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Kuwait police fire teargas to break up opposition demo

Kuwaiti police fired teargas and stun grenades to disperse an opposition rally demanding the release of prominent dissident Mussallam al-Barrak, activists said on Thursday.

The public prosecutor on Wednesday ordered Barrak, a former MP, to be held for 10 days after he was questioned for allegedly insulting the judiciary.

On Thursday, the court turned down a petition filed by Barrak's lawyers to release him until his trial, defence lawyer Thamer al-Jadaei wrote on his Twitter account.

The court set a July 7 date to start hearing the case against Barrak, who is charged with insulting the supreme judicial council and slander against its chairman.

Soon after the court's rejection, the opposition went into an emergency meeting to decide on further action.

Thousands of people gathered at Barrak's residence southwest of Kuwait City on Wednesday night and marched on the nearby jail where the former opposition leader was detained, the activists said.

Police intervened when hundreds of protesters reached the prison, firing teargas and stun grenades to disperse them. There were no reports of any casualties.

Smaller protests were also reportedly staged in other parts of the oil-rich Gulf state.

The opposition leader is accused of slandering and insulting the supreme judicial council and its chairman, Faisal al-Marshed, in remarks made at a public rally on June 10.

Opposition groups strongly criticised the legal action against him as unlawful and "politically motivated".

At the rally, Barrak charged that former senior officials, including ruling family members, had stolen tens of billions of dollars from public funds and engaged in money laundering.

He also criticised the judiciary.

The scandal was later linked to claims that the same officials were seen in video footage plotting a coup.

Those allegations were made in a lawsuit filed last month by Sheikh Ahmad Fahad Al-Sabah, a senior ruling family member and former energy minister.

Sheikh Ahmad is scheduled to be questioned on Thursday by the public prosecutor as a witness.

Most opposition groups are not represented in parliament after having boycotted a July 2013 election in protest at Kuwait's amended electoral law.

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ok, so.. ovo je naj up-to-date mapa koju sam nasao. teritorija koju drze Kurdi ovde se ne poklapa bas sa onom najmaksimalistickijom sa vikipedije gde claimuju i neke teritorije u okolini Kirkuka i Niniveh provinciji gde su ovi iz dzamat Ansar, ali tu su.. vreme radi za najstabilniji iracki entitet™.



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eeeeeee, ovako se radi propaganda.


edit: da sam granicno inteligentan tinejdzer iz problematicne porodice i nekog trusnog lokaliteta dobrano zahvacenog retradicionalizacijom, vec bi bio na putu za Siriju.


bravo, bravo ! tako se to radi !

Edited by DarkAttraktor
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Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s first public speech. In one passage, the ISIS leader said:


Terrorism is to worship Allah as He ordered you. Terrorism is to refuse humiliation, subjugation, and subordination. Terrorism is for the Muslim to live as a Muslim, honourably with might and freedom. Terrorism is to insist upon your rights and not give them up.


But terrorism does not include the killing of Muslims in Burma and the burning of their homes. Terrorism does not include the dismembering and disemboweling of the Muslims in the Philippines, Indonesia, and Kashmir. Terrorism does not include the killing of Muslims in the Caucasus and expelling them from their lands. Terrorism does not include making mass graves for the Muslims in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the slaughtering of their children. Terrorism does not include the destruction of Muslims’ homes in Palestine, the seizing of their lands, and the violation and desecration of their sanctuaries and families!


Terrorism does not include the burning of masājid in Egypt, the destruction of the Muslims’ homes there, the rape of their chaste women, and the oppression of the mujahidin in the Sinai Peninsula and elsewhere. Terrorism does not include the extreme torture and degradation of Muslims in East Turkistan and Iran, as well as preventing them from receiving their most basic rights. Terrorism does not include the filling of prisons everywhere with Muslim captives. Terrorism does not include the waging of war against chastity and hijab (Muslim women’s clothing) in France and Tunis. It does not include the propagation of betrayal, prostitution, and adultery. Terrorism does not include the insulting of the Lord of Mightiness, the cursing of the religion, and the mockery of our Prophet (peace be upon him). Terrorism does not include the slaughtering of Muslims in Central Africa like sheep, while no one weeps for them and denounces their slaughter.


All this is not terrorism. Rather it is freedom, democracy, peace, security, and tolerance!



Edited by Gandalf
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Ovo mogu da zavaljaju za mnogo lepe pare.


"Terrorist groups have seized control of nuclear material at the sites that came out of the control of the state," Alhakim told UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in the July 8 letter obtained by Reuters on Wednesday. According to Iraq's UN ambassador, Mohamed Ali Alhakim, about 40 kilograms of uranium compounds were kept at Mosul University. He added that such materials "can be used in manufacturing weapons of mass destruction." 


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Ovo mogu da zavaljaju za mnogo lepe pare.

Pre ce ovo nekom da posluzi da opravda neka druga zavaljivanja, tek da se nadje izgovor/opravdanje...

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Left for dead in desert



“We left everything we had behind. We didn’t even take our ID cards. Elderly people died on the road. Our wives and children are dying here. We just want to get out of here, we don’t want anything else. Just save us and allow us to enter a town in Turkey.”


“They killed even 40-day-old babies and the elderly. They have blasted all the Shiite mosques. They even killed the animals, cows and sheep. We didn’t have time to bury some of the bodies.”

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