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Militia Fighting in Libya Hits Fuel Tanker Near Tripoli Airport


Heavy fighting around Tripoli airport has hit a fuel tanker, oil and airport officials said on Wednesday, as an escalation of violence in Libya damages the country’s oil infrastructure for the first time.

Fighting between rival militia for control of the Libyan capital’s airport has left at least 47 dead in the worst clashes in six months. It has also led to the evacuation of oil expatriates and prevented some staff reaching a key oil field denting production there.

The fuel tanker, which was close to the airport, burst into flames after being hit by a missile, according to statements and videos posted on the airport’s Facebook. The page subsequently showed the fire had been put out.

Libyan oil officials, who confirmed the incident, said the damage will make it even more difficult to supply Tripoli, which has already suffered from acute shortages of fuel.

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Militia Fighting in Libya Hits Fuel Tanker Near Tripoli Airport


Heavy fighting around Tripoli airport has hit a fuel tanker, oil and airport officials said on Wednesday, as an escalation of violence in Libya damages the country’s oil infrastructure for the first time.

Fighting between rival militia for control of the Libyan capital’s airport has left at least 47 dead in the worst clashes in six months. It has also led to the evacuation of oil expatriates and prevented some staff reaching a key oil field denting production there.

The fuel tanker, which was close to the airport, burst into flames after being hit by a missile, according to statements and videos posted on the airport’s Facebook. The page subsequently showed the fire had been put out.

Libyan oil officials, who confirmed the incident, said the damage will make it even more difficult to supply Tripoli, which has already suffered from acute shortages of fuel.


sad će da bude bambusanje.


sa spajsom nema zajbancije. :fantom: 

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Американци се евакуишу из Триполија због све већих сукоба



US evacuates its embassy in Tripoli, Libya

The US State Department said it was temporarily removing its personnel from Libya because of fighting near the US embassy in Tripoli.
Turkey had also removed about 700 personnel from the North African country.

Personnel, including the US. Marines who guard the embassy,were evacuated by land with F-16 fighters.

They were also accompanied by Osprey helicopters providing security.

There has been two weeks of fighting between militias who have exchanged rocket and artillery fire in southern Tripoli near the embassy compound.

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ISIS je posle borbe sa Kurdima preuzeo bitnu branu na Tigru, strategijski objekat što se kaže. Vrlo je bitan kurdskoj strani, pa će morati da pokažu svoje pravo lice i ozbiljno iskeze zube da ga povrate. Ako kalifatlije miniraju tu branu, tek će biti veselo.

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Agni, odakle su te procene? Meni se cini da oni stalno pregrupisu svoje snage kada se nadju ozbiljno ugrozeni. Mislim da ih nema ni priblizno toliko koliko se misli da ih ima.

Kada je prekjuce izbila kriza oni su u pomoc odmah zvali YPG jer navodno nisu imali dovoljno snaga da zaustave IS mada je verovatnije da su ih dzihadisti slomili i da im se odbrana potpuno raspala.

Na tezu da su snage kurda nedovoljne za duzinu linija koje brane u Siriji i Iraku ide i cinjenica da je IS takticki napao istovremeno kurde na tri mesta iako je cilj ocigledno bio da se osvoje Zumar i Sinjar (i sve sto uz to ide).

Na taj nacin su verovatno zeleli da smanje mogucnost da se kurdi sa obe strane granice brzo pregrupisu.

Edited by Bane5
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Agni, odakle su te procene? Meni se cini da oni stalno pregrupisu svoje snage kada se nadju ozbiljno ugrozeni. Mislim da ih nema ni priblizno toliko koliko se misli da ih ima.

Kada je prekjuce izbila kriza oni su u pomoc odmah zvali YPG jer navodno nisu imali dovoljno snaga da zaustave IS mada je verovatnije da su ih dzihadisti slomili i da im se odbrana potpuno raspala.

Na tezu da su snage kurda nedovoljne za duzinu linija koje brane u Siriji i Iraku ide i cinjenica da je IS takticki napao istovremeno kurde na tri mesta iako je cilj ocigledno bio da se osvoje Zumar i Sinjar (i sve sto uz to ide).

Na taj nacin su verovatno zeleli da smanje mogucnost da se kurdi sa obe strane granice brzo pregrupisu.


Za Peshmerge su sa Vikipedije, koja citira medijske procene koje se krecu u razmaku od 180 000 do preko 300 000, sto mi zvuci bas previse. Zvanicna cifra je 190 000. A za ISIS su svi mediji navodili cifre u rangu od nekoliko hiljada, ne vise od 7000 u svakom slucaju. Neka Kurda ima upola manje nego sto sami tvrde, a ISIS-vih boraca dva puta vise od najvecih procena, opet ne vidim kako Kurdi mogu da budu "overstreched".

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Nikako mi nije jasno: Kurdi se zale da su "overstreched" u borbi protiv ISIS-a, a po procenama ima ih najmanje 20 puta vise od protivnika. 


Kako god bilo, pre tri dana su opako dobili po tamburi pa su borbe sada prišle na 40km od Erbila. Štaviše, toliko je zagustilo da je iračka avijacija dejstvovala po ISIS kako bi im pomogla, što je prvi momenat vojne saradnje između Kurda i Bagdada posle ohoho vremena.

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Čime su ih rokali, Lastama? Na netu ne mogu tačno da prokljuvim šta Iračani zapravo imaju od avijacije a šta tek treba da im se isporuči...

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