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Rekao bih da je to samo iz prakticnog razloga - nemaju nista drugo osim te istorije + revolucija je potekla iz Sairneike/Siranajake/Kirenaike postojbine Senusi monarhije.
Ovi nisu odatle, nego brđani iz Nafuse.Rupert Winfield Hayes (BBC) posjetio Hannibalovu gajbu. Dior, Armani, Chanel...
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Crisis brewing over constitutional principles
Islamists reject binding conditions on the writing of Egypt’s new constitution, while secular groups and civil society see it as a chance to safeguard their interests in the event that Islamists dominate upcoming elections....According to the copy of the cabinet-sponsored principles received by Al-Masry Al-Youm, the document stipulates that Egypt is “a civil democratic state” based on citizenship rights, pluralism, freedom, justice and citizenship rights. The political system is democratic republican; it respects the peaceful transition of power between elected governments and the separation between the three branches of government, reads the 21-clause document.The charter maintains the article of the previous constitution recognizing Islam as the state religion, Arabic as its official language and the principles of Islamic Law as the primary source of legislation. However, it adds a new clause stipulating that non-Muslims should be able to follow their own creeds in their personal status matters and religious affairs, an amendment that many liberal and Coptic forces have been calling for....Making the charter binding lies at the heart of the secular-Islamist divide that has been deepening since the fall of Hosni Mubarak. Most secular forces have voiced fears that Islamists, who seem best organized and most capable of mobilizing voters, might garner a sweeping majority in the new parliament and hence monopolize the drafting of the constitution. Such control, secularists believe, might enable them to impose a religious state that restricts individual liberties and discriminates against religious minorities and women....Last week, the Islamist-led Democratic Alliance for Egypt, spearheaded by the Muslim Brotherhood and including a group of Salafi parties, published its own charter that defined Egypt only as a democratic state. The term civil was not mentioned. Some Islamists also welcomed a similar charter that Al-Azhar had issued. Islamists insist that none of these charters should be binding but only serve as guidelines. They argue that imposing any clauses on the constituent assembly is a violation of democracy.
Edited by Gandalf
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U pravu si, nisi mogli da nađu nijednu sliku protestanata protiv Asada pa su morali da "ukradu" ovu... :isuse:
Na B92 se neko zajebao, u to sam siguran, nema tamo kadrih za ovako vispren spin. Ali model nije nepoznat. Jbg, IQ prosecnog PPPatologa je dovoljno visok da primeti, ali zamisli prosecan konzument sta vidi: normalno obuceni, mladi sirijac u kul kolima je potpisan kao protestant protiv diktatora. Sto bi reko cika Fox Molder - Istina je tamo negde
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Samo nam je još ovo falilo: Vest sa B92: Tripoli - Libijski pobunjenik Ahmed Mehdi rekao da su pobunjeničke snage u blizini Tripolija zarobile i petoricu Srba, za koje sumnjaju da su bili snajperisti Gadafija.

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Many members of the Obama Administration, especially the veterans of the Kosovo Campaign, were more sanguine about the open-ended application of U.S. military power in Libya than I was. I am glad the Qadhdhafi regime has fallen, but I worry we have reinforced a precedent where we do not feel the need to carefully think through our strategic goals (to include our desired end states) and assumptions before going to war. Because giving the U.S. military unclear guidance to prosecute open-ended military interventions is a recipe for a serious crisis in civil-military relations, we might not want to do that next time.
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Samo nam je još ovo falilo: Vest sa B92: Tripoli - Libijski pobunjenik Ahmed Mehdi rekao da su pobunjeničke snage u blizini Tripolija zarobile i petoricu Srba, za koje sumnjaju da su bili snajperisti Gadafija.
Cak i da je tacno, pa sta da mu se radi. Nije ih bota tamo poslao.Nego, ovo u Timesu (ili ovde) je mnogo verodostojnije. Eto, jedan brat hrvat, a drugi je verovatno srbenda, a borili se za gadafija. Sta kaze: Mario respected and liked Gaddafi's most prominent son, Saif al-Islam...
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verno ilustrovanje ovog mad max rata:

"Discipline was bad, and they were too stupid to learn anything. The other side was equally bad, if not worse.
Edited by barrcode
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Ona "nezavisna" novinarka radi za AP!!!? :lol:
Nezavisnu novinarku tronula je Libija bez Brata Lidera i više ju ne zanima, pa je zgiljala u Grčku. What a loss!!A Talijani su odlepršali:
Four Italian journalists who were abducted near Az Zawiyah in Libya on Wednesday have been freed, Italian daily Corriere della Sera reported on its web site. Two of the journalists worked for Corriere della Sera, while the others were reporters for La Stampa andAvvenire newspapers. The Italian consul in Benghazi, Guido de Sanctis, said after the kidnap that they were being held in an apartment in Tripoli. He said their driver was killed during the abduction and they were believed to have been held by gunmen loyal to Muammar Gaddafi.
jutros je na Bab Al Aziziyi osvanula i katarska zastava. sleep.gif Edited by Roger Sanchez
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Večernji:Gadafi možda zatraži azil u Hrvatskoj ili SrbijiTanjug | 25. 08. 2011. - 12:08h | Komentara: 2 Članica Prelaznog nacionalnog saveta Libije Fatima Mahmud izjavila je za hrvatski „Večernji list“ da je dugogodišnji libijski lider Moamer Gadafi, prema najnovijim informacijama „još uvek na teritoriji Libije, ali je napustio Tripoli“. „Raspolažemo informacijama, da bi, ako ne bude uhvaćen ili ubijen, mogao da traži politički azil u pet država sa kojima do danas ima dobar odnos“, rekla je Mahmudova, navodeći da su to Čad, Alžir, Venecuela, Hrvatska i Srbija.„Poznato je da te države, njihova zvanična vlast ili moćni političari i dan-danas s njim komuniciraju i savetuju ga. Poznato je da je u jako dobrim odnosima sa Srbijom i s bivšim predsednikom Hrvatske Stjepanom Mesićem, koji mu je ponudio pomoć u ime velikog prijateljstva“, rekla je članica Prelaznog nacionalnog saveta.Mahmudova tvrdi da je u redovima Gadafijevih snaga bilo "puno plaćenika i vojnih stručnjaka iz afričkih zemalja, ali i s područja bivše Jugoslavije, naročito Hrvatske i Srbije“. Fatima Mahmud strahuje od gradjanskog rata posle „pada Gadafija“ jer „među pobunjenicima ima puno islamista zadojenih ideologiom Al kaide i njihovog bivšeg vođe Bin Ladena“.Hrvatski „Večernjak“ prenosi i tvrdnju jednog od komandira brigade „17. februar“ Muhameda Abu Ajše, koji je vodio borbe u Tripoliju i oko Gadafijevog kompleksa Bab el-Azizija da je „Tripoli slobodan“ i da se „u nekim delovima grada život vraća u normalu", a da sa obe strane ima više od 500 mrtvih i nekoliko hiljada ranjenih.„Ne stižemo da sahranimo mrtve, koliko ih ima“, rekao je on, dodajući da su Gadafijeve snage na jugu zemlje, prema granici sa Čadom i Sudanom, još jake, kao i da su pobunjeničke snage zarobile Gadafijev privatni avion „pun zlata i novca“.

Edited by badenac
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