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Aljazeera o tome zasto nece biti revolucije u Siriji

"I think that in the Syrian psyche, the repression of the regime is taken as a given, that if something [protests] would happen the military and the security forces would both line up together. I think that creates a higher threshold of fear."
Bez obzira, na Fejsbuku "A Syrian day of anger":20112219370649521_8.jpg Edited by odmor
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ima i ovaj deo

Egypt's armed forces, which took power on Friday after the resignation of president Hosni Mubarak, will not oppose the "popular will," a spokesman said in a televised address.
tantawi se provozao pored hosnijeve bivce palace u "obicnom" suvju, pratila ga dva autica sa telohraniteljima i kad su ga prepoznali i prisli da mu masu, on izaso iz dzipa i pozdravljao demonstrante i zahvalio im se.a taman sam htela da sirim paniku da zbog onog wl kabla da je "charming and courtly, but also aged and change-resistant. he and mubarak are focused on regime stability and maintaining the status quo through the end of their time. they simply do not have the energy, inclination or world view to do anything differently."mada, jes to kabl iz marta 2008, ali opet, bio je i komandant predsednicke garde i ucesnik svih ratova sa izraelom. doduse, sad se voli sa komsijama.opet, mozda jeste najmanje lose od svih resenja, vec smo pricali da se vojska u egiptu vrlo voli i ceni, u njoj korupcija skoro da i ne postoji. dosta toga ce zavisiti i ko ce biti clanovi tog supreme constitutional councila. kopala sam nesto oko korupcije, poslednji transparensi izvestaj iz marta 2010 kaze da je u porastu, iako postoje zakoni i pravila koja se, zamisli cuda, ne primenjuju zbog politickih uticaja itd.no, dobro, ako se zaista uspostavi bar deo plana koji su elbi i ostala opozicija predlozili, ima tu mesta da se krene napred. grasrutsi ce sad verovatno prerasti u neke ozbiljnije gradjanske grupacije, ndp ce se presaltati kao i ivica, izbacice najprominentije i najozloglasenije, mb ce pokusati da se nametne u toj mogucoj vladi nacionalnog spasa, ali zaista imam utisak da niko nece smeti previse da se zajebava.
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Pukose nesvrstani a sa njima i 5 stub srpske spoljne politike. sta li ce sada Jeremic, Vukadinovic i slicni da valjaju kao ideologiju po tv dnevnicima i kolumnama?

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Obama: Egypt's military must ensure credible transition to democracy People have spoken, Egypt will never be the samepa ceo, sa malo kinga da zacini

US President Barack Obama said Friday the people of Egypt had spoken after history moved at a "blinding pace," and called on the now-ruling military to ensure a transition towards "genuine democracy." "The people of Egypt have spoken -- their voices have been heard and Egypt will never be the same," Obama said in his first public response to the earlier resignation of President Hosni Mubarak after days of raging protests. "By stepping down, President Mubarak responded to the Egyptian peoples' hunger for change," Obama said, in his only reference to a deposed Arab strongman who had been a staunch US ally for three decades. "Egyptians have made it clear that nothing less than genuine democracy will carry the day," Obama said, praising the military for serving responsibly to preserve the state. The armed forces would now have to ensure a political transition that was "credible in the eyes of the Egyptian people," Obama said, warning there could be "difficult days ahead." "Over the last few weeks, the wheel of history turned at a blinding pace, as the Egyptian people demanded their universal rights," he said. As well as praising Egyptians, Obama also sought to make a wider point, apparently seeking to connect with Muslims elsewhere who felt marginalized and may be easy prey for extremists. "Egyptians have inspired us and they've done so by putting the lie to the idea that justice is best gained through violence," Obama said. "For Egypt, it was the moral force of non-violence, not terrorism, not mindless killing, but non-violence, moral force, that bent the arc of history towards justice one more." The president also drew parallels to the "echoes of history" mentioning Germans tearing down the Berlin Wall, Indonesians revolting against the president Suharto, and Indian independence icon Mahatma Gandhi.
Edited by luba
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a tu je za kraj i levicarski davos

Activists taking part in the World Social Forum paid tribute to the ouster of president Hosni Mubarak in Egypt on Friday with some calling for other regional leaders to be forced out. As the annual gathering of left-wing and anti-globalisation activists drew to a close, forum organisers called Egyptian participant Mamdouh Habashi to the stage where he raised his fist and said: "I am very proud to announce to you the victory of the Egyptian people in their battle for democracy." "Now, and not tomorrow, all of us are to be behind the Egyptian revolution to achieve its aim: the fall of the regime and not only Mubarak," said Habashi, the vice president of the World Alternatives Forum. "This is not a coloured revolution -- it is not a green or orange one or whatever... it is a very clear anti-imperialist revolution," the activist said. "The Americans and the states of the European union, they had a double- standards policy in Egypt, at the beginning, they were supporting the regime." "Who's next? Adelaziz Bouteflika!" Algerian forum participant Rabia Adelkrim, 62, said of his country's president from the foot of the stage, urging everyone to celebrate. "Our slogan is 'yesterday Ben Ali, today Mubarak, tomorrow Bouteflika! Then the kinglets and paunchy mustachioed emirs," he laughed. Mass protests first broke out in Tunisia in mid-December, leading to the fall of President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali on January 14 and sparking protests in several Arab countries. "It is true that we opened this forum in rendering homage to the Tunisian revolution and at the closure with a tribute to the Egyptian revolution. Hopefully future forums will pay tribute to other revolutions in Africa," said Tunisian Taoufik Ben Abdallah, coordinator of the African Social Forum. The Dakar meeting came 10 years after the World Social Forum was first held in the southern Brazilian city of Porto Alegre. The annual forum, which brings together leftists opposing globalisation and capitalism, is billed as an alternative to the World Economic Forum held annually in the Swiss town of Davos, which took place last week.
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Sad sam primjetio da su obadvije izjave (Omarova i Tantawijeva) dane sa istog mjesta, samo je iza Tanatwija montirano malo više zastava.. Ne, ovo je Enan, čini mi se.. unsure.gif Edited by Roger Sanchez
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Mene iskreno zanima koliko ljudi je stradalo od pocetka protesta? Da li se zna tacan broj?Samo zbog njih je gorak ukus pobede. A onda opet pomislim da je ipak sreca sto nije bilo masovnog krvoprolica...

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Sad je jos i najsladji... it's all downhill from here. Uskoro ce da pocnu muljanja i sve ostalo (sto se i u Srbiji gleda od 2000. samo sigurno gore). Neko ko ima 70 mlrd. dolara ne odlazi sa vlasti, ako ne zeli, cak i ako se fizicki ukloni. Moze da kupi koga zeli, and then some.

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