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Peti oktobar na bliskom istoku i arapskom svetu


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Na pocetku rata je bilo toliko price o istocnoevropskim placenicima i nigdje nijednog zarobljenog do sada, pogotovo ih nema stotine i hiljade. Pazi price, izvukli ga Srbi sa hamerima. Vjerovatno je jos prosle nedjelje otisao juznije u neku oazu ili u Sirt, kod svojih

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dobra stvar je znacajno prisustvo zlih NATO-imperijalistickih medija, pobunjenici nece smeti da nastave ovako.

Dozens of bodies have been found in Tripoli with signs of executions carried out by both sides in the civil war.Reuters news agency reported discovering 30 bullet-riddled bodies of fighters loyal to Muammar Gaddafi, of which two had been bound with plastic handcuffs, and one was on an ambulance stretcher with an intravenous drip still in his arms.Elsewhere in the city, a medical aid worker at a Tripoli hospital said she had seen 17 bodies, believed to be civilians killed by government forces, which had been found when rebel fighters stormed the Gaddafi stronghold of Bab al-Aziziya.
Edited by Gandalf
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katarski emir je cudna sorta.

http://www.gulf-times.com/site/topics/article.asp?cu_no=2&item_no=454976&version=1&template_id=57&parent_id=56HH the Emir of Qatar Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani has said his visit to Tehran and meeting with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was part of the “friendly ties” with Iran....The Syrian people took to the streets in Syria on a real popular and civil uprising calling for change, justice and freedom, HH the Emir added.The security solution has failed in Syria, the Emir said, noting that the Syrian people are not willing to back down after the price paid.
http://www.jordantimes.com/index.php?news=40774Israel is angry with Qatar over the Gulf emirate's growing ties with Gaza's Hamas rulers, a foreign ministry spokesman said on Thursday...."It is becoming a state which supports Hamas more and more," Palmor said in response to questions about a report in Maariv newspaper which said Israel was to sever all remaining ties with Doha over its "widespread and ongoing anti-Israeli activity".
http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2011/08/tiny-qatar-flexed-big-muscles-in-libya/“They went west into the Nafusa mountains and provided minimal basic shooting and tactics training to individual rebel brigades. That’s why those rebels are generally in three-color desert uniforms,” the source tells Danger Room....“They also selected 100-plus western-region Libyans for small-unit leadership training, and flew them to Qatar and then back to Nafusa for the big push.”...“The Air Force didn’t just send some planes, they sent what probably amounts to the majority of their operational air force,” says the director of Qatar’s Royal United Services Institute, David Roberts. “They have 12 [Mirage] jets, and they sent six or eight for the no-fly zone.”
http://blogs.cfr.org/abrams/2011/08/25/how-brave-is-qatar/Backing the royal family in Bahrain, supporting Hamas but then giving some money to the PA, and financing the rebels in Libya shows Qatari flexibility, but not courageous leadership. What does Qatar seek, beyond influence? Influence for what? If one judges by the programming on Al Jazeera, the royal family seeks a Middle East where American influence is diminished and radical groups are more powerful. But that would be a Middle East with little room for fabulously wealthy kings, sheiks, and emirs. As ye sow….
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Nigerian govt urges Libyan President, Muammar Ghaddafi to relinquish power, recognises National Transitional Council as legitimate Libyan govt. Ghaddafi responds and says Nigeria is 50 years behind the rest of the world. A country that has no light where Rats and humans collide in the dark has no right to lecture Libya.
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ZVOR: B92Beograd -- Vlada Srbije odlučila je da prizna prelazni Nacionalni savet Libije. Ulazak pobunjenika u Tripoli obeležen je sinoć i u ambasadi Libije u Beogradu.
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The War NerdSo I’m gonna say here: Just maybe, the whole thing ended pretty well. Not that expensive, money or lives; gotta be better for the Libyans if anybody actually cares about them; can’t see any risk for the big picture—only 6 million Libyans to start with, for God’s sake, and I don’t see the Berber going on a global jihad any time soon. Jeez, what a thought: What if it turned out good?
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Upozorili ih?! 158367525741828113f7f95.jpg:( Nazalost, po informacijama koje dolaze ovo je samo jedno od dosta mesta sa slicnim prizorima u Tripoliju.Prijavljuju se brojna silovanja, ubistva...Na Sky i AJ sam u prethodnih par dana slusao o sukobima unutar samih rebelsa.A, sta ce tek biti sa Sirtom?!

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Nazalost, po informacijama koje dolaze ovo je samo jedno od dosta mesta sa slicnim prizorima u Tripoliju.Prijavljuju se brojna silovanja, ubistva...Na Sky i AJ sam u prethodnih par dana slusao o sukobima unutar samih rebelsa.A, sta ce tek biti sa Sirtom?!
Nemoj da kvaris Tutankamonu veseljeSve ce biti ok, pravda pobedjuje, zakoni su odmah tu iza tjoska. Nesrecni Libijci.Ne postoji lep nacin da se srusi tiranin.
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Nazalost, po informacijama koje dolaze ovo je samo jedno od dosta mesta sa slicnim prizorima u Tripoliju.
Ti si Gadafijev PR a verovatno i snajperista!U Libiju je pre tri dana došla sloboda i jedno Gadafijevi forumski plaćenici mogu da nam pokvare veselje na tu temu.
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Nemoj da kvaris Tutankamonu veseljeSve ce biti ok, pravda pobedjuje, zakoni su odmah tu iza tjoska. Nesrecni Libijci.Ne postoji lep nacin da se srusi tiranin.
Nemam ja problem sa faraonovim zapazanjima oko samih rezima jer je on tu u pravu. Gadafi jeste bio okrutni diktator. Imam problem sa neverovatnim licemerjem Natoa koji on prenosi ovde tipa: nisu britanske i francuske trupe u Libiji; samo se stite cvili itd.Problem je i sto u Libiji sada nema vlasti. Imam problem i sa sledecim:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWHy2jmVocQPotpuno je u redu da se puste politicki zatvorenici, stavise potrebna im je kompenzacija za ono sto su preziveli. Samo meni se cini da su ovde pusteni svi iz zatvore a nisu valjda sve bili politicki zatvorenici?!Bojim se da Tripoli ne postane na neki nacin Bejrut ili Mogadis.
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Ti si Gadafijev PR a verovatno i snajperista!U Libiju je pre tri dana došla sloboda i jedno Gadafijevi forumski plaćenici mogu da nam pokvare veselje na tu temu.
Mozda su ovo uradili i Gadafijevi, nije poenta u tome. To rade i jedni i drugi. Pri cemu rebelsi sada malo vise jer mogu, pre je Gadafi.Hocu da kazem da je cela intervencija odradjeno ocajno i da je tamo sada haos.
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Mozda su ovo uradili i Gadafijevi, nije poenta u tome. To rade i jedni i drugi. Pri cemu rebelsi sada malo vise jer mogu, pre je Gadafi.Hocu da kazem da je cela intervencija odradjeno ocajno i da je tamo sada haos.
Naravno, potpuno si u pravu sa te strane.Bilo bi bolje da dogovorena mirna primopredaja (pogotovo u situaciji od pre par nedelja, gde Gadafi ne bi imao šta drugo da traži osim sopstvene glave na ramenima) ali ispada da je bolje šenlučiti po Tripoliju, masovno hapsiti crnačku populaciju i najavljivati zatiranje Sirta. Za sada im lepo ide pretvaranje revolucije u građanski rat.
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