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Peti oktobar na bliskom istoku i arapskom svetu


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pa sta?http://mondoweiss.net/2011/01/egypts-muslim-brotherhood-vs-al-qaeda.htmlsajt je sad nesto nedostupan
Da, Muslim Brotherhood jeste po svom karakteru drugačija organizacija u odnosu na druge muslimanske organizacije koje su terorističke. MB nije prihvatila nasilje kao metod borbe. Ono što MB čini sličnim ostalim muslimanskim organizacijama jeste ideologija koja se bazira na pretpostavki da muslimanski svet i život treba biti uređen prema Kuranu. U tom smislu oni smatraju da žene moraju da se oblače i ponašaju u skladu sa muslimanskim učenjima. Suštinski oni su vrlo konzervativna muslimanska grupa. Takođe postoji i ono što se pominje kao njihov cilj a to je "obećana muslimanska zemlja koja se prostire od Španije do Indonezije". Ideje o velikom muslimanskom "carstvu" prožimaju i povezuju veliki broj muslimanskih organizacija.MB je na poslednjim izborima na kojima je učestvovala uzela veliki broj mesta u parlamentu i bila je druga politička grupacija po snazi. ElBaradei, za koga se svi nadamo da bi mogao biti neko rešenje za bližu budućnost iza sebe nema organizovanu stranku. Dogovoru o formiranju političkog pokreta koji je on inicirao je prisustvovala MB ali bez jasnog zauzimanja stava oko podrške ElBaradeiu.Bottom line je da je Mubarakovo vreme isteklo. Da je on prokockao 30 godina vlasti na igrama sa zapadom i fundamentalisdtima kojima se održavao na vlasti a da ih nije iskoristio da reformu države i sistema koji bi prestavljao sistemsko rešenje za probleme s kojima se njegova zemlja suočava a koji su i ekonomski i politički. Ali i da ukoliko ovo krene naopako ne treba biti mnogo iznenađen. Put do pakla i najbolje namere. Edited by Eraserhead
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Za koji moj su se Rusi po hiljaditi put odlucili da podrzavaju diktatore (i uopste, pogresnu stranu), ne znam, ali tako izgleda nakon poziva Medvedeva Mubaraku i ovih Russia Today klipovahttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nt6dYn9K8tEKomicno je na kraju klipa kada se ovaj predstavnik Mubaraka obrati novinarki i kaze joj nesto u stilu "dobro je da ste vi na nasoj strani", a voditeljka je engleskinja

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Za koji moj su se Rusi po hiljaditi put odlucili da podrzavaju diktatore
Nekako mi je ovo pleonazam u formi pitanja.Ipak, stice se utisak da vecina medija nije na Mubarakovoj strani, sto mozda ima i veze s tim kako su tretirani. (Onako kako su po svemu sudeci obicni Egipcani stalno tretirani = zivot u strahu od svemocne policije).
It has been suggested much of the violence against anti-government protesters and journalists has been organised by the Egyptian regime.
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MB je na poslednjim izborima na kojima je učestvovala uzela veliki broj mesta u parlamentu i bila je druga politička grupacija po snazi. ElBaradei, za koga se svi nadamo da bi mogao biti neko rešenje za bližu budućnost iza sebe nema organizovanu stranku. Dogovoru o formiranju političkog pokreta koji je on inicirao je prisustvovala MB ali bez jasnog zauzimanja stava oko podrške ElBaradeiu.
Još jedan Banisadr?
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Треба погледати шта Гелн Бек каже зашто Арапи мрзе Америку. Нема бољег есеја на ту тему.

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Aj' nam prepricaj (ukratko) da ne moramo da gledamo Becka, pls.wink.gif
Ја мислио Инди ти све ћилиричаре тураш на игноре листу. ;) Једноставно човек је рекао да су лицемери, који причају о демократији и људским правима, а у иностранству зарад интереса подржавају разбојнике типа Мубарака, Дон Мила, Тачија, СМ-а, док то њиховим краткорочниим интересима одговара.
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Ја мислио Инди ти све ћилиричаре тураш на игноре листу. ;) Једноставно човек је рекао да су лицемери, који причају о демократији и људским правима, а у иностранству зарад интереса подржавају разбојнике типа Мубарака, Дон Мила, Тачија, СМ-а, док то њиховим краткорочниим интересима одговара.
Takvima ce sada da nastupi sizofrenija u glavi kad shvate da ih ti isti Amerikanci koje mrze u stvari podrzavaju. Evo Hilari Klinton poziva vojsku da cuva demonstratore. To ti je isto ko ovi nasi Fridom Haus prophet-i koji mrze Ruse, sve su to gluposti.
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Takvima ce sada da nastupi sizofrenija u glavi kad shvate da ih ti isti Amerikanci koje mrze u stvari podrzavaju. Evo Hilari Klinton poziva vojsku da cuva demonstratore.
konacno je na povrsinu isplivala dugo i brizljivo skrivana ljubav koju USA administracija gaji prema demokratiji i ljudskim pravima. :thumbup:
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Ја мислио Инди ти све ћилиричаре тураш на игноре листу. ;)
Tebe sam zaboravio.Posto si mi lepo odgovorio, necu ni da te stavljam na listu zasad.Inace, Becku ne treba verovati ni kad istinu prica. Edited by Indy
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Još jedan Banisadr?
Nisu nemoguća ni ta opcija a ni da između odlaska Mubaraka i izbora dođe do upliva nekih drugih lidera koji mogu biti islamistički iz redova MB ili neislamistički iz redova neke druge opozicione grupacije. Imamo čitavu istoriju uspešnih dolazaka ekstremista na vlast preko ljudi koji su zaista bili borci za demokratizaciju i poboljšanje ljudskih prava ali nisu imali politički kapacitet da budu vlast. To sve apsolutno nije razlog za podršku Mubaraku ili za njegovo držanje na vlasti ali jeste za oprez. Egipat je velika i važna zemlja za globalnu politiku.post-366-12968099163189.jpgAmerički mediji su sada već vrlo jasno zauzeli stranu demonstranata:NYT WPI evo male političko-pravne analize mogućnosti u NYTu.Sporni član 76.

Article 76 The President shall be elected by direct, public, secret ballot. For an applicant to be accepted as a candidate to presidency, he shall be supported by at least 250 elected members of the People’s Assembly, the Shura Council and local popular councils on governorate level, provided that those shall include at least 65 members of the People’s Assembly, 25 of the Shura Council and ten of every local council in at least 14 governorates. The number of members of the People’s Assembly, the Shura Council and local popular councils on governorate level supporting candidature shall be raised in pro rata to any increase in the number of any of these councils. In all cases, support may not be given to more than one candidate. Procedures related to this process shall be regulated by the law. Political parties, founded at least five consecutive years before the starting date of candidature and have been operating uninterruptedly for this period, and whose members have obtained at least 3% of the elected members of both the People’s Assembly and the Shura Council in the latest election or an equivalent percentage of such total in one of the two assemblies, may each nominate for presidency a member of their respective higher board, according to their own by-laws, provided he has been a member of such board for at least one consecutive year. As an exception to the provisions of the afore-mentioned paragraph, the afore-mentioned political parties whose members obtained at least one seat in any of the People’s Assembly or the Shura Council in the latest election may nominate in any presidential elections to be held within ten years starting from May 1, 2007, any member of its higher board, according to their own by-laws, provided he has been a member of such board for at least one consecutive year. Candidature applications shall be submitted to an independent committee, named the Presidential Election Committee. The committee shall be composed of the head of the Supreme Constitutional Court as a chairman and the head of the Cairo Court of Appeal, the most senior deputy of the head of the Supreme Constitutional Court, the most senior deputy of the head of the Court of Cassation, the most senior deputy of the State Council and five public figures, recognized for impartiality. Three of the fore-mentioned public figures shall be selected by the People’s Assembly and the other two by the Shura Council upon a recommendation of the bureaus of both houses for a period of five years. The law shall determine who will act on behalf of the chairman or any member of the committee, should there be some reason for their absence. This committee shall exclusively have the following competences: 1- to declare the initiation of candidature and supervise procedures for declaring the final list of candidates; 2- to generally supervise balloting and vote-counting procedures; 3- to announce elections results; 4- to decide on all appeals, challenges and all matters related to its competences, including conflict of jurisdiction; 5- to draw up by-laws regulating its modus operandi and method of practicing its competences.The committee’s resolutions shall be passed with a majority of at least seven members. Its resolutions shall be final, self-enforcing and incontestable by any means or before any authority whatsoever. Its resolutions may not be challenged through construing or stay of execution. The law regulating presidential elections shall determine other competences for the committee. The law shall also determine regulating rules governing the nomination of a candidate to replace another one who has vacated his seat for some reasons other than assignment within the period between the starting date of candidature and before the termination of voting. Voting shall be conducted in one single day. The Presidential Election Committee shall establish committees to administer stages of the voting and ballot-counting process. The committee shall establish main committees to be composed of members of the judiciary to supervise the process in accordance with such rules and regulations as may be decided by the committee. Election of the president shall be declared when candidates have obtained an absolute majority of the number of valid votes. In the event that none of the candidates has obtained such majority, election shall be repeated, at least after seven days, between the two candidates who have obtained the largest number of votes. Should another candidate obtain a number of valid votes equal to those of the second, he shall take part in the re-election. In this case, the candidate who has obtained the largest number of votes will be declared winner. Voting for electing the president shall be effected, even though one single candidate has applied or even if he was the only candidate remaining due to assignment of the rest of candidates or due to failure to field another candidate in lieu of the one vacating his seat. In this case, the candidate who has obtained the absolute majority of the number of valid votes shall be declared winner. The law shall regulate procedures to be followed in the event the candidate has failed to obtain this majority. The President shall submit the draft law regulating the presidential election to the Supreme Constitutional Court following endorsement by the People’s Assembly and before promulgation, to determine compliance with the Constitution. The Court shall return its ruling in this connection within fifteen days from date of submission thereto. Should the court decide that one or more provisions of the draft law are unconstitutional, the President shall return it to the People’s Assembly to put this ruling into effect. In all cases, the court’s ruling shall be binding to all parties and all state authorities. The law shall be published in the Official Gazette within three days from date of issuance.

Edited by Eraserhead
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