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Peti oktobar na bliskom istoku i arapskom svetu


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Nije zajebancija ipak, t'was the real thing. :unsure: Doduše, nije kontraband! :s_w:
In Vienna, IAEA spokeswoman Gill Tudor said: "We can confirm that there is yellow cake stored in drums at a site near Sabha ... which Libya previously declared to the IAEA." Referring to measures to make sure material is not diverted to non-peaceful purposes, she added: "The IAEA has tentatively scheduled safeguards activities at this location once the situation in the country stabilises."
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Belhaj piše - za Guardian.
Then came 9/11, which we condemned as an outrage that contradicted our Islamic faith. America reacted ferociously, like a wounded lion wanting revenge not only on its enemy but on all Islamists.Our organisation was classified as a terrorist organisation by both the US and the UK, while the Gaddafi regime was welcomed back into the fold of the international community after it reached an agreement with the governments of George Bush and Tony Blair. The relationship developed to the point of intelligence and security co-operation at the highest level. One of the fruits of this co-operation was my handover to the Libyan authorities in 2004 by CIA agents after I was apprehended in Thailand. Documents recently recovered from the office of the former head of the Libyan foreign intelligence service, Mousa Kousa, confirmed that the MI6 were also involved.
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Stuck in Tripoli The battle is raging in Sirte and I’m stuck in Tripoli. The problem is that Misrata is in the way. My plan was to go to Misrata and get to Sirte from there, but getting to Misrata itself is a huge hassle. I’ve been told by the guys I know in Tripoli that security is really tight because the Misratans don’t want just anyone hanging out in their city. Non-Misratan Libyans need a Misratan relative to meet them at the entrance to the city and vouch for them. A single foreigner claiming to be a journalist, the Tripoli guys tell me, would never get in without a media pass. I tried to get this pass but no luck. The guy in charge wouldn’t give me one.
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prema sopstvenom priznanju, imaju 1 (jedan) dan obuke i pravo na front. ništa obuka ništa uniforma, za hranu dobijaju novac kojom je kupuju. puška u ruke i idemo ;)koga amerika šalje....edit: musa ibrahim se ne nalazi u sirtu već sa gadafijem u ghatu pored granice s anigerom gde ga čuva brigada od 2000 tuaregaedit2: 32 khamisova brigada je danas u tripoliju upala u zgradu koja je predstavljala sedište CIA i osim uništavanja odnela je gomilu dokumenata.

Edited by twisted
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edit: musa ibrahim se ne nalazi u sirtu već sa gadafijem u ghatu pored granice s anigerom gde ga čuva brigada od 2000 tuaregaedit2: 32 khamisova brigada je danas u tripoliju upala u zgradu koja je predstavljala sedište CIA i osim uništavanja odnela je gomilu dokumenata.
biggrin.giflaugh.giflolol.gifrolf.gifImaš još kakvih 100% ekskluziva, straight from ya homie in Chad?
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prema sopstvenom priznanju, imaju 1 (jedan) dan obuke i pravo na front. ništa obuka ništa uniforma, za hranu dobijaju novac kojom je kupuju. puška u ruke i idemo ;)koga amerika šalje....edit: musa ibrahim se ne nalazi u sirtu već sa gadafijem u ghatu pored granice s anigerom gde ga čuva brigada od 2000 tuaregaedit2: 32 khamisova brigada je danas u tripoliju upala u zgradu koja je predstavljala sedište CIA i osim uništavanja odnela je gomilu dokumenata.
vrh... :lol:
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Uhapšen glasnogovornik Muamera Gadafija24SI - Glasnogovornik svrgnutog režima Muamera Gadafija je uhapšen. Ahmed Al Tarhani, jedan od vojnih komadanata libijiskih revlucionara je kazao da su snage Nacionalnog prelaznog vijeća u Sirtu uhapsile Musu Ibrahima, glasnogovornika režima Muamera Gadafija. Prema riječima Al Tarhanija, Ibrahim je prerušen namjeravao pobjeći iz Sirta kada su ga uhapsile revolucionarne snage. Musa Ibrahim je prebačen u Misratu, naglasio je Al Tarhani. Libijski revolucionari drže lučki dio grada Sirta pod svojom kontrolom. link

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