty clear is that the existing is not being provided the information it needs to keep the weapons away from mentally deranged people. Whether that information is so intrusive that it does create civil liberties problems I’m not prepared to say, because I don’t know enough about the subject. But I add, though, that I do think this is not a legitimate function of the federal government. I think this is part of a state’s police power, which includes protecting residents against rights-violating activities, such as the criminal use of firearms.
Edited by buffalo bill
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Gun lobby gathers ammunition to fight US firearms reformsWill Weissert Published: January 21, 2013 - 3:00AMAUSTIN, Texas: As preparations for the second inauguration of Barack Obama continued in Washington, thousands of gun advocates gathered peacefully at state capitols around the US to rally against his proposals for stricter limits on firearms, with demonstrators carrying rifles and pistols in some places.The size of crowds varied from dozens of people in South Dakota to 2000 in New York. Large crowds also turned out in Connecticut, Tennessee and Texas.At the Kentucky State Capitol in Frankfort, attendees gave a special round of applause for ''the ladies that are packin' ''. ^_^Activists promoted the ''Guns Across America'' rallies primarily through social media.Homemade placards read, ''An Armed Society is a Polite Society'' :o and ''The Second Amendment Comes from God''. :twak: The second amendment to the US constitution guarantees the right to bear arms.''The thing that so angers me, and I think so angers you, is that this President is using children as a human shield to advance a very liberal agenda that will do nothing to protect them,'' said Texas state representative Steve Toth. :isuse:Mr Toth, a Republican, has put forward legislation banning within Texas any future federal limits on assault weapons or high-capacity magazines.Rallies at state capitols nationwide were organised by Eric Reed, an airline captain from the Houston area who started the group More Gun Control = More Crime in November. Its Facebook page has been ''liked'' by more than 17,000 people.Mr Reed said rally-goers should not expose their weapons: ''I don't want anyone to get arrested.''At the New York State Capitol in Albany, about 2000 people chanted ''We the People'', ''USA'' and ''Freedom''. Many carried US flags and the historical ''Don't Tread On Me'' banner.The event took place four days after the New York Governor, Andrew Cuomo, signed the nation's toughest assault weapon and magazine restrictions.Republican assemblyman Steven McLaughlin said the new law was ''abuse of power'' by the governor. Protester Robert Candea called the restrictions ''an outrage against humanity''. :fantom:In Connecticut, where task forces created by the legislature and the Democratic Governor, Dannel Malloy, are considering changes to gun laws, police said about 1000 people showed up on the capitol grounds.In Austin, Robert Thompson attended the rally with his wife and children, aged 12, 5 and 4. Many in the family wore T-shirts reading ''The Second Amendment Protects the First''.''What we are facing now is an assault weapons ban, but if they do this, what will do they do next?'' Mr Thompson asked. :frust:William Lawson drove more than four hours from Wichita Falls and held up a sign reading ''Modern Musket'' over the image of an assault rifle and the words ''An American Tradition since 1776''. :rolf:''I'm not some wild-eyed person who wants to fight in the streets,'' Mr Lawson said. ''This is a country of laws. But I want to protect our constitution.''This story was found at: http://www.smh.com.au/world/gun-lobby-gathers-ammunition-to-fight-us-firearms-reforms-20130120-2d191.html

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Vašington -- Vlasti američke savezne države Novi Meksiko saopštile su da je u jednoj kući petnaestogodišnji tinejdžer iz vatrenog oružja ubio dvoje odraslih i troje dece.
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Kace im bit dosta?
Samo da se prijavim da sam bio na tom gun show (Dixie Gun & Knife) na istom mestu (NC State Fairgrounds) avgusta meseca prosle godine i da je bilo 1 nadrealno iskustvo. Pistolj koji sam tad kupio sam kupio od uredno registrovane prodavnice oruzja i tom prilikom sam cekao oko 30 minuta da ljudi iz radnje koji su drzali stand urade FBI background check i provere dozvolu koju sam imao od lokalnog county sheriffa. Dok sam se setao okolo razni likovi su mi prilazili i nudili da mi prodaju sve i svasta, od antikviteta do neke sprave kojom po mom misljenju moze da se koristi da obori manji avion. Najveci hit su bile mete na kojima je tadasnji (i sadasnji) predsednik US&A bio prikazan kao zombie :isuse:
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