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Peti oktobar na bliskom istoku i arapskom svetu


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evo sad nesto razmisljam. pad hosnije iz jednog razloga moze da naskodi srbiji. ovako: najveca nada srbije da pazari telekom po ovako bagatelnoj ceni, jer su navodno svi "regularni" telekomi tipa dojce, ft i tako ti odustali bas zbog te dobro procenjene vrednosti, bio je mladjani gamal.pa malo distopije: da se revolucija desila posto smo mu prodali telekom, pa onda padne vlast i svi pocnu da zamrzavaju imovinu mubarakovih, da li bi i telekom bio zamrznut, tj oduzet gamalu i vracen nama, narodu?

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evo sad nesto razmisljam. pad hosnije iz jednog razloga moze da naskodi srbiji. ovako: najveca nada srbije da pazari telekom po ovako bagatelnoj ceni, jer su navodno svi "regularni" telekomi tipa dojce, ft i tako ti odustali bas zbog te dobro procenjene vrednosti, bio je mladjani gamal.
Srbija da pazari telekom u Egiptu? Ili misliš na Orascomovo interesovanje za ovdašnji lelekom?
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Srbija da pazari telekom u Egiptu? Ili misliš na Orascomovo interesovanje za ovdašnji lelekom?
ne, on nas. legenda kaze da su svi ostlali odustali, i da je samo gamal, zvanicno orascom pristao na sumanutu cenu.
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ne, on nas. legenda kaze da su svi ostlali odustali, i da je samo gamal, zvanicno orascom pristao na sumanutu cenu.
Čitao sam da je jučer ili prekjučer šef Orascoma zavapio da se smire, rujan će brzo i tako..Inače, čitam i da je cijena nafte pala, a sutra se ponovno otvara i burza u Kairu. Edited by Roger Sanchez
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Lepo bome. :)Nadam se da ce im narednih 10 godina biti bolje od nasih prethodnih 10.
I admit that I am more than a little tempted to rain on the parade and note that Mr Mubarak's departure guarantees nothing and that it is not unreasonable to fear a turn for the worse. There's a tiny, stability-loving Burke on my shoulder, and I'm afraid he's no devil. All the same, for now I'm not listening. Well, I did listen a little, but I've heard enough. It is partly due to my Burkean worries that I feel the pessimist in me should just stuff it for now. Whether or not Egypt flowers into a model democracy, whether or not Egyptians tomorrow live more freely than Egyptians today, today they threw off a tyrant.The surge of overwhelming bliss that has overtaken Egyptians is the rare beautitude of democratic will. The hot blush of liberation, a dazzled sense of infinite possibility swelling millions of happy breasts is a precious thing of terrible, unfathomable beauty, and it won't come to these people again. Whatever the future may hold, this is the happiest many people will ever feel. This is the best day of some peoples' lives. The tiny Dionysian anarchist on my other shoulder is no angel, but I cannot deny that there is something holy in this feeling, that it is one of few human experiences that justifies life—that satisfies, however briefly, our desperate craving for more intensity, for more meaning, for more life from life. Whatever the future holds, there will be disappointment, at best. But there is always disappointment. Today, there is joy.
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da li je uroš zaplakao? ako jeste, stigla je demokratija u egipat.
Nije još zaplakao.Sad su lepo preuzeli vlast generali, pa će za njima neki ekstremisti ili neki Imam, pa će da ukinu McDonalds, pa burke, pa ovo, ono.
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