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jos jedna posledica slobodnog posedovanja i nosenja oruzja: beli suprematista ubio 7 Sika da im se, kako izgleda, osveti za 9/11 (njemu je sve to isto™, Siki, muslimani, nema veze, samo daj da se puca)kazu da je od 9/11 bilo oko 700 napada na Sike. imas turban i bradu, dakle ti si musliman
Former US serviceman Wade Michael Page shot dead six people and seriously wounded three, including a police officer, at the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin on Sunday as worshippers prepared for religious services. He was shot dead by police.The Pentagon says the 40-year-old was a qualified parachutist who received a commendation medal, five achievement medals, two good conduct medals, the National Defense Service Medal and a Humanitarian Service Medal.Authorities say they are treating the attack as an act of domestic terrorism.A monitoring group says their files show Wade has links to racist groups
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McVeigh version 2.0Još malo:
The man who allegedly murdered six people at a Sikh temple in suburban Milwaukee yesterday, identified in media reports as Wade Michael Page, was a frustrated neo-Nazi who had been the leader of a racist white-power band.In 2010, Page, then the leader of the band End Apathy, gave an interview to the white supremacist website Label 56. He said that when he started the band in 2005, its name reflected his wish to “figure out how to end people’s apathetic ways” and start “moving forward.” “I was willing to point out some of my faults on how I was holding myself back,” Page said. Later, he added, “The inspiration was based on frustration that we have the potential to accomplish so much more as individuals and a society in whole.” He did not discuss violence in the interview.Page told the website that he had been a part of the white power music scene since 2000, when he left his native Colorado on a motorcycle. He attended white power concerts in Georgia, North Carolina, West Virginia and Colorado. At various times, he said, he also played in the hate rock bands Youngland (2001-2003), Celtic Warrior, Radikahl, Max Resist, Intimidation One, Aggressive Force and Blue Eyed Devils. End Apathy, he said, included “Brent” on bass and “Ozzie” on drums; the men were former members of Definite Hate and another band, 13 Knots.In 2000, the Southern Poverty Law Center has found that Page also attempted to purchase goods from the neo-Nazi National Alliance, then America’s most important hate group.
Edited by Syme
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Vidim da niko nije oživeo temu za "betmenska" ubistva, a verovatno ne bi ni za ovo današnje likvidiranje 6 Sika. Mala je to cena za pravo da se možeš oružano braniti od zlikovačke federalne vlasti, zar ne? Andurile, mandingo, i sl. društvo, šta velite.
Meni je veća frka što hapse samo kradljivce bicikala, a neke iz zatvora stavljaju u ministarske fotelje.
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zar oni ne nose svi svoje tradicionalne nozekanje?
da. i oko kojih se onoliko raspravljasmo kad ono, kao sto mao kaze, moc dolazi iz cevi puske.Sent from Bender's iPad using Tapatalk
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zar oni ne nose svi svoje tradicionalne nozekanje?
Interesantan je taj njihov nož, i filozofija vezana uz njega. A i nije skroz bez veze sa ovim topikom, kao što ćete videti iz ovog pasusa sa wikipedije:
The kirpan has both a physical function, as a defensive weapon, as well as a symbolic function. Physically it is an instrument of "ahimsa" or non-violence. The principle of ahimsa is to actively prevent violence; the kirpan is a tool to be used to prevent violence from being done to a defenseless person when all other means to do so have failed. Symbolically, the kirpan represents the power of truth to cut through untruth. It is the cutting edge of the enlightened mind.
Inače, na bivšem poslu sam delio IT sobičak sa jednim uturbanjenim drugarom, Sikhom. Nisam ga pitao nikad za te verske stvari, jer sam imao utisak da bi me udavio (metaforički), pošto sam ga prethodno čuo da sa domarom (Anglo-Ozijem) drvi o Bogu jedno 2 sata... a bio je krenuo da zameni toner u printeru. Međutim, dok ne razreše sva pitanja prirode Božije volje, printer može da čeka (kao i 20 studenata koji stoje ispred njega). Mogao bih se zakleti da nije imao nikakav nož pri sebi. Ni perorez.
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  • 4 months later...

Bit će zanimljivo čitati logičko-verbalne akrobacije u svrhu obrane II amandmana, kao i nakon svake do sada doživljene strave. I ja ne sumnjam da će II amandman preživjeti te bjesomučne napade uzdignutog čela!

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Dajte ljudi, pa sad bas nije vreme da se prica o oruzju i pristupu istome, treba sacekati neko vreme da se ohlade glave i srede utisci, ne treba lomiti preko kolena, jutro je pametnije od veceri...Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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ili da barem imaju ono i dsz umjesto gradjanskog obrazovanjajezivo. koje je ovo skolsko masovno ubistvo u posljednjih 10ak godina?
imaš tamo listu uz bbcjevu vijest.
  • 1984: James Oliver Huberty shoots dead 21 people at a McDonald's in California
  • 1986: Postal worker Pat Sherrill kills 14 people at post office in Oklahoma
  • 1991: George Hennard kills 23 people at a cafeteria in Texas
  • 1999: Two students at Columbine high school kill 13 and injure 20, before killing themselves
  • 2007: A student kills 32 and injures dozens more at Virginia Tech university
  • 2009: 13 people are killed in a mass shooting at Ford Hood military base in Texas

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