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Martin ChulovWeapon prices up on #Beirut black-market. Grenades for RPG up 8-fold to $500 each. AK-47 $2,100. #Syria key market. Supply there low

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Čujem na RTVSLO da su zgotovili rezultate u Egiptu.
radosti politicke mocvare. cool.gif
Shadi HamidI've been told the Brotherhood & Wafd are close to deal, which would give them parliamentary majority. #Egypt2 hours agoShadi HamidAnother prominent liberal tells me that "it's great" that Salafis are willing to join liberals to spite MB. #Egypt2 hours agoShadi HamidLiberal MP tells me both he and Salafis want to join forces to freeze out the Brotherhood. He says: "enemy of my enemy is my friend" #Egypt2 hours agoShadi HamidLeaders in two liberal parties have confirmed to me that they've had serious discussions w- Salafis abt forming a coalition. #Egypt2 hours ago


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Meanwhile, Kameron je u poseti Saudijskoj Arabiji, a u Katifu se odvija masakr. Nekoliko ljudi je ubijeno, gomila povređena, policija pokušava da preuzme lokalnu džamiju u kojoj šejk Abdul Karim Hubail svakog petka hrabro prkosi dinastiji Saud.
Sacekaj da Persijanci dovoljno obogate ;) pa ces videti belaja kod Sauda. To i jeste glavni cilj Persijanaca a ne Izrael. Izrael je samo izgovor za dve strane(Iran i SAD). Islamska republika ne moze reci da zeli da srusi drzavu odakle je krenuo Islam. Ameri ne mogu reci da zele da brane Saude, zbog 9/11. Izrael je savrseno opravdanje za obe strane a svi misle na Saude. :) I taj cilj nije vezan samo za politicko-ekonomske odnose, vec duboko istorijisko-religijiske. Persijanci nikada nisu napustili ucenje Zoroastrizam jer je Shīʻatu ʻAlī dobrim delom bazirana na Zoroastrizmu. Secaju se oni dobro kako su Arapi doneli islam u Persiju. Odlomak iz Sahname(Knjiga kraljeva):
O Iran! Where are all those kings, who adorned youWith justice, equity and munificence, who decoratedYou with pomp and splendor, gone?From that date when the barbarian, savage, coarseBedouin Arabs sold your king’s daughter in the streetAnd cattle market, you have not seen a bright day, andHave lain hid in darkness.
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Kao sa pokretom "14. mart" u Libanu, buržoaski mediji uporno pokušavaju da sakriju pravu ideologiju grupa koje imperijalisti smatraju "liberalnim" i "progresivnim" - salafističke bande koje divljaju po Libiji i Siriji (a koje nipošto ne treba mešati sa masama koje su se pobunile protiv režima, baš kao i u drugim arapskim zemljama, samo što je ovde prisutna i lokalna verzija talibana) i dele viziju™ društva i države sa Al Kaidom. As'adov post na tu temu.

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Kao sa pokretom "14. mart" u Libanu, buržoaski mediji uporno pokušavaju da sakriju pravu ideologiju grupa koje imperijalisti smatraju "liberalnim" i "progresivnim" - salafističke bande koje divljaju po Libiji i Siriji (a koje nipošto ne treba mešati sa masama koje su se pobunile protiv režima, baš kao i u drugim arapskim zemljama, samo što je ovde prisutna i lokalna verzija talibana) i dele viziju™ društva i države sa Al Kaidom. As'adov post na tu temu.
sirom Bliskog Istoka, radnici, seljaci & postena inteligencija su deficitarna roba. :( Edited by Gandalf
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Throw out the playbook for Libya's electionsAfter over 40 years of Muammar al-Qaddafi's Jamahiriya -- a by design stateless society of purported direct rule by the popular masses -- Libya's political transition was always going to be sui generis. Other Arab autocrats may have subverted elections and ignored their constitutions, but in most cases at least the motions of representative democracy existed. This was not the case in Libya, where the law organizing the country's first elections is scheduled for publication this weekend. As Othman El-Mugirhy, the chair of the committee that drafted the law eloquently put it, "Libya has no institutions, it is a state of ashes."One legacy of the almost perpetual administrative flux that Qaddafi's unique governing model engendered is that individuals rather than political parties will likely contest Libya's forthcoming elections. Political parties come in for a particularly hard time in Muammar al-Qaddafi's Green Book, which lays out his Third Universal Theory (the Brother Leader's proposed alternative to capitalism and communism). Describing political parties as the abortion of democracy and their members as traitors, the Green Book makes the case that parties split society by ensuring "the rule of the part over the whole" and are the "contemporary model of dictatorship" intended to rob people of their right to govern themselves directly.The decades of demonization of political parties by Qaddafi have left a lasting impact on the Libyan political scene. Many of the nascent political entities in the new Libya seem to prefer to call themselves "movements" or "alliances" rather than use the word party, which still frequently draws a visceral negative reaction. Edited by Gandalf
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Though admired for its patronage systems that provide food, education and health care to Egypt’s poor, the Brotherhood’s economic agenda is informed by an ancient laissez-faire tradition that has more in common with the values of the United States’ tea party than it does with, say, the more heavily regulated economies of Europe. In the 1950s, for example, the group struggled against President Gamal Abdel Nasser as much for his decision to nationalize the Egyptian economy as for his fierce secularism.Brotherhood members trace their capitalist conceit to the birth of Islam and tend to associate one with the other. “Islam endorses the market economy and free trade,” Abdel Hamid Abuzaid, a Muslim Brotherhood member and economist at Cairo University, said in an interview before his death last year. “It is part and parcel of Islam as a complete way of life.”Not for nothing, Brotherhood members are fond of reminding Westerners, did Ronald Reagan suggest that the philosophies of Ibn Khaldun, a 14th-century Islamic scholar, anticipated the Laffer Curve by 600 years. The group has supported lower taxes and is staunchly antitrust, owing to a verse in the Koran: “He who brings commodities to the market is good, but he who practices monopolies is evil.”
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