Roger Sanchez Posted July 18, 2012 Posted July 18, 2012 Razum je pobjedijo™ Yusuf Baadi and Abdul Qader Fusuq were reuinted with their families in Misrata this afternoon, more that one week after their capture in Bani Walid. “They flew in from Jadu by helicopter and have received a wonderful reception”, Taher Zaroog, a Misratan journalist who has been following the case closely, told the Libya Herald. The two were freed from Bani Walid yesterday and transferred to Jadu, after a delegation from the town succeeded in negotiating their release. “I’m so glad my son has been released”, said Salem Baadi, Yusuf’s father, but we cannot truly celebrate his return whilst the others remain in custody.” The others to which Mr Baadi was referring are two members of the Libya Shield Brigade and a third Misratan journalist who were captured in Bani Walid after their vehicle came under attack on Thursday. The two shield members, Omran Shaban and Mohammed Al-Ouyb, were taken to hospital in Bani Walid where they are now receiving treatment. Shaban is said to have taken a bullet to the neck. The journalist, Abdul Aziz Harous, is not believed to have been wounded and is being held separately. This afternoon, the Misrata Local Council together with other local leaders issued a statement thanking the Jadu delegation for succeeding in releasing Baadi and Fusuq and calling for the release of the other men. “We are very glad the two journalists have been released, and we appreciate the work of the the wise men from the Nafusa Mountains”, the statement said. “We thank them for their efforts and we asking them to complete their work to release the others”. In return for the journalists’ freedom it has been agreed that a number detainees from Bani Walid being held in Misrata will now also be released. Most of these are allegedly former Qaddafi loyalists captured either during or in the aftermath of the revolution, although the Misratan authorities have said nobody facing charges of criminal activity will be liberated.
Bane5 Posted July 18, 2012 Posted July 18, 2012 u prevodu, drzava u drzavi, zahvaljuje drzvi u drzavi sto su posredovali kod, u politickom smislu, relativno zaostale lokalne zajednice koja je u skorasnjem ratu ostala bez dosta politickog i ekonomskog uticaja i time izbavili njihove novinare. za uzvrat drzava u drzavi ce osloboditi nesto zarobljenih pripadnika doticne zajednice iz bw-a.
Roger Sanchez Posted July 18, 2012 Posted July 18, 2012 Tako nekako. Inače, u borbi za 120 nezavisnih mandata, mjesto u kongresu osvojila je jedna (1) žena. Na stranačkim listama 30tak. Al Wattan realizirao 0 na stranačkim listama, Qatar će biti nezadovoljan sa takvim ROI.
Аврам Гојић Posted July 18, 2012 Posted July 18, 2012 (edited) greska Edited July 18, 2012 by Marko M. Dabovic
Filipenko Posted July 18, 2012 Posted July 18, 2012 (edited) Ono što je vrlo verovatno je da se desi novi Liban, razarajući građanski rat, u kome se jedna milicija sukobljava sa drugom, dolazi do povremenih intervencija susednih država. Sirija uopšte nije verski kompaktna zemlja, šiitska manjina Alavita, hrišćani i ostale grupe mogu lako da dođu pod udar sunitskih islamista.Alaviti su grupisani u priobalnom delu Sirije. Možda dođe i do podele Sirije na dva dela, manji priobalni i veći sunitski, kopneni.Evo detaljne mape Ali jbt, ovakve mape uvek podsete koliko samo Kurda ima i nepravda prema tom narodu mi je ubedljivo najjači utisak kad god pogledam etničke mape tog regiona...(pardon na digresiji) Edited July 18, 2012 by Filipenko
hazard Posted July 19, 2012 Posted July 19, 2012 (edited) Ali jbt, ovakve mape uvek podsete koliko samo Kurda ima i nepravda prema tom narodu mi je ubedljivo najjači utisak kad god pogledam etničke mape tog regiona...(pardon na digresiji)I ja sam bio slicnog gledista dok nisam procitao negde da su Kurdi bili jedni od glavnih ucesnika genocida nad Jermenima. To u Turskoj gde su danas Kurdi vecina, nekada je bilo mesano kurdsko-jermensko podrucje a negde su i Jermeni bili vecina. Koliko ja shvatam, bilo je pokusaja da se napravi kurdsko-jermenski savez protiv Turske, ali je vecina Kurda po verskoj liniji ostala verna Osmanlijama i kasnije Ataturku, pobili su i proterali Jermene, a na kraju u novoj republici Turskoj nisu dobili cak ni status manjine. Tough luck. Od tada nesto nemam toliko simpatija za Kurde u Turskoj. Tu gde je danas "turski Kurdistan" nekada je bila Jermenija. Mislim, ne znam kakva bi bas bila "pravda" da se 1918. dala Kurdima drzava na prostoru koji su upravo etnicki ocistili proterivanjem i genocidom od Jermena. Nije ni neka "pravda" sto je to ostalo Turskoj, ali to je bar bio status quo.Sto se tice Irana, zaboravlja se da je Iran multietnicka drzava gde dominiraju iranski narodi koji govore iranske jezik (postoje i ne-iranske manjine poput Azera), od kojih su Persijanci (Farsi) - one koje obicno percipiramo kao "Irance" - samo jedna od etnickih grupa (naravno najbrojnija). Kurdi su iranska etnicka grupa i kurdski je deo iranske grupe jezika. Glavna razlika u odnosu na vecinu u Iranu je to sto su suniti, a ne siiti.A u Iraku jesu Kurdi realno prejebani kada su pripojeni toj tada skoro pa potpuno vestackoj drzavi od strane Britanaca, ali oni su tamo vec 20 godina skoro pa de fakto nezavisni. Edited July 19, 2012 by hazard
Roger Sanchez Posted July 19, 2012 Posted July 19, 2012 Omar Suleiman, who for years headed Egyptian intelligence under ousted President Hosni Mubarak, has died in the USA. RIP
Sirius Posted July 19, 2012 Posted July 19, 2012 U Vasingtonu optuzivanja. Tea party izasao sa optuzbom da u State Departmentu se nalazi osoba koja je direktan kontakt ka Muslimanskom bratstvu:In a June 13 letter, five GOP congressmen – Reps. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, Trent Franks of Arizona, Louie Gohmert of Texas, Tom Rooney of Florida and Lynn Westmoreland of Georgia – called on the State Department’s deputy inspector general to investigate whether Abedin and other department officials were trying to influence U.S. foreign policy to aid the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamist causes. The report alleges Abedin has three family members — her late father, her mother and her brother — who are connected to Muslim Brotherhood operatives or organizations.“The State Department and, in several cases, the specific direction of the Secretary of State, have taken actions recently that have been enormously favorable to the Muslim Brotherhood and its interests,” the five House Republicans wrote Harold G. Geisel, the acting inspector general.Naravno, pametni, to odbacuju. :)
Roger Sanchez Posted July 19, 2012 Posted July 19, 2012 Koji je tvoj stav, Sirijuše, pray? Si među pametnima?
Roger Sanchez Posted July 19, 2012 Posted July 19, 2012 Svijet je globalno selo, Babi™ su neki dan u Alexandriji citirali Bahmanicu kao izvor svojih sumlji...
Takeshi Posted July 19, 2012 Posted July 19, 2012 (edited) Edited July 19, 2012 by Takeshi
Аврам Гојић Posted July 19, 2012 Posted July 19, 2012 sto kaze u jednoj knjizi, otkriveni snajperista je samo usamljeni vojnik sa prevelikom puskom
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