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"There exists in this country a callous, corrupt and corrupting shadow industry that sells, and sows violence against its own people, through vicious, violent video games with names like Bulletstorm, Grand Theft Auto, Mortal Kombat and Splatterhouse.And here’s one: It’s called Kindergarten Killers. It’s been online for 10 years. How come my research department could find it and all of yours either couldn’t or didn’t want anyone to know you had found it?”LaPierre also attacked the media for not assigning some responsibility to itself and entertainment companies.“Then there’s the blood-soaked slasher films like ‘American Psycho’ and ‘Natural Born Killers’ that are aired like propaganda loops on ‘Splatterdays’ and every day and a thousand music videos that portray life as a joke and murder as a way of life. And then they have the nerve to call it entertainment."
Edited by Gandalf
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bas dosao da okacim. pa naravno, kako se toga niko nije setio: da se skole pretvore u borbene polozaje i da u svakoj ucionici sedi po jedan redneck sa tandzarom.
kakvom bre tandzarom, AR-15 ili AK-47 u najmanju ruku, a mogao bi i neki protivavionski top, cisto da se nadje za nedajboze
Po jedan DOBAR redneck.
Jedini dobar redneck je...
pioniri manji od puske :wub:
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. THE "ME" SOCIETY. I think it's the every-man-for-himself ethos of this country that has put us in this mess and I believe it's been our undoing. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps! You're not my problem! This is mine!Clearly, we are no longer our brother's and sister's keeper. You get sick and can't afford the operation? Not my problem. The bank has foreclosed on your home? Not my problem. Can't afford to go to college? Not my problem.And yet, it all sooner or later becomes our problem, doesn't it? Take away too many safety nets and everyone starts to feel the impact. Do you want to live in that kind of society, one where you will then have a legitimate reason to be in fear? I don't.I'm not saying it's perfect anywhere else, but I have noticed, in my travels, that other civilized countries see a national benefit to taking care of each other. Free medical care, free or low-cost college, mental health help. And I wonder -- why can't we do that? I think it's because in many other countries people see each other not as separate and alone but rather together, on the path of life, with each person existing as an integral part of the whole. And you help them when they're in need, not punish them because they've had some misfortune or bad break. I have to believe one of the reasons gun murders in other countries are so rare is because there's less of the lone wolf mentality amongst their citizens. Most are raised with a sense of connection, if not outright solidarity. And that makes it harder to kill one another.Well, there's some food for thought as we head home for the holidays. Don't forget to say hi to your conservative brother-in-law for me. Even he will tell you that, if you can't nail a deer in three shots -- and claim you need a clip of 30 rounds -- you're not a hunter my friend, and you have no business owning a gun.Have a wonderful Christmas or a beautiful December 25th!
Michael Moore Edited by bergasa19
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Ne znam za Ameriku, ali u Kanadi ovu zabavu mozes da pratis samo na posebnim kanalima koji se dodatno placaju (slicno kao pornice). Kod nas (mislim Evropi) ovo ide na Eurosportu koji je u standardnoj ponudu svih kablovskih operatora.

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Ne znam za Ameriku, ali u Kanadi ovu zabavu mozes da pratis samo na posebnim kanalima koji se dodatno placaju (slicno kao pornice). Kod nas (mislim Evropi) ovo ide na Eurosportu koji je u standardnoj ponudu svih kablovskih operatora.
Ide u Kanadi i na obicnim kanalima. Trust me.
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Zamisli, krv u borilačkom sportu :o
Kakav je to sport, gdje je primarni cilj da protivnika pretuces koliko je god moguce ?Padne lik u nesvest pa ga onako onesvescenog udaras po glavu iz sve snage u dvadeset i prvom veku i to u najrazvijenijem delu svetu.Zasto ljudi vole to gledaju ?
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