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a čekaj evo i probanetovzapadni izvorrcolebourn Richard Colebournby Jonny_HallamBBC team now in Misrata say that NTC commander there isn't claiming Moussa's arrest in Sirte despite Misrata fighters quoted on AFP #Libyalinak ti je bio u okviru poruke, stvarno bio čovek online. kaže "još jedno saif hapšenje"

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Listanje topika na stranu, izvini ali nisi. Ti u manjoj, ostali u daleko većoj meri, jer vam u suprotnom ne bi promakao iskren stav koji je obrisan tokom prethodne čistke, kada sam napisao da sam se nadao da sve završi kao u Tunisu, makar kao u Egiptu. Mislim da je i Kauboj nešto slično napisao, ali ne vredi - nisi za bombe, jesi pukovnikov. Neka bude, jbg.
Pa svi smo se nadali u veljači/februaruu da to završi kao u Egiptu/Tunisu. Ali nije. To se nadam i za Siriju i Jemen.
Sad se izvinjavam, ovo zaista pripada onom drugom topiku, samo da pitam: kada su twiteri postali nepoželjni na ovom topiku, i kada bi javili da je Musa 325. put zarobljen dok je prelazio pustinju obučen u Obija van Kenobija, da li bi i tada čekali "koji dan da vidimo šta je istina u celoj priči", ali je prvo preneli kao siguricu?
Ima twittera i twittera, i tu treba malo uređivati. Kao što vidiš, musino ''hvatanje'' nije prenio nitko od onih koje bi ti nivelizirao sa twitstedom, i njegovim 1st class novinarstvom.
a čekaj evo i probanetovzapadni izvorrcolebourn Richard Colebournby Jonny_HallamBBC team now in Misrata say that NTC commander there isn't claiming Moussa's arrest in Sirte despite Misrata fighters quoted on AFP #Libyalinak ti je bio u okviru poruke, stvarno bio čovek online. kaže "još jedno saif hapšenje"
Pusti sad Musu, DAAAj nešto za Sabhu, man, we're dying here. Pitao sam te i za Bregu. A Tarhuna? Kako je Tarhuna, čuo sam da se sva zeleni od neki dan. I Garyan, bilo je na twitteretu!
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Behind Qatar's Intervention In Libya
Qatar's actions in Libya took most analysts by surprise when, in March, it sent six Mirage fighter jets (which likely represented the majority of Qatar's operational fighter strength) to join in NATO air operations. ...Nor were fighters the only matériel the emirate sent the rebels. In April, Qatari transport aircraft regularly departed Doha with armaments for the rebels, including French-made Milan antitank missiles and Belgian-made FN assault rifles. Qatari Prime Minister Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim al-Thani declared that Qatar was sending "defensive" weaponry to the rebels, but news accounts from Tripoli suggest the support went even further. Qatari special forces reportedly provided basic infantry training to Libyan rebel fighters in the Nafusa Mountains, to the west of Tripoli, and eastern Libya. The Qatari military even brought Libyan fighters back to Doha for special exercises. And in the final assault on Qaddafi's Bab al- Aziziya compound on August 24, Qatari special forces were seen on the front lines of the fight....Meanwhile, Ali al-Salabi, who has remained one of Libya's most prominent clerics despite being exiled in Qatar for many years, is believed to have been in contact with the elite in Qatar and Qaddafi's son Saif al-Islam, in a now stalled attempt to negotiate a ceasefire. His brother Ismail al-Salabi runs an Islamist rebel faction in Libya (the so-called February 17 Katiba) that is reputed to receive strong financial backing from Qatar. Abdul Hakim Belhaj is the commander of the Tripoli Military Council, a conglomeration of various brigades that fought to liberate Tripoli, but he is the former emir of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, which was designated a terrorist organization in December 2004 by the U.S. State Department. Despite renouncing his militant past, Belhaj is, at least for Western governments, a politically radioactive personality, and so it is unsurprising that when he met with NATO officials at the end of August it was under Qatari auspices.
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u jbt al ste sumnjičavi :)))evo sa izvorom vesti o sirtu i luci Rebels beaten back by Jamahiriya fighters at SirteWednesday, 28.09.2011 - 12:12Rebels were again beaten back by Jamahiriya forces at Sirte. Only yesterday they were shouting about the alleged capture of the port. But today China Radio International echoed western media that "the rebels, at the request of NATO, have suspended their assault on Sirte." This follows a well established pattern, which has always translated to, "The rebels have been defeated again."After the NATO bombing of the coast and the port from the sea, the rebels landed. In the port they started to get into the thick of battle. And after that, as NATO lost the ability to distinguish between the rebels (rats) and Jamahiriya (Qaddafi loyalist, green Libyan patriotic resistance) fighters, the rats in the port were attacked with dense mortar fire. They ran to the sea and drowned. The rebels had nowhere to run! So the probability of large losses among the rebels is high.Also, China Radio reported (and this is verbatim): "At present, Sirte, Bani-Walid, and other territories are still under the control of the faithful Gaddafi's forces." Notice the words, "and other territories." Apparently, Chinese censorship prevents China Radio from describing precisely what "other territories" are under Jamahiriya control. So, their intelligence throws out hints. On the other hand, the reality is that it is hard to distinguish the Chinese media from western media, as the once-great Asian nation has become the new bastion of capitalism and a new body host to the zionist-banker parasitic elite, which started since the visit of Kissinger to China.@braca - više različitih naloga je prenelo arraitv vest o tome

Edited by twisted
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A picture shows an abandoned synagogue in the Libyan capital Tripoli on September 28, 2011. The Jewish community in Libya dates back to the third century BC and at its peak numbered around 38,000 people, although it was always the smallest of the Jewish populations in north Africa. Most of the Jewish population left in the 20 years following World War II, although several hundred were still living there during ousted leader Moamer Kadhafi's coup of 1969.
Bone fragments at the site which is thought to be a possible mass grave near to Abu Salim prison in Tripoli, Libya, Sunday, Sept. 25, 2011, where some 1,270 inmates are thought to have been killed by the regime of Moammar Gadhafi in a 1996 prison massacre. Various bones have been found scattered over the cactus-covered desert field near to the prison, after information was given by a captured former security guard who revealed its location, according to an announcement on Sunday by Dr. Ibrahim Abu Sahima of the government committee overseeing the search for victims of the former regime. Officials with the Libyan Transitional Council are expected to ask for international assistance in identifying the remains.
610x.jpg-bonus, koji je mozda za onu drugu temu:x610.jpg
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arraitv ? Moamarova lična TV koja emituje iz bratske Sirije ?ti to ozbiljno ?
evo i u zadnja 24h se pokazao relevantnijim od cnn, bbc, rts koji su preneli da je musa ibrahim uhapšen. pokazalo se eto da nije. da, ozbiljan sam.
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daj malo o sabhi.nista ovi drugi ne pricaju.
Pusti sabhu, čovječe, na pomolu su veće ekskluzive.
Tonight nsnbc received confirmed reports that the Green Flag has been raised over parts of Bengazi.
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