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Saudi Arabia vows to end violence with "iron fist"(Reuters) - Saudi Arabia's Interior Ministry said on Monday its security forces would use "an iron fist" to end violence in a Shi'ite Muslim area of the country and defended its tactics against what it called foreign-backed troublemakers.Sunni Muslim kingdom Saudi Arabia has blamed an unnamed foreign power, widely understood to mean Shi'ite Iran, for backing attacks on its security forces in its Eastern Province.But members of the Shi'ite minority in the area have accused the kingdom's own security force of using violence against protesters."It is the state's right to confront those that confront it first ... and the Saudi Arabian security forces will confront such situations ... with determination and force and with an iron first," the ministry said in a statement.The statement came in response to a sermon preached in the Qatif area of the Eastern Province last week that criticized the government's handling of the situation, in which at least six people have been killed, a ministry spokesman said.Shi'ite activists in Qatif said the clashes first began at the height of the Arab uprisings last year and were provoked by the detention without charge of political campaigners.Four people were killed in November, one in January and one earlier this month, the interior ministry has said in past statements.Members of the minority have long complained of discrimination, which they say makes it harder for them to find government jobs, attend university or worship in open than members of the Sunni majority.Since the protests and clashes started last year, they have also complained of police checkpoints and patrols which they describe as heavy handed.The government says it does not discriminate against Shi'ites and has said the increased security is intended to protect Qatif residents.It has repeatedly blamed the clashes on people attacking security forces.The statement said the security forces were using "the greatest restraint ... despite continuing provocations" and "will not act except in self defense and will not initiate confrontations.""Some of those few (who attacked security forces) are manipulated by foreign hands because of the kingdom's honorable foreign policy positions towards Arab and Islamic countries," the ministry's spokesman said in the statement.Saudi Arabia and Iran have fought for influence across the Middle East.
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Sadat je potpisao taj sramni sporazum i Mubarak je nastavio kriminalnu politiku saradnje s cionistima. Izrael je najveća prepreka miru na Bliskom istoku i saradnja s uzurpatorskim entitetom je saučesništvo u genocidu, okupaciji i aparthejdu u Palestini.
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on je najobicnije sovinisticko netolerantno brabonjce, koje se krije iza levicarske fasade. Ali ovi prostori su puni tak'ih. Ne treba pridavati znacaj.
Šta je tačno šovinistički u onome što sam napisao? Citiraću rezoluciju Generalne skupštine Ujedinjenih nacija 3379: "Cionizam je oblik rasizma i rasne diskriminacije."
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In Libya’s first post-Gaddafi polls, people in the scorched rebel city of Misrata went to vote today in local council elections as the North-African nation's loose-knit coalition of former rebels struggles to maintain cohesion and political credibility ahead of a national vote scheduled for June, according to Reuters."For the first time in our life we feel we are human. We can choose what we want, it's a joy for all Libyan people, and God willing, it will get better and better," Reuters quoted teacher Basma Fortey as saying as she showed her left index finger, dipped in ink for the vote.http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/news/regions/middle-east/120220/misrata-rebel-city-holds-the-first-post-gaddafi-elections-l

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Sadat je potpisao taj sramni sporazum i Mubarak je nastavio kriminalnu politiku saradnje s cionistima. Izrael je najveća prepreka miru na Bliskom istoku i saradnja s uzurpatorskim entitetom je saučesništvo u genocidu, okupaciji i aparthejdu u Palestini.
primitivizam, zatupljenost i licni interesi su najveca prepreka miru na bliskom istoku. drzave ne mogu biti nikakve prepreke, barem ne cestitim i pravdoljubivim ljudima poput tebe.
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primitivizam, zatupljenost i licni interesi su najveca prepreka miru na bliskom istoku. drzave ne mogu biti nikakve prepreke, barem ne cestitim i pravdoljubivim ljudima poput tebe.
Naravno da mogu ako su zasnovane na aparthejdu i danonoćno terorišu civilno stanovništvo. Inače, još nisam dobio odgovor na to šta je šovinističko u mom postu o Izraelu.
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sigurno su ovi izbori u misrati izazvali plememski sukob par hiljada kilometara dalje...
ja se ne secam ovoga plememski sukob par hiljada kilometara dalje pre agresije™ <_<Divide et impera!
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Sadat je potpisao taj sramni sporazum i Mubarak je nastavio kriminalnu politiku saradnje s cionistima. Izrael je najveća prepreka miru na Bliskom istoku i saradnja s uzurpatorskim entitetom je saučesništvo u genocidu, okupaciji i aparthejdu u Palestini.
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ja se ne secam ovoga plememski sukob par hiljada kilometara dalje pre agresije™ <_<Divide et impera!
hipoteza da je "pre agresije" bilo dobro, a sada se sve raspada ne stoji bas uvek kad je libija u pitanju jer se bazira na povrsnosti i nepoznavanju prilika i o konkretnom slucaju koji si linkovao. taj nesrecni pustinjski narod tebu je itekako patio pod gadafijem pa ako ti nije tesko procitaj bar nesto o tome sta im je doticni "pre agresije" radio. sve ovo sada je delom posledica i gadafijeve vladavine. Edited by Bane5
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Naravno da mogu ako su zasnovane na aparthejdu i danonoćno terorišu civilno stanovništvo. Inače, još nisam dobio odgovor na to šta je šovinističko u mom postu o Izraelu.
ako je tako, onda si u pravu. prepreku treba ukloniti.
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