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недеља, 10. феб 2013, 07:32 -> 07:42 "Наоружани момци" са Блиског истокаВесна Кнежевић, дописница РТС-а из БечаОптимистичан поглед на Арапско пролеће припада прошлости, закључује аутријски "Ди Пресе" у текстовима о "наоружаним момцима" на Блиском истоку. Централно питање је хоће ли Египћани дозволити да секуларне диктаторе замене исламистички и да ли време исламских диктатура у арапском свету тек долази.Нови шеф сиријског Удружења опозиционих странака шеик Моаз ел Катиб био је у центру интересовања учесника недавно завршене Минхенске конференције о безбедности. И високи дипломатски гости и новинари нису престајали да хвале његово стрпљење, политичку умереност и спремност на компромисе.

Шеик Моаз ел Катиб и министар спољних послова Немачке Гвидо ВестервелеЧак и ирански и руски министри спољних послова, који још верују да Асадов режим има будућност, радо су се сретали са ел Катибом, али не зато што има моћ, већ зато што је нема. Праву моћ имају "момци под оружјем", како је са говорнице и ван ње спремно изјављивао тај опозициони сиријски политичар.Аустријски Спектрум, суботњи додатак конзервативног листа Ди Пресе, управо полази од те категорије - "наоружаних момака" на Блиском истоку. У последњем броју објавио је чак два дуга текста са јединственом поруком - оптимистичан поглед на Арапско пролеће припада прошлости.У есеју "Професија: Мученик", Михаел Лај са Института за политику и религију при Универзитету Инсбрук, иначе аутор познате књиге "Нафта, Ислам, Запад", враћа се више од двеста година у прошлост, у време када су "формирањем Вeхабизма постављени темељи модерног радикалног Исламизма".Средином осамнаестог века, путујући пророк Ибн Абд ел Вeхаб окупља око себе шаку присталица и с њима креће на поход кроз Арапско полуострво, тероризује муслиманско становништво које се супротставља његовом учењу "првобитног религиозног заједништва", уводи "закон мача" за "отпаднике" од вере (Шиити, Сунити и Суфити), скрнави гробља, руши локална светишта, убија, пали и каменује.Када једног дана залута у оазу сиромашног шеика Мухамеда Ибн Сауда, Ел Вeхабова битка за "чистоћу вере" добија нову активну димензију, у којој први долази до богатства, други до моћи."Вeхаб је Ибн Сауду предложио нагодбу: Сауд ће повести Џихад против свих невeхабитских Муслимана, а за узврат, Вeхаб ће подупрeти Саудову амбицију да постане политички вођа уједињене државе - био је то тренутак рађења исламског радикализма", пише Лај.


Нафтне бушотине у Саудијској АрабијиКада се у двадесетом веку на полуострву још открију и велике залихе нафте, Саудијци то доживљавају на два начина: Прво, као Божју награду због тога што заступају једино исправно тумачење вере, и друго, као обавезу да Вeхабизам свим средствима рашире ван граница властите државе."У тоталитарној и бескомпромисној саудијској држави нема дебате између модерниста и исламиста, нема разговора о национализму, Панарабизму, Панисламизму, исламском социјализму, тамо, у ствари, нема никаквих дебата о било чему. Једино чега има је неограничена моћ првобитне религиозне заједнице, неизмерно богатство 'горњих десет хиљада' и подивљала корупција", каже Лај."Индустрија смрти"Саудијска Арабија је тежиште свих радикалних исламских идеологија, свеједно да ли некада или данас, тврди професор из Инсбрука и нуди скоро графички засновани експозе о везама вeхабитске државе са покретима "повратка фундaментима".Ту би на првом месту била 1928. година, када је у Египту основана организација "Муслиманско братство", чији је утемељивач eл Бана тумачио Џихад као "Индустрију смрти", под чим је подразумевао да "прави Муслиман воли Смрт више него Живот", те да су "само мученици прави Муслимани".Ту је и пример некадашњег Великог јерусалемског муфтије eл Хусеинија, чије наслеђе и даље живи међу новим генерацијама: 1939. године он се преко браће Хес нудио Хитлеру као партнер у "коначном решењу јеврејског питања"."Ел Хусеини је био до те мере ватрени Хитлеров обожавалац, да је коначно успео да добије позив да посети Хитлера у његовој берлинској канцеларији. Хитлер га је примио, али је одбио да се рукује, чињеница коју Ел Хусеини није успевао да схвати, будући да је његова идеолошка платформа била религиозна (антијудаизам), док је Хитлерова била расна (антисемитизам)", описује Лај мале муке Великог јерусалемског муфтије.Тоталитарна вехабитска утопија постала је данас последња нада многих Муслимана, а Ибн Абдул ел Вехаб, модерни пророк двадесет и првог века, тврди Лај и објашњава да је политичка власт Муслиманског братства била до сада ограничена на Хамас у Гази, али од "Арапског пролећа" њихов утицај експоненцијално расте у арапском свету.


"Ако 'Муслиманско братство' преузме власт у арапском свету, последице ће бити фаталне. То ће значити коначно протеривање последњих хришћанских заједница из тог дела света", закључује се у есеју."Битка за арапску душу"У другом тексту, Спектрум представља књиге двоје слободних новинара: Марсела Пота и Петре Рамсауер - честе путнике кроз пост-револуционарна арапска друштва. Обоје тугују над пропуштеним шансама "Арапског пролећа"."Терористи су киднаповали револуцију", жали се Рамсауер у књизи "Са Алахом на власт". Довољно је бацити поглед на Тунис и Каиро, да би се схватило да они који профитирају од револуције, нису они исти који су је подигли.Пот у својој књизи "Битка за арапску душу" покушава да одржи већу емотивну дистанцу према саговорницима, али на крају и он губи живце: "Поглед Муслиманског братства на друштво, државу и људе поседује квалитет иритирајућег тоталитета. Не треба имати никакве сумње како ће изгледати држава које се они дохвате".У једној епизоди Рамсауер описује како се чланови једне радикалне салафистичке ћелије окупљају у популарном кафићу усред Каира да би уз лате макијато и цезар-салату правили планове о увођењу Ислама каменог доба.Ипак, постоји нада да људи у Египту неће допустити да једна диктатура буде замењена другом, да после секуларних диктатора дођу исламистички, каже Рамсауер. Пот не дели њен оптимизам и тврди: Заборавите сваку наду, време исламских диктатура у арапском свету тек долази.

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ceo tekst je ludilo, ali ovaj detalj je zlata vredan. :0.6:

...уводи "закон мача" за "отпаднике" од вере (Шиити, Сунити и Суфити), скрнави гробља, руши локална светишта, убија, пали и каменује.
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  • 1 month later...

Alcohol poisoning leaves 87 dead in LibyaPublished: March 17, 2013 - 12:15PMAt least 87 people have died and 1014 are suffering the effects of being poisoned from drinking adulterated alcohol, the Libyan health ministry says.Two of the people hospitalised are in a state of clinical death and another 14 are in critical condition in an intensive care unit, the ministry said.Among those affected in the past week are Tunisians, Algerians, Moroccans, Somalis, Sudanese and Egyptians, and the total includes 12 women, the country's top health official, Yusef al-Wafi, said.Cases of poisoning began to surface more than a week ago, and five days later the authorities announced the arrest of several people suspected of making the adulterated alcohol.The sale and consumption of alcohol is banned in Libya, but it is nevertheless distilled clandestinely.This story was found at: http://www.theage.com.au/world/alcohol-poisoning-leaves-87-dead-in-libya-20130317-2g8fo.html
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  • 1 month later...
prvo, elementarna stvar - svi koji idu pod plast Al-Kaide su dzihadi/salafi, nisu svi dzihadi/salafi Al-Kaida.drugo, bombase samoubice proteklih par decenija koriste leve, desne, gornje i donje gerile. koristili su ih Hezbolah, Hamas, Al-Aksa, PFLP, Tamilski tigrovi, PKK, Al-Kaida, i drugi. sto ce reci... islamisti, marksisti-lenjinisti, dzihadi, etnicke gerile. najveci broj samoubilackih napada (do Iraka) su izveli tamilski tigrovi, najefikasniji je bio Hezbolah.samoubilacki napad moze da bude indikator nivoa militantnosti gerilaca. obzirom da su gerilci uvek i svuda militantni po definiciji, samoubilacki napad je indikator da je sunce jutros izaslo na istoku.
Elementarna stvar: ne kvotuj povrsno i selektivno da bi se napravio strawman argument.
In the past, soldiers of the opposition Free Syria Army would announce "tactical retreats." But the jihadi combatants who often take their place — and who include Arabs from outside Syria — fight to the death.The signs of al-Qaeda are ever more obvious: suicide bombers, the frightful treatment of captured government and military personnel — including mass beheadings — assassination and kidnapping.
Dakle, u tekstu koji si kritikovao se nije govorilo samo o Al Kaidi sto si izvadio iz konteksta nego uopste o dzihadistima a Al Kaida je verovatno navedena kao globalno najpoznatiji primer. Prema tome, bombaski napadi i sve drugo sto je navedeno jesu indikacije da su prisutni dzihadisti (i izvan Sirije) a da li je Al Kaida medju njima je manje vazno posto su metodologija i ciljevi slicni.
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Više od 40 mrtvih u napadu automobilima-bombama na gradsku većincu i poštu u gradu Reyhanlı (Bosiljakovac, ako bi se preveo toponim) - glavnom turskom centru za prihvat izbeglica iz Sirije. Nalazi se u provinciji Hatay koja predstavlja najistočniju tačku Turske na Mediteranu. Tu počinje dugačka granica sa Sirijom posle koje idu Irak i Iran. Aleppo je udaljen tek nešto više od 50 kilometara.Lokalno stanovništvo je posle eksplozija napadalo sirijske izbeglice po gradu i palilo vozila sa sirijskim registarskim tablicama. Turski zvaničnici nezvanično sumnjaju na Asadove službe ali za sada nema materijalnih dokaza u prilog tome ili bilo čemu drugom. U februaru je 17 ljudi ubijeno u sličnom napadu koji je izveden na kolonu izbeglica na turskoj strani graničnog prelaza Cilvegözü. U vezi sa tim napadom pritvorena su četiri sirijska i jedan turski državljanin.

Edited by beowl
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suviše je odvratno da bi bilo neprimećenoIs This the Most Disgusting Atrocity Filmed in the Syrian Civil War?What we know about the Syrian rebel commander captured on video ripping out and eating the heart of a pro-Assad fighter.BY PETER BOUCKAERT |MAY 13, 2013Even by the standards of Syria's ever-worsening stream of atrocity and massacre videos, the latest footage from the country cannot fail to shock for its sheer savagery. The video, posted on May 12 but filmed on March 26 near the Syrian town of Qusayr, on the border with Lebanon, opens by calmly filming a rebel commander cutting open the chest of what we assume is a deceased pro-Bashar al-Assad fighter, removing his heart and liver with surgical precision and sang-froid.The cameraman jokes with the commander, telling him, "God Bless you Abu Sakkar, it looks like you are drawing a love heart [on his chest]!" The commander, the man called Abu Sakkar, then picks up the bloody liver and heart and speaks directly into the camera, delivering a chilling threat:"I swear to God, you soldiers of Bashar, you dogs, we will eat from your hearts and livers! O heroes of Bab Amr, you slaughter the Alawites and take out their hearts to eat them!"As men in the background shout Allahu Akbar! (God is Great!), Abu Sakkar ends the video by putting the dead man's heart in his mouth and ripping off a chunk of the bleeding organ. Mutilation and cannibalism, punctured by deeply sectarian language, point to the horrifying sectarian violence that is starting to engulf parts of Syria.Journalists contacted by Human Rights Watch -- as well as the commander's own brother, in a meeting with Time magazine journalists -- have confirmed that the man in the video is indeed Abu Sakkar, a well-known rebel commander. Journalists who have met him report that he was one of the founders of the Farouk brigade, one of Syria's largest and most storied mainstream rebel militias, founded in the city of Homs in 2011.Abu Sakkar and his fellow fighters hail from the Baba Amr district of Homs, which came under one of the most brutal and intensive sieges mounted by the Syrian army during the two-year-long conflict. During the siege, which lasted from February to May of 2012, forces loyal to Assad pounded the district into rubble and decimated the ranks of local rebel fighters, as well as the civilian population trapped in the fighting. Journalists who met Abu Sakkar have described his militancy and fondness for guns.Last October, Abu Sakkar broke off from the mainstream Farouk brigade, and formed his own, more militant "independent" Omar al-Farouk brigade. Since then, he has placed himself at the forefront of an increasingly sectarian battle for control of the town of Qusayr, subjected to a massive Syrian government offensive reportedly backed by Hezbollah. The battle of Qusayr, strategically located near the Lebanese border and in a particularly diverse region of the country, is drawing Syria and the region into an even more dangerously sectarian direction.Controlling Qusayr is of crucial importance to both the armed opposition and to Assad's government. For the rebels, Qusayr is an important transit point for weapons and fighters headed toward Damascus. For Assad's government, the disruption of this weapons pipeline -- and the encirclement of the rebel forces besieging Damascus -- is currently one of its most important military objectives. A government victory in Qusayr may give Assad's forces an edge, strengthening its safe corridor to the coast and to the Alawite heartland that forms the core of its support base.The battle for Qusayr has also drawn in Hezbollah fighters from neighboring Lebanon, some of whom have been killed in fighting around the town and in Shiite villages in the area. Their role was acknowledged in a recent speech by Hezbollah's leader, Hassan Nasrallah, and is highlighted by the increasingly common "martyr" funerals for Hezbollah fighters killed in Syria. Sunni Salafi preachers in Lebanon have responded by calling on their followers to go fight in Qusayr to help their "Sunni brothers."The conflict's increasingly sectarian dynamic has not been limited to the province of Homs. On May 2, rebels in southern Damascus offered their own response to Nasrallah's speech: They dug up the grave of one of the most revered Shiite figures, a companion of the Prophet Mohammed and early follower of his cousin and son-in-law, Imam Ali, known as Hujr ibn Adi. Those who claimed to have carried out the desecration said they did it in the name of Islam and that they wanted to stop Shiites from worshiping Adi's bones, a practice considered heterodox among hardline Sunnis.On the same day as the desecration of the tomb, terrible images of dead and burned bodies, including those of children, emerged from the towns of Bayda and Baniyas in the coastal Alawite hinterland. There, local Sunni residents have accused pro-government fighters of carrying out retributive killings and executions in areas that supported the opposition.Abu Sakkar, the commander who apparently mutilated the dead soldier, has been an active participant in the sectarian violence and its regional spillover. In retaliation for the entry of Hezbollah fighters into the battle of Qusayr, he led the shelling of Shiite villages in the Bekaa Valley of Lebanon. The shelling killed a 30-year-old man and a 13-year-old boy, and wounded three others. Abu Sakkar defended his actions to a journalist:Yesterday [April 14], Hezbollah bombarded Qusayr, Nahriyeh, Burhaniyeh, and Saqarji from its positions in Qasr and Hosh Sayid Ali. They bombed civilians and killed many women and children...If we have to, we will target civilians just like they do. Our civilians are not less valuable than theirs. Hezbollah is killing arbitrarily in Syria...Yesterday, we responded. We hit back at Hezbollah's positions.Abu Sakkar is just one man, and there are many other armed fighters in Syria who reject such sectarian actions and would be horrified by the mutilation and desecration of a corpse -- let alone an act of cannibalism. But he is a commander in a decisive battle in Syria --hardly a marginal figure.Syria's sectarian turn presents a danger not just for Syria itself, but for the stability of the entire region, which has grown increasingly entangled in the Syrian morass. Lebanon has seen Shiite villages shelled from Syria, Hezbollah's involvement in Syria has caused some radical Sunni clerics in Lebanon to respond with their own call to jihad in Syria, and deadly violence sporadically breaks out between the pro-Assad Alawite neighbourhood of Jabal Mohsin and its hardline Sunni neighbors in the northern Lebanese city of Tripoli.In Iraq, tensions between the Shiite-controlled government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and the country's Sunni communities are at an all-time high after the April 23 crackdown on a Sunni protest camp in the northern city of Hawija that killed at least 40 civilians. The recent double car bombing in the Turkish border town of Reyhanli that killed at least 46 -- for which the Turkish government blamed pro-Assad militants -- has brought Turkey to the brink of conflict with Syria and provoked attacks by Turkish residents against Syrian refugees in the town.What can be done in the face of the Abu Sakkar's brutal savagery? Nothing can fully counter the ever-increasing vortex of killing and brutality as long as the conflict continues. But there are some steps that can and should be taken to push back against the growing tide of sectarian violence, and to make clear to people who are still listening that those responsible for such reprehensible acts will be held accountable.The U.N. Security Council granted the International Criminal Court (ICC) jurisdiction to investigate serious crimes in Libya following a crackdown on peaceful protesters. Yet due to opposition by some members of the Security Council -- including, most prominently, Russia and China -- the ICC has been unable to do the same in response to events in Syria, despite two years of conflict and atrocities.Action by the Security Council would send a powerful message to all sides of the Syrian conflict that abuses such as those committed by Abu Sakkar -- as well as those committed in even greater numbers by the Syrian government -- will ultimately be prosecuted as war crimes and crimes against humanity. The work of the ICC will be only one piece of the larger accountability effort needed in the wake of this conflict-- national trials, documentation, truth telling, reparations, and vetting will also be necessary -- but it is a crucial step, given the pervasive climate of impunity currently plaguing Syria.This gruesome video reinforces the need for the Syrian National Coalition and the Free Syrian Army to take all possible steps to prevent such abuses by anyone under their command and to hold those responsible for war crimes accountable -- as well as to urge all anti-Assad forces to do everything they can to keep weapons from reaching Abu Sakkar's brigade.Two years of brutal war -- in which more than 70,000 have died and an entire population has been brutalized by constant violence -- has left deep wounds. It has also created fissures that threaten to tear Syria apart in an even more violent round of sectarian, neighbor-to-neighbor killings. Abu Sakkar's words suggest that for him the enemy is no longer simply the other side's armed men in uniform: it is the Alawite and the Shiite communities. He will have counterparts in the pro-government Shabiha and the Syrian armed forces for whom the enemy are simply Sunnis. And as Iraq's civil war demonstrated, when communities rather than armies are seen as the enemy, the violence can be characterized by singular brutality and deadliness.

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to take all possible steps to prevent such abuses by anyone under their command and to hold those responsible for war crimes accountable
To ce sigurno da se desi. :isuse:
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To ce sigurno da se desi. :isuse:
nece se desiti. u najmanju ruku kada i ako budu u prilici uradice im isto sto ovi rade njima.to je nasilje koje se zavrsava samo potpunim porazom jedne strane (bilo koje). Edited by Bane5
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Sirija puca po šavovima na šiitski, sunitski i kurdski deo

nytlogo379x64.gifMay 16, 2013Syria Begins to Break Apart Under Pressure From WarBy BEN HUBBARDCAIRO — The black flag of jihad flies over much of northern Syria. In the center of the country, pro-government militias and Hezbollah fighters battle those who threaten their communities. In the northeast, the Kurds have effectively carved out an autonomous zone.After more than two years of conflict, Syria is breaking up. A constellation of armed groups battling to advance their own agendas are effectively creating the outlines of separate armed fiefs. As the war expands in scope and brutality, its biggest casualty appears to be the integrity of the Syrian state.On Thursday, President Obama met in Washington with the Turkish prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and once again pressed the idea of a top-down diplomatic solution. That approach depends on the rebels and the government agreeing to meet at a peace conference that was announced last week by the United States and Russia.“We’re going to keep increasing the pressure on the Assad regime and working with the Syrian opposition,” Mr. Obama said. “We are going to keep working for a Syria that is free of Assad’s tyranny.”But as evidence of massacres and chemical weapons mounts, experts and Syrians themselves say the American focus on change at the top ignores the deep fractures the war has caused in Syrian society. Increasingly, it appears Syria is so badly shattered that no single authority is likely to be able to pull it back together any time soon.Instead, three Syrias are emerging: one loyal to the government, to Iran and to Hezbollah; one dominated by Kurds with links to Kurdish separatists in Turkey and Iraq; and one with a Sunni majority that is heavily influenced by Islamists and jihadis.“It is not that Syria is melting down — it has melted down,” said Andrew J. Tabler, a senior fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy and author of “In the Lion’s Den: An Eyewitness Account of Washington’s Battle with Syria.”“So much has changed between the different parties that I can’t imagine it all going back into one piece,” Mr. Tabler said.Fueling the country’s breakup are the growing brutality of fighters on all sides and the increasingly sectarian nature of the violence.Recent examples abound. Pro-government militias have hit coastal communities, targeting Sunni Muslim civilians. Sunni rebel groups have attacked religious shrines of other sects. A video circulating this week showed a rebel commander in Homs cutting out an enemy’s heart and liver, and biting into the heart.Analysts say this shift in the nature of the violence will have a greater effect on the country’s future than territorial gains on either side by making it less likely that the myriad ethnic and religious groups that have long called Syria home will go back to living side by side. As the momentum seesaws back and forth between rebels and the government, the geographic divisions are hardening.After steadily losing territory to rebels during the first two years of the conflict, government forces have progressed on a number of key fronts in recent weeks, routing rebel forces in the southern province of Dara’a, outside Damascus and in the central city of Homs and its surrounding villages.These victories not only reflect strategic shifts by government forces but also could further solidify the country’s divisions.Since mass defections of mostly conscripted soldiers shrank the government’s forces earlier in the uprising, it has largely given up on trying to reclaim parts of the country far from the capital, said Joseph Holliday, a fellow with the Institute for the Study of War in Washington.Instead, the government has focused on solidifying its grip on a strip of land that extends from the capital, Damascus, in the south, up to Homs in the country’s center and west to the coastal area heavily populated by Mr. Assad’s sect, the Alawites.Other than hitting them with airstrikes or artillery, Mr. Assad has made little effort to reclaim rebel-held areas in the country’s far north and east.The character of those fighting for Mr. Assad has changed, too. As the uncommitted defected, the loyalists remained. “All of these defections and desertions basically created a more loyal and therefore more deployable core,” said Emile Hokayem, an analyst with the International Institute for Strategic Studies, who is based in Dubai. “At least you know who is fighting for you.”Mr. Assad has also come to rely more heavily on paramilitary militias that draw largely from his Alawite sect and other minorities who consider him a bulwark against the rebels’ Islamism. More recently, fighters from Lebanon’s Shiite militant group Hezbollah have added extra muscle, especially in the border region near the town of Qusair, an area dotted with Shiite and Sunni villages that has seen intense fighting in recent months.This new focus on tightening his grip on the country’s center suits Mr. Assad fine, said Abdulrahim Mourad, a Lebanese politician and former Parliament member who visited Mr. Assad in Damascus last month.“He told jokes, was very funny,” Mr. Mourad said. “He was very relaxed and relieved.”In the void left by the government in the country’s north and east, rebel groups have seized swaths of territory and struggled to establish local administrations.Although the Obama administration and its allies share the rebels’ goal of removing Mr. Assad from power, they have little else in common with the many rebel brigades that define their struggle in Islamic terms and seek to replace Mr. Assad with an Islamic state. Among them is Jabhet al-Nusra, or the Nusra Front, the local branch of Al Qaeda, which the United States has blacklisted as a terrorist group.The war’s duration and the competition for resources have left the rebel movement itself deeply fractured. Few effective links exist between the rebels’ exile leader, Gen. Salim Idris, and the most powerful groups on the ground.And recent months have seen increasing fights among rebels, diminishing their ability to form a united front against the government. This week, the Islamist Shariah Commission in Aleppo went after rebels accused of looting. The council sent fighters to surround the group’s headquarters and arrested some of its members, confiscating trucks full of looted goods. The haul in one neighborhood included five washing machines and a television.Another video, circulated this week, showed a Nusra Front leader in eastern Syria standing behind 11 bound and blindfolded captives. After announcing that they had been sentenced by an Islamic court for killing Syrians, he drew a pistol and shot them in the back of the head, one by one.Activists later identified the man as a Saudi citizen named Qaswara al-Jizrawi. They also determined that the executions took place months earlier since Mr. Jizrawi was killed in March in a gunfight between his and another rebel group that left dozens of people dead on both sides.In Syria’s northeastern Hassakeh Province, the country’s largest Kurdish majority area, residents have taken in Kurds fleeing violence elsewhere, expanded the teaching of the Kurdish language in schools and raised militias that have clashed with rebel brigades. Many local Kurds are linked to groups in Turkey and Iraq and hope to use the uprising to push for greater autonomy.These spreading fissures leave little optimism that Syria can be stitched back together under one leadership in the near future.“The only real outcome I see in the next 5 to 10 years is a series of cantons that agree to tactical cease-fires because they are tired of the bloodletting,” said Mr. Holliday, the analyst with the Institute for the Study of War. “That trajectory is in place, with or without Assad.”Anne Barnard and Hwaida Saad contributed reporting from Beirut, Lebanon, and Michael D. Shear from Washington.

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Novopazarac nastradao u borbama u SirijiM. N. | 17. maj 2013. 20:58 | Komentara: 14 Na ulicama Novog Pazara se pojavila čitulja na kojoj stoji da je „na Alahovom putu u Siriji“ poginuo Eldar (Esada) Kundakovićhro-poginuo-u-siriji,-eldar_310x186.jpgEldarova slika koju je objavio portal „Sandžak-haber“ Na ulicama Novog Pazara u petak se pojavila čitulja na kojoj stoji da je 14. maja „na Alahovom putu u Siriji“ poginuo 27-godišnji Eldar (Esada) Kundaković i da će porodica primati hatar (saučešća) u Radničkoj ulici, gde živi.Neki lokalni mediji objavili su Kundakovićevu čitulju i sliku sa većim tekstom o šehidima (borcima za veru), koji se bore u Siriji i koji su poginuli za islam. Sa porodicom, koja je u četvrtak saznala za Eldarovu smrt, u petak se nije moglo razgovarati.U novopazarskoj policiji u petak nisu ništa znali o pogibiji Kundakovića, niti da je on uopšte bio u Siriji. Ne zna se kako je dospeo u ovu zemlju, na čijoj strani se borio (najverovatnije protiv Asada) i kako je poginuo. Prema nezvaničnim informacijama, u Siriju je otišao pre tri meseca i trebalo je da se vrati za desetak dana i oženi se u Novom Pazaru.Prema informacijama koje smo dobili od nekoliko ljudi bliskih porodici, Kundaković je, kako običaj nalaže kad poginu šehidi, sahranjen u Siriji. Prema ovim izvorima u Siriji je poginuo još jedan Novopazarac, čije ime do trenutka slanja ovog teksta nismo uspeli da saznamo.U Novom Pazaru se poslednjih dana govorilo da ima mladića koji su dobrovoljno otišli u rat protiv Asada i da su ih, preko vehabijskog i drugih pokreta, regrutovale ekstremističke grupe iz arapskih zemalja koje ratuju u ovoj zemlji. Niko tačno ne zna koliko Novopazaraca i Sandžaklija ratuje u Siriji i kojim kanalima odlaze u ovu ratnim sukobima zahvaćenu arapsku državu.
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Evo mu i sabrata iz mog komsiluka. (Jednog od vise njih).353_syria-300x0.jpg Melbourne man killed in SyriaA Melbourne man has died in Syria, near Aleppo, a bloody front line in the civil war between rebels and government soldiers.But it is not known if Sammy Salma, a 22-year-old from Roxburgh Park, had been fighting with rebels.Four Australians have died in Syria since last August. Three of the men have been from Melbourne, including one who was fighting with the rebels.Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/national/melbourne-man-killed-in-syria-20130418-2i277.html#ixzz2Td88GfAr

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Novopazarac nastradao u borbama u SirijiM. N. | 17. maj 2013. 20:58 | Komentara: 14 Na ulicama Novog Pazara se pojavila čitulja na kojoj stoji da je „na Alahovom putu u Siriji“ poginuo Eldar (Esada) Kundakovićhro-poginuo-u-siriji,-eldar_310x186.jpgEldarova slika koju je objavio portal „Sandžak-haber“Na ulicama Novog Pazara u petak se pojavila čitulja na kojoj stoji da je 14. maja „na Alahovom putu u Siriji“ poginuo 27-godišnji Eldar (Esada) Kundaković i da će porodica primati hatar (saučešća) u Radničkoj ulici, gde živi.Neki lokalni mediji objavili su Kundakovićevu čitulju i sliku sa većim tekstom o šehidima (borcima za veru), koji se bore u Siriji i koji su poginuli za islam. Sa porodicom, koja je u četvrtak saznala za Eldarovu smrt, u petak se nije moglo razgovarati.U novopazarskoj policiji u petak nisu ništa znali o pogibiji Kundakovića, niti da je on uopšte bio u Siriji. Ne zna se kako je dospeo u ovu zemlju, na čijoj strani se borio (najverovatnije protiv Asada) i kako je poginuo. Prema nezvaničnim informacijama, u Siriju je otišao pre tri meseca i trebalo je da se vrati za desetak dana i oženi se u Novom Pazaru.Prema informacijama koje smo dobili od nekoliko ljudi bliskih porodici, Kundaković je, kako običaj nalaže kad poginu šehidi, sahranjen u Siriji. Prema ovim izvorima u Siriji je poginuo još jedan Novopazarac, čije ime do trenutka slanja ovog teksta nismo uspeli da saznamo.U Novom Pazaru se poslednjih dana govorilo da ima mladića koji su dobrovoljno otišli u rat protiv Asada i da su ih, preko vehabijskog i drugih pokreta, regrutovale ekstremističke grupe iz arapskih zemalja koje ratuju u ovoj zemlji. Niko tačno ne zna koliko Novopazaraca i Sandžaklija ratuje u Siriji i kojim kanalima odlaze u ovu ratnim sukobima zahvaćenu arapsku državu.
A da pitamo u javnim preduzecima u Presevu? Verovatno je nesto marginalno. Ili neka glupost, kako ono bese druze H.L.?
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