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Peti oktobar na bliskom istoku i arapskom svetu


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Bas kao i u Kufri pre nekoliko nedelja i ovde u Sabi, ucestvuju pripadnici plemena Tebu. Naseljavaju sam jug Libije, uglavnom ih ima u Chadu i nesto u Nigeru. Kao i neki drugi i oni su pustinjski narod bez drzave koji je u raznim medjusobnim razmiricama subsaharskih drzava i tripovima pomahnitalih diktatora (Gadafi) uglavnom stradavao. U proslogodisnjem ratu su ucestvovali protiv Gadafija sada su u konstantnim sukobima sa arapskim plemenima na jugu Libije. Povodi su uglavnom minorni, ali ocigledno je da je sustina sukoba dublja.

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16 dead in tribal clashes in Libyas Sabha: Local sourcesAt least 16 people were killed on Saturday in new clashes between the Toubou people and Arab tribesmen in the southern Libyan desert oasis of Sabha, local and medical sources told AFP.A doctor at Sabha hospital, treating Arab casualties, said eight people were killed and another 50 wounded in fighting between the early morning and noon. A Toubou tribal source said eight of their people were also killed.The fighting first erupted on Monday after Arab tribesmen accused the Toubou of killing one of their people. The first three days of clashes cost more than 70 lives, Libyan government spokesman Nasser al-Manaa said on Wednesday.
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Tuarezi + ekipa u Maliju došli do Gaoa. Sljedeći je pitoreskni Timbuktu. I'll take a wild guess i reć ću da je CowBoyskoj ekipi i za taj rat kriv NATO. Zlehudi.

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Other Tuareg fighters, however, are not interested in independence from Bamako. Instead they say they are fighting so that Sharia law can be imposed in Mali. The leader of this faction is said to have close ties with an al-Qaeda-linked group, al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM).bbcI mrtav libijski klovn im pravi sranja.. Još im i afrička braća lupila sankcije a EU i US ukinule pomoć - dok se ne vaspostavi demokratija. Mada ako ih ovi pregaze biće svejedno...

Edited by Harry D'Amour
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"I thought you and the followers of your blog might be interested in this BBC Hardtalk interview with Nabeel Rajab (

). Perhaps you have already seen it? The interviewer, Johnathan Sackur, continuously challenges Rajab and is openly dismissive of nearly everything he has to say. Imagine if the Libyan or Syrian opposition were treated with only a fraction of this level of skepticism! Rajab stands up to Sackur well but this degree of shilling for the Bahraini regime is really quite something."
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Government fails to halt western Libya militia clash(Reuters) - Rival militias in western Libya attacked each other with heavy weapons for a third day on Tuesday, a local official said, after the government, struggling to impose its authority on the volatile country, failed to persuade the two sides to stop.
Warring militias in west Libya vow no let-up in fight(Reuters) - Wissam Kilani, a 22-year-old Libyan fighter, left the front line on Wednesday afternoon just long enough to restock with two rocket-propelled grenades, before heading back into the latest of the ethnic and tribal conflicts convulsing the new Libya.
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