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Al Qaeda fighters retook on Wednesday two southern Yemeni towns they briefly occupied four years ago, residents and local fighters said, exploiting the collapse of central authority in Yemen in its eight-month war.

In an early morning surprise attack on the capital of Abyan province, Zinjibar, and the neighbouring town of Jaar, the militants overcame local forces and announced their takeover over loudspeakers after dawn prayers.

Read more at Reuters http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/12/03/us-yemen-security-idUSKBN0TL0BQ20151203#4yPB1qJ0yxXpuFQE.99

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German spy agency warns of Saudi intervention destabilizing Arab world


The brief report chiefly spoke about Saudi Arabia's involvement in Yemen and Syria, but also highlighted other countries such as Lebanon, Bahrain and Iraq as realms of growing Saudi interest, saying that Saudi Arabia was "prepared to take unprecedented military, financial and political risks to avoid falling behind in regional politics."


ko bi rekao i saudijska arabija hoce da prosiri svoj uticaj.

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Libya's rival parliament reach tentative agreement


Libya's two rival parliaments have reached an initial agreement aimed at resolving the political crisis that has plagued the country for years.

The deal, agreed at talks in Tunis, is intended to lead to a single government and elections within two years.


"This is a historic moment the Libyans were waiting for," Awad Mohammed Abdul-Sadiq, the first deputy head of the GNC, said after the deal was signed on Sunday.

"If this solution receives real Libyan support - from the people and institutions - we will surely arrive in no more than two weeks or a month to a solution to solve the political crisis," he told reporters.

Under the "declaration of principles" agreed in Tunis, the two sides would set up a committee to nominate a prime minister pending elections, while another panel would review the constitution.



ne znam, videcemo.

meni ovo jos uvek vise deluje kao 'udruzivanje' zarad borbe protiv zajednickog neprijatelja (narastajuca snaga IS-a u Libiji) nego velika zelja obe strane da stvore jedinstvenu i jaku drzavu.

neka me demantuju i to ce biti dobro.

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Komandant saudijskih snaga u Jemenu poginuo u borbi sa Hutima, a sa njim i jedan oficir iz UAE.



Two senior officers from the Saudi-led coalition supporting Yemen's government have been killed near the city of Taiz, Saudi and Emirati authorities say.




Saudi Colonel Abdullah al-Sahyan and Emirati officer Sultan al-Ketbi were killed at dawn on Monday "while they were carrying out their duties in supervising operations to liberate Taiz" province in Yemen's southwest, the official Saudi Press Agency news agency said.

The Emirati state news agency WAM separately confirmed Ketbi's death.

The deaths come ahead of a ceasefire agreed to coincide with UN-backed peace talks to resolve Yemen's war.

Media controlled by the Houthi rebels said the two had been killed in a rocket attack on the Red Sea coast.

Taiz province, where the warring sides have been locked in conflict for months, overlooks the Bab 
al-Mandab Strait between the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.

Medal of courage

Sahyan on Saturday met Yemeni President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi who awarded him with a medal of courage, according to Yemen's official sabanews.net website.


He was identified as commander of the Saudi forces in the provisional capital Aden, where Hadi's government is based.

Edited by Ayatollah
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The Islamic State group is extending its territory inside Libya, aiming to gain access to the country's oil wells, France's defence minister says.

The group has started to move inland from its stronghold in the coastal town of Sirte


Propustih ovo.


Dakle, ISISovci u Libiij bivsi gadafijevci, kao u Iraku Sadamovci?

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da, ali se spekulise da je podrska lokalnih plemena, ukljucujuci i gadafijevog, pre svega svedena na interes.

dosta je ex-rezimskih ljudi (gadafijevih lojalista) trenutno uz IS.

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Saudi Arabia and allies establish anti-terror military body

Simeon Kerr, Dubai


Saudi Arabia has unveiled a “military alliance” of Muslim nations to fight “terrorism,” another sign of the conservative Gulf monarchy’s growing interventionist approach amid proxy conflicts with rival Iran and the rise of Sunni militancy.


Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman al-Saud announced on Tuesday that the kingdom would set up a joint operations centre in Riyadh to “support military operations to fight terrorism” and to co-ordinate with “friendly peace-loving nations and international bodies”.


The formation of the 34-strong Saudi-led alliance comes ahead of international mediation efforts in regional sectarian conflicts, such as the civil wars in Syria and Yemen.



The alliance is mainly formed of Sunni-majority Muslim states, including powerful armed nations such as Turkey, Pakistan, Egypt, Morocco and Jordan and most of the Gulf Cooperation Council states.


The creation of the alliance marks another step in Saudi Arabia’s quest for the role of regional policeman. Riyadh, a target of Sunni Islamic radical group Isis, is also concerned about the expansion of interference in the Arab world of its Shia rival, Iran.

Saudi Arabia is also concerned by the nuclear deal between its traditional western allies and Iran and their refusal to bomb the Iran-backed Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad, choosing instead to focus on Isis.


Many Arabs believe that the civil war in Syria and sectarian conflict in Iraq are radicalising young Sunnis into the arms of Isis. Western powers, while bombing Isis, are also negotiating with Mr Assad’s military backer, Russia, over which Syrian rebel groups should be part of future political talks over a political transition.


Prince Turki bin Faisal Al Saud, the kingdom’s former intelligence chief, said the Islamic world would confront the threat of Isis, but also called on action to oust Mr Assad to resolve what he called a root cause of Sunni radicalisation. “Bombing Isis in Iraq and Syria is useless as today the biggest terrorist is [Mr]Assad,” he told the audience of a conference in Dubai. “If he doesn’t disappear, we will always have terrorism.


Saudi Arabia has come under criticism for its military campaign against Yemen, another state in the new alliance, where Riyadh and Abu Dhabi have intervened with ground troops to try to restore the elected president to power against Zaydi Shia rebels backed by Iran.


Critics say the focus on Houthi rebels at the expense of Sunni militants Isis and al-Qaeda has expanded Sunni militancy in the country and beyond.

The formation of this broader alliance against “terrorism” comes days ahead of an expected ceasefire in Yemen before talks. After months of fighting, the Saudi-led coalition has taken lowland territory but has not managed to break into the Houthis’ northern heartlands.


The Islamic republic of Iran, Saudi Arabia’s regional rival, is not part of the coalition, along with Shia-majority Iraq, which is battling Sunni militants Isis. Fellow GCC state Oman, which has acted as a bridge in talks with Iran and Houthi rebels, is also absent from the coalition.


Another alliance member is Bahrain, where a Shia majority continues to call for more rights from a minority Sunni-led ruling family that called on Saudi backing for its violent quelling of Shia-led dissent amid the Arab spring revolts of 2011.


The alliance also includes other Muslims states such as Malaysia, close regional allies such as Sudan, which has deployed ground troops to support Saudi Arabia in Yemen, and north and sub-Saharan African states that have been the target of Islamist extremists, such as Tunisia and Libya, Nigeria, Niger, Mali and Somalia.

Saudi Arabia has come under criticism for exporting radical Wahhabi Islamic doctrine that intersects with some of the beliefs espoused by radical groups such as Isis.


The statement on the alliance said its basis came from the Koran and Islamic law “that reject terrorism in all its forms and manifestations because it is a heinous crime and injustice rejected by all heavenly religions and human instinct”.


On Tuesday, William Hague, the former British foreign secretary, welcomed the announcement of the Saudi-led alliance, saying regional action could help curtail the growth of Islamist extremist militancy, as well as other forms of terrorism.


Speaking on the sidelines of the Dubai conference, Lord Hague called on the alliance to become an effective fighting force by transforming into a Nato-style military force, committed to members’ mutual security. “The important thing is to give it real effect — to make sure that, like Nato, it really means protecting each others’ security and integrating some of their military forces, and not just a headquarters.”


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Teško da se ova koalicija baš može nazvati "islamskom", tu nema nekih veoma bitnih zemalja. Pored već spomenutih Irana, Iraka i Omana (koji je diplomatski džin u muslimanskom svetu, zbog politike koje vodi Sultan Kabus), u koaliciji nema ni Sirije, Alžira i Indonezije, kao ni centralnoazijskih republika bivšeg SSSR. Od ovih koji su tu, ima i onih koje su razvaljene u građanskim ratovima i sa upitnim legitimitetom predstavnika (Jemen, Libija, Somalija), a i onih koje su tu samo da popune broj, bez ikakvog drugog doprinosa (Palestina, Komorska ostrva).

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