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Secret US-Syrian dialogue for coordinating counter-ISIS operations in Syria led up to Obama speech

The Syrian officers, on the authority of President Bashar Assad, met on the quiet several times with American officers in the capital of one of the Gulf emirates – most probably Muscat in Oman – to prepare the ground for the US and coalition to extend the military campaign against IS into Syria. Tehran was almost certainly in on the dialogue, which brought together US and Syrian officials for the first time in the nearly four years of the Syrian civil war.

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Sta je nama nasha borba dala...


Libyan Parliament Currently Operating from a Floating Ferry




Libya's elected government has fled escalating violence in the country's capital, and taken refuge in a Greek ferry in the neighboring port city of Tobruk, according to news reports.

A large ship usually used to transport cars between Italy and Greece was hired at the last minute to accommodate Libya's parliament, the Guardian reported. Elected in June, the officials were originally set to meet in Benghazi, but changed course due to intensifying conflict.
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Al' nonetheless (sto bi rekli) salje avione pune oruzja i opreme za ekipu koja se "bori protiv" ISISa... I to uredno objavljuje u dnevnim novinama - da neko ne propusti doprinos "zajednickoj stvari"... 

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Debka nije najpouzdani izvor ali:


Secret US-Syrian dialogue for coordinating counter-ISIS operations in Syria led up to Obama speech

The Syrian officers, on the authority of President Bashar Assad, met on the quiet several times with American officers in the capital of one of the Gulf emirates – most probably Muscat in Oman – to prepare the ground for the US and coalition to extend the military campaign against IS into Syria. Tehran was almost certainly in on the dialogue, which brought together US and Syrian officials for the first time in the nearly four years of the Syrian civil war.

Pouzdan ili ne - to je dobitna kombinacija ako je za verovati stanju na terenu kao sto je predstavljeno u mainstream zapadnim medijima.

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Keri je nevjerovatna slijepcina. Jednu od strana u duboko podijeljenoj državi loži da učestvuje u napadu na radikalne islamiste. Taman da se i ova druga strana u Egiptu još više radikalizuje u borbi protiv bezbožničke vlasti.


Svoje saveznike je stavio pred odvratan izbor. 


Nevjerovatno. Potpuni idiot.

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