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Peti oktobar na bliskom istoku i arapskom svetu


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ne može se žaliti đeneralu, jer je poređenje tvoje, kao i ta demokratofilija.

Onda se izvinjavam - nije Djeneral adresa za zalbe nego TIME magazin. Meni je i to ok. 

A koga boli kita da cita™ - je@iga, vishe srece u sledecem zivotu.

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hm, iDemo, linkovao si pogresan tekst ako si mislio da ovaj djeneral osporava intervenciju zbog 'grehova' ranijih ratova.

btw. lik je klasicni americki (vojni) bot.

Pa cekaj, cemu onda zalbe od strane "CD-rom-a kongresne biblioteke"? 

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Pa cekaj, cemu onda zalbe od strane "CD-rom-a kongresne biblioteke"? 


procitaj tekst jos jednom.

lik bi da ratuje, njemu treba vojska na terenu jer se IS nece sam od sebe poraziti samo vazdusnim udarima.

edit: to sto nece da ratuje sa americkom krvlju ne umanjuje njegovu zelju da neko drugi iskrvari za sveti cilj.

Edited by Bane5
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zasto da najebes? nece tebe bombardovati.


edit: a ove osude napada od strane rusije i irana su disonantne u odnosu na njihovog pulena u damasku. naime, asadovi zvanicnici su izjavili da su bili (posredno) obavesteni o napadu na vreme i da znaju da su oni usmereni samo na IS(IS).

Edited by Bane5
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The Barbarians Within Our Gates



Arab civilization, such as we knew it, is all but gone. The Arab world today is more violent, unstable, fragmented and driven by extremism—the extremism of the rulers and those in opposition—than at any time since the collapse of the Ottoman Empire a century ago. Every hope of modern Arab history has been betrayed. The promise of political empowerment, the return of politics, the restoration of human dignity heralded by the season of Arab uprisings in their early heydays—all has given way to civil wars, ethnic, sectarian and regional divisions and the reassertion of absolutism, both in its military and atavistic forms.
Edited by Takeshi
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