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meni zao sto im propao posao :(taman neka strana ulaganja kad ono...
ma ja sam se nesto, kad sam vidjela tvoj post, sjetila kako su neki mediji u cg nekidan obarali legitimnost turistickog projekta koji ce da finansira egipatska firma navodno povezana sa mubarakovim sinom mislim, ako mubarak doseli u cg umjesto u britaniju (ove dvije mogucnosti se pominju, prva, doduse, samo u cg medijima), to je jedno, ali kritikovati projekat koji bi zaposlio bas dosta ljudi, i koji sam po sebi nije los (da zanemarim sad probleme sa otkupom zemljista od privatnih vlasnika), i to sad, ziheraski, kad je mubarak u centru paznje, bas je nekako jadno. Edited by morgana
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ma ja sam se nesto, kad sam vidjela tvoj post, sjetila kako su neki mediji u cg nekidan obarali legitimnost turistickog projekta koji ce da finansira egipatska firma navodno povezana sa mubarakovim sinom mislim, ako mubarak doseli u cg umjesto u britaniju (ove dvije mogucnosti se pominju, prva, doduse, samo u cg medijima), to je jedno, ali kritikovati projekat koji bi zaposlio bas dosta ljudi, i koji sam po sebi nije los (da zanemarim sad probleme sa otkupom zemljista od privatnih vlasnika), i to sad, ziheraski, kad je mubarak u centru paznje, bas je nekako jadno.
pa i na kraju krajeva to je kapitalizam. love it or leave it.
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Jes' vala... u socijalizmu nikad nismo imali posla s takvima k'o sto je Mubarak.
istina. meni su samo smesni oni kojima to smeta misleci da je to neka nasa specificna devijacija 'izvornog' kapitalizma.
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istina. meni su samo smesni oni kojima to smeta misleci da je to neka nasa specificna devijacija 'izvornog' kapitalizma.
Pa nije nasa specificna devijacija izvornog kapitalizma, nego nasa specificna devijacija pravnog sistema. To sto krimos uspe negde da obrne pare, nema veze sa ekonomskim sistemom, nego sa tuzilastvom i policijom i sudovima.Btw sta se ovo desava u Egiptu? Protesti u manjem obimu? Jenjava, ne jenjava? Nista mi nije jasno trenutno.
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http://www.kabobfest.com/2011/02/how-big-business-ruled-egypt.htmlMinister of Trade & Industry-Rashid Mohammed Rashid: Former CEO of Unilever-Middle East & North Africa, and owner of Fine Foods, Egypt’s leading food brand.Minister of Transportation-Mohammed Mansour: Sits on the Board of Director of General Motors-Egypt, and owner of Mansour car dealerships and Mantrak earth moving equipment company.Minister of Health-Hatem Algabaly: Part owner of Cairo Tower Medical, which runs 104 clinics, holds shares in Dar Alfoad Hospitals, and sits on the executive board of the Arab Company for Health Care Holdings in UAE.Minister of Agriculture- Amin Abaza: Owns the largest cotton producing/exporting company in Egypt, and heads the Council of Cotton Exporters in Egypt.Minister of Tourism-Zuheir Garana: Owns company that manages of luxury hotels and cruise ships.Minister of Information-Anas Alfaqeeh: Owns a publishing house specializing translated encyclopedias, part own in several other publishing houses, which are often government contractor for textbooks and other publications.Ahmed Ezz, a parliament member and leading figure the ruling party, owns the largest steel company in Egypt, including several plants that were privatized by the government. As a majority leader, he recently repealed laws that forbid monopoly in the steel industry.Among the achievements of the parliament with over 100 businessmen is the free industrial zones that magically fell on land they own, as well as tax cuts to the wealthiest Egyptians, setting income tax ceiling at 20%.
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istina. meni su samo smesni oni kojima to smeta misleci da je to neka nasa specificna devijacija 'izvornog' kapitalizma.
Sta ces, vole ljudi da misle da su specificni, to mu dodje kao neki izvrnuti kompleks vise vrednosti. To je kao ono dete sto je raslo u podrumu 20 godina, i izgradilo slike kako izgleda svet napolju na osnovu maste..
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http://www.kabobfest.com/2011/02/how-big-business-ruled-egypt.htmlMinister of Trade & Industry-Rashid Mohammed Rashid: Former CEO of Unilever-Middle East & North Africa, and owner of Fine Foods, Egypt’s leading food brand.Minister of Transportation-Mohammed Mansour: Sits on the Board of Director of General Motors-Egypt, and owner of Mansour car dealerships and Mantrak earth moving equipment company.Minister of Health-Hatem Algabaly: Part owner of Cairo Tower Medical, which runs 104 clinics, holds shares in Dar Alfoad Hospitals, and sits on the executive board of the Arab Company for Health Care Holdings in UAE.Minister of Agriculture- Amin Abaza: Owns the largest cotton producing/exporting company in Egypt, and heads the Council of Cotton Exporters in Egypt.Minister of Tourism-Zuheir Garana: Owns company that manages of luxury hotels and cruise ships.Minister of Information-Anas Alfaqeeh: Owns a publishing house specializing translated encyclopedias, part own in several other publishing houses, which are often government contractor for textbooks and other publications.Ahmed Ezz, a parliament member and leading figure the ruling party, owns the largest steel company in Egypt, including several plants that were privatized by the government. As a majority leader, he recently repealed laws that forbid monopoly in the steel industry.Among the achievements of the parliament with over 100 businessmen is the free industrial zones that magically fell on land they own, as well as tax cuts to the wealthiest Egyptians, setting income tax ceiling at 20%.
I to je to. Ovi podaci sasvim lepo opisuju sustinu problema a to nije samo Mubarak nego ceo sistem koji su izgradili i koji ce biti gotovo nemoguce razgraditi bez veoma, veoma jake i odlucne vizije buducnosti. Ono sto je Egiptu potrebno je da se oko jedne politicke opcije/pokreta okupe i neke druge ekonomski jace snage koje bi kao svoj primarni interes videli razbijanje ovih monopola. Pri tome ne mislim sam na mlade i edukovane (bez posla) nego pre svega na male i srednje preduzetnike.
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http://jnthnwrght.blogspot.com/2011/02/war-of-attrition.htmlThe struggle between the Egyptian regime and the protest movement has moved into a 'war of attrition' stage and there are no obvious options by which either side can break the deadlock decisively in its favour... Behind the scenes, the state is no doubt trying to reconstitute the instruments of repression - the new interior minister today visited the premises of Central Security (riot police) in Darasa, northeast of the old city.On the other side of the equation, the protest movement shows no signs of erosion. The turnout in Tahrir Square has been large for the last two days, as the message spreads that the area is peaceful and festive, with little danger so far that visitors will be persecuted merely for attending. On Sunday evening people who left the area were chanting "Coming back tomorrow, coming back tomorrow." But it would hard to sustain a sit-in that continues for weeks without movement, and one might speculate that the organisers are thinking of new ways to maintain the momentum they had generated.edit: Koncert na trgu Edited by Gandalf
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Dok protesti i dalje traju... tek danas primetih ovo od pre 4 dana, izvinjavam se ako je bilo.

70 milijardi dolara :blink: Pa i ako je samo nategnuta procena u vreme kada je ovo najviše aktuelno, ako je i pola od toga prenaduvano, ipak... sunce ti jebem da ti ne jebem. 70 milijardi dolara...Po Forbsu, najbogatiji čovek na svetu je Warren Buffett sa 63 milijarde, Carlos Slim Helú je drugi sa 60, a Bil Gejts se procenjuje na oko 58 milijarde dolara. Pa jebo te...

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