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Peti oktobar na bliskom istoku i arapskom svetu


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Ono sto mene interesuje a vezano je za ovu temu je potpuno odsustvo direktnih izvestaja iz drzava zahvacenih nemirima, novinara iz listova,RTV kuca ili cak internet portala a koji deluju na teritoriji ex YU.Svojevremeno,bila je prava promenada tanjugovaca,od Alzira do Iraka i od Egipta do Cada.Svo to iskustvo(pod uslovom da je bilo pravo) kao da je iscezlo sa nestankom Jugoslavije.Ipak,pitam vas- gde su nasi novinari u Arapskom prolecu?

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Večernji:Gadafi možda zatraži azil u Hrvatskoj ili Srbiji
Ma to su jeftine pretpostavke, Gadafi ce otici, ako vec nije (i ako me/nas ne iznenadi skrivanjem u nekoj rupi), u neku africku drzavu sa jakom diktaturom koja nema potpisan sporazum sa ICC-om i to je to.
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Ma to su jeftine pretpostavke, Gadafi ce otici, ako vec nije (i ako me/nas ne iznenadi skrivanjem u nekoj rupi), u neku africku drzavu sa jakom diktaturom koja nema potpisan sporazum sa ICC-om i to je to.
Ako prezivi,mislim da ce to biti Alzir,mada ne znam koja bi arapska drzava rizikovala u ovo vreme da ugosti svrgnutog diktatora.Ostaje Zimbabave iz podsaharskih drzava,ali koliko se to njima isplati u vremenima kada pokusavaju da se sami izvuku iz corsokaka,ne znam.Van kontinenta,Venecuela ili mozda cak Brazil?
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Ne postoji država koja ga ne bi prodala u ovom trenutku pa ma koliko da se klela u njega (Čavez na primer)...nema taj gde da beži osim u neku sivu zonu Somalije ili tako nešto slično, mada, naći će ga i tamo a treba do tamo i doći

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LATEST: A group of rebels besieging a cluster of apartment buildings near the compound of Muammar Gaddafi said they believed the man who led Libya for four decades was hiding in the buildings with some of his sons.Rebels were exchanging fire with Gaddafi loyalists inside the buildings. They did not say why they believed Gaddafi and his sons were inside."They are together. They are in a small hole," said one of the fighters involved in the battle, Muhammad Gomaa. "Today we finish. Today we will end that."
+ bonus, priča o neostvarenoj ljubavi stoljeća:pb-110825-condi-moammar-da-03.photoblog900.jpg
pb-110825-condi-moammar-da-02.photoblog900.jpg Edited by Roger Sanchez
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Libya: SAS leads hunt for GaddafiBritish special forces are on the ground in Libya helping to spearhead the hunt for Col Muammar Gaddafi, The Daily Telegraph can disclose. As a £1 million bounty was placed on Gaddafi’s head, soldiers from 22 SAS Regiment began guiding rebel soldiers after being ordered in by David Cameron. For the first time, defence sources have confirmed that the SAS has been in Libya for several weeks, and played a key role in coordinating the fall of Tripoli. With the majority of the capital now in rebel hands, the SAS soldiers, who have been dressed in Arab civilian clothing and carrying the same weapons as the rebels, have been ordered to switch their focus to the search for Gaddafi, who has been on the run since his fortified headquarters was captured on Tuesday.
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