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Koliko ja znam (i koliko sam čitao i gledao neke dokumentarce), sirijsko vazduhoplovstvo je bilo stub režima, napunjeno rođacima Asadovih i Alavitima. Obaveštajna služba sirijskog vazduhoplovstva bila je korišćena kao paralelna bezbednosna struktura, i bavila se ne samo vazdušnim izviđanjem nego je špijunirala druge bezbednosne službe (vojne i policijske itd.)

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Hagel: Seven Nations Pledge Arms for Iraqi Kurds in Fight Against ISIL

By Nick Simeone

DoD News, Defense Media Activity

WASHINGTON, Aug. 26, 2014 – Seven nations have joined the United States and the Iraqi government with pledges to provide arms to Kurdish forces in northern Iraq where they are battling terrorists from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said today.

Albania, Canada, Croatia, Denmark, Italy, France and the United Kingdom “have committed to helping provide Kurdish forces urgently needed arms and equipment, “Hagel said in a written statement as his spokesman, Navy Rear Adm. John Kirby was describing the threat from ISIL as “only going to grow.”

Hagel said the resupply operations have already begun and will accelerate in the coming days with more nations expected to contribute.

“This is a serious threat from a serious group of terrorists,” Pentagon Press Secretary Kirby told reporters at a news conference. “And we need to stay mindful of doing what we need to do to protect American citizens at home and abroad.”

Since June, Syrian-based ISIL terrorists have crossed the border and captured large sections of Northern Iraq including the country’s second largest city, Mosul with little or no resistance from the Iraqi military and have threatened to kill those they consider apostates. President Barack Obama ordered military advisors to the country to assist the Iraqi military and to protect Americans there, but has vowed that no U.S. combat troops will return to Iraq. He did so again today. “We’ll not allow the United States to be dragged back into another ground war in Iraq,” he said in remarks to the American Legion in Charlotte, North Carolina.

At the Pentagon, Kirby would not detail possible future U.S. military operations beyond the current role of advising the Iraqi military and conducting surveillance flights and targeted airstrikes against ISIL targets in Iraq. Last week, Hagel described the threat posed by ISIL fighters as ‘imminent’ and said the United States is “looking at all options.”

“With respect to providing military options, we’re going to be ready to do that, but I’m not going to get into the details,” Kirby told reporters.

Nije loše, ni je lo še, nakon kalifata naoružavamo i kontrakalifatdžije. Oružjem koje nam je među ostalima kupio i Iran.

Edited by Roger Sanchez
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Nije loše, ni je lo še, nakon kalifata naoružavamo i kontrakalifatdžije. Oružjem koje nam je među ostalima kupio i Iran.

Ko je naoruzavao ISIS? Nesto sam citao da su finansirani putem privatnih donacija iz zalivskih zemalja, o naoruzavanju nisam nasao nista. Deluje mi neverovatno da su se zapadnjaci petljali u to, u periodu kad su ovi bili sa Al-Nusrom, ogrankom Al-Kaide.

Edited by Agni
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Ko je naoruzavao ISIS? Nesto sam citao da su finansirani putem privatnih donacija iz zalivskih zemalja, o naoruzavanju nisam nasao nista.

Indirektno, rečitaj brown mosesa. Od Jordana je brzo došlo do Jabhat al Nusre, a onda kapilarno, lateral-trickle i do Dawlata.

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Indirektno, rečitaj brown mosesa. Od Jordana je brzo došlo do Jabhat al Nusre, a onda kapilarno, lateral-trickle i do Dawlata.


Nikad cuo za njega. Sad vidim da ima vrlo informativan blog. Hvala.

Edited by Agni
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Ko je naoruzavao ISIS? Nesto sam citao da su finansirani putem privatnih donacija iz zalivskih zemalja, o naoruzavanju nisam nasao nista. Deluje mi neverovatno da su se zapadnjaci petljali u to, u periodu kad su ovi bili sa Al-Nusrom, ogrankom Al-Kaide.


Oni su naoruzavani od strane prijateljskih islamistickih grupa koje su smatrane, i danas se dobrim delom smatraju, prihvatljivim zapadu. Danas je Vasington zatrazio od turske da poveca kontrolu granice sa Sirijom, cime su implicitno priznali sta se desavalo u prethodne 3 godine. To su svi znali ali ovo je priznanje. Napad na Raku, je dosao iz pravca turske, kada je izbacena Asadova vlast odande. Tu se pojavio IS kao saveznik grupa poput Al-Nusre, tek kasnije dolazi do naglog ojacavanja IS, ostaje da se vidi kako se to desilo,  i bukvalnog usisavanja drugih islamistickih grupa. Mnogi od njih su prosli americku obuku u kampovima u Jordanu i Turskoj.

Edited by Zaz_pi
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Bilo je toga gomila. Kao sto je Lex Sanchezis vec napisao, njegova domovina je ucestvovala u naoruzavanju tih grupa. Slucaj Bengazi u Libiji, kada je stradao ambasador SAD, je povezan sa time. Iz Libije se slalo oruzje u Tursku a onda prebacivano u Siriju. Isto iz Iraka, Jordan...ne samo oruzje vec i ljudi, obuka, obavestajne informacije. Sada se neko pita odakle im.

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Oni su naoruzavani od strane prijateljskih islamistickih grupa koje su smatrane, i danas se dobrim delom smatraju, prihvatljivim zapadu. Danas je Vasington zatrazio od turske da poveca kontrolu granice sa Sirijom, cime su implicitno priznali sta se desavalo u prethodne 3 godine. To su svi znali ali ovo je priznanje. Napad na Raku, je dosao iz pravca turske, kada je izbacena Asadova vlast odande. Tu se pojavio IS kao saveznik grupa poput Al-Nusre, tek kasnije dolazi do naglog ojacavanja IS, ostaje da se vidi kako se to desilo,  i bukvalnog usisavanja drugih islamistickih grupa. Mnogi od njih su prosli americku obuku u kampovima u Jordanu i Turskoj.


oni su naoruzavani odande, ovi su dosli odavde, a oni su onda ojacali, ali tek treba da se vidi kako se to desilo mada se sve to zna.

perice sine, odspavaj malo.

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“Since ISIS took over large swaths of Iraq, in particular, Arabic media outlets of all types have produced reports about the nature of the group and the source of its ideology,” Mr. Hassan wrote in The Guardian. “There is a collective soul-searching in the region, coming from everyone from ordinary people to clerics and intellectuals.”

That sort of introspection is not for everyone, of course, so a popular conspiracy theory has spread online that offers an easier answer to the riddle of where ISIS came from: Washington.


According to the theory, which appears to have started in Egypt and spread rapidly across the region, ISIS was created by the United States as part of a plot orchestrated by the former secretary of state Hillary Rodham Clinton to replace the region’s autocratic rulers with more pliant Islamist allies. The evidence cited to back up this claim sounds unimpeachable: passages from Mrs. Clinton’s new memoir in which she describes how a plan to bolster the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt was foiled at the last moment when the Egyptian military seized power on July 5, 2013, and deployed submarines and fighter jets to block an American invasion.


As the Egyptian blogger who writes as Zeinobia explained, Egypt’s new culture minister, Gaber Asfour, cited a version of the theory in televised remarks in which he said that he had learned from Mrs. Clinton’s book “that the Americans decided to support and create ISIS” to undermine the military-backed government that deposed the elected Islamist president, Mohamed Morsi, last summer.  :ziga:


Edited by Gandalf
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I tako, exceptional support verovatno znaci naoruzavanje onoga Hafde, pomoc Egipta...

Jeziva je bliskoistocna politika zapadnih sila. Nijedan dobar potez nisu povukli od povlacenja tepiha ispod Mubaraka.

(Disclaimer: Gadafi je bio zlocinac par excellence koji se mogao drugacije  oboriti.)



France is calling for "exceptional support" for Libya, warning the country could fall into chaos without United Nations intervention.

If no action is taken, French President Francois Hollande warned, "terrorism will spread across the region."

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