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Mislim da ovo vise nema veze s Mubarakom. Ovo sad aparatura oko Mubaraka pokusava da rasprsi proteste kako bi Mubaraka za par meseci zamenio neko po njihovoj meri a oni ostali netaknuti, jer se plase da ce im u suprotnom rulja glave pootkidati. Mubarak ce lako da zbrise, na hiljade njegovih najblizih pristalica i "saradnika" nece moci to tek tako.

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trougao Amerika-Cionisti-Katar. :D 'Israeli connection' to Egypt riots? A young Egyptian woman claims that the Mossad trained her to assist in bringing down Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak's regime. In an interview with Egypt's Al Mehwar network the woman, who noted that her facebook page was extremely popular, said that she was sent by an American organization to be specially trained "by Israelis and Jews" in Qatar.http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4023319,00.html

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http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-12361948Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has said he would like to resign immediately but fears the country would descend into chaos if he did so.In his first interview since anti-government protests across Egypt began 10 days ago, he told ABC News he was "fed up" with power.But he warned that the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood party would fill any power vacuum if he stepped down.
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http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-12361948Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has said he would like to resign immediately but fears the country would descend into chaos if he did so.In his first interview since anti-government protests across Egypt began 10 days ago, he told ABC News he was "fed up" with power.But he warned that the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood party would fill any power vacuum if he stepped down.
Ovo boldovano lako može biti tačno. Edited by Eraserhead
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Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has said he would like to resign immediately but fears the country would descend into chaos if he did so.
Ima li taj prozore u palati?...
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Radi.Eraser, po zadatku.biggrin.gif
to :D e pa kul, nije radio malopre (meni), ali citala sam ga pre par dana. ovo je super:http://twitter.com/#!/a_shalaby/status/33147011087736832
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