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EGIPATSKI predsjednik Hosni Mubarak podnio je ostavku. Na čelo Vlade zasjest će njegov potpredsjednik Omar Suleiman, koji je proteklih dana vodio pregovore s predstavnicima. Ova informacija za sada nije službeno potvrđena, a prvi ju je objavio NBC News koji je dobio potvrdu od dva nezavisna izvora.Cijeli dan trajao je sastanak egipatskih vojnih dužnosnika na najvišoj razini. Po završetku sastanka iz vojske je priopćeno da će svih zahtjevi prosvjednika biti ispunjeni, a tijekom dana se očekuje opširnija izjava. Najavljeno je i da će se naciji uskoro obratiti i sam Mubarak.Visokorangirani izvor iz Mubarakovog ureda za NBC je potvrdio da egipatski diktator podnosi ostavku. Vlast će ostaviti u rukama potpredsjednika Omara Suleimana. Prosvjedi u kojima je srušen Mubarak trajali su 17 dana, prosvjednici su i dalje na ulicama, te očekuju razvoj situacije.Najveća gužva je i dalje na trgu Tahrir u Kairu, gdje su se masama danas pridružili liječnici u bijelim kutama i odvjetnici u prepoznatljivim crnim mantilima. Najave kako bi vojska mogla početi "trenirati disciplinu" nad prosvjednicima ukoliko se demonstracije nastave na ulice je natjerala još veći broj mladih i obrazovanih Egipćana. Nakon što je vidio da njegove prijetnje kako će vojska uvesti izvanredno stanje u zemlju ne funkcioniraju, Mubarak se odlučio povući s vlasti.link

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Beat ya :P
imas brzi net ^_^
Egypt's armed forces said on Thursday they will start taking "necessary measures to protect the nation" and "support the legitimate demands of the people." Egyptian television interrupted programming to present footage of a panel of senior military officers reading out a statement they described as "communique number one" of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces. "Based on the responsibility of the armed forces and its commitment to protect the people and its keenness to protect the nation... and in support of the legitimate demands of the people," the army "will continue meeting on a continuous basis to examine measures to be taken to protect the nation and its gains and the ambitions of the great Egyptian people," it said.
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OK, sad je gotovo. sleep.gif

The CIA chief says there's a strong likelihood that Mubarak will step down this evening.
Army commander, Hassan al-Roweny, told protesters on Thursday that "Everything you want will be realised".
Al Arabiya kaže da je otišao na kupanac u Sharm el Sheik. Edited by Roger Sanchez
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heh, ali sam pobedila rodzera

Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq told Egyptian television on Thursday that "everything is in President Hosni Mubarak's hands" after the army said it would act to "protect the nation."
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OK, sad je gotovo. sleep.gif
Da, to je to.Na Aldži dole stoji malo zbunjujući tekst:"EGYPTIAN ARMY EARLIER PREVENTED MUBARAK FROM HANDING POWER OVER TO VP" :mellow:
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Ma u London će, sin mu je već ovde, ako Pinočea nisu izručili...Što lepo CIA ne napravi profil na twitteru, sve bi bilo mnogo lakše.

1559: Here's the full text of that army council meeting: "In the name of God, Statement No 1, issued by the Higher Council of the Armed Forces, stemming from the armed forces' responsibility and committing to the protection of the people, safeguarding their interest and security, and keen on the safety of the homeland, the citizens and the achievements of the great Egyptian people, and asserting the legitimate rights of the people, the Higher Council of the Armed Forces convened today, Thursday 10 February 2011, to deliberate on the latest developments of the situation and decided to remain in continuous session to discuss what measures and arrangements could be taken to safeguard the homeland and its achievements, and the aspirations of the great Egyptian people. Peace, mercy and the blessings of God."
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mislim, ako cu da verujem paneti, onda mogu da kazem da je i sadam imao wmd

CIA Director Leon Panetta told lawmakers there was a "strong likelihood" that Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak would step down later on Thursday. Asked about media reports that the Egyptian leader was about to relinquish power, Panetta said: "I got the same information you did, that there's a strong likelihood that Mubarak may step down this evening."
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Da, to je to.Na Aldži dole stoji malo zbunjujući tekst:"EGYPTIAN ARMY EARLIER PREVENTED MUBARAK FROM HANDING POWER OVER TO VP" :mellow:
Da, rekli su mu: Ma nema bre 0,,6070671_1,00.jpg
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