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juce je neki novinar iz rixosa twitovao kako ceka da ga alex oslobodi.
matthewwprice Matthew Price @ @mikewhills @alexcrawfordsky stuck here by Gvnt forces still in control. Needs Alex Crawford or simpson to liberate me! #Libya
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Ajde oladi, zna se šta termin boots on the ground znači
debkafile's military sources report that British, French, Jordanian and Qatari Special Operations forces Tuesday, Aug. 23, spearheaded the rebel "killer strike" on Muammar Qaddafi's regime and Tripoli fortress at Bab al-Azaziya, Tripoli. This was the first time Western and Arab ground troops had fought together on the same battlefield in any of the Arab revolts of the last nine months and the first time Arab soldiers took part in a NATO operation.Our military sources report that the British deployed SAS commandoes and France, 2REP (Groupe des commando parachutiste), which is similar to the US Navy DELTA unit, as well as DINOP commandos. Fighting too were Jordan's Royal Special Forces, specialists in urban combat and capturing fortified installations like the Qaddafi compound in Tripoli, and the Qatari Special Forces, which were transferred from Benghazi where they guarded rebel Transitional National Council leaders.
TF1 news: French, UK and Arabic special forces were/are in Tripoli today to direct Nato jet strikes
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Inace, budale nece da stanu:

Bullets were fired into Moammar Gadhafi's compound Tuesday evening, and Libyan rebels told CNN it was coming from Gadhafi forces.CNN's Sara Sidner and her team had to evacuate the compound after bullets came shooting nearby. People began to run and flee the area. The events came hours after rebels seized control of the compound."The headline is Gadhafi forces are now targeting ... their own compound."
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"The Lebanese government has decided to recognise the National Transitional Council in Libya," read a statement released after a cabinet meeting."Foreign Minister Adnan Mansur has also been delegated to submit plans for cooperation between Lebanese authorities and all relevant and emerging Libyan authorities to uncover the fate of imam Musa Sadr and his companions," it added.Sadr, an Iranian-born Lebanese cleric revered among the country's Shiite Muslims, mysteriously vanished on August 31, 1978 while on a trip to Libya.
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Prema izraelskim izvorima Gadafi je napustio Tripoli jos prosle noci sa porodicom i krenu je prema jugu gde planira u Sebhi da se reorganizuje i zapocne gerilsku borbu. Doduse, ovo su u prilicnoj meri nagadjanja:

Muammar Qaddafi, his sons and military and political elite are reported by debkafile's military sources to have abandoned their Bab al Aziziya fortress early Tuesday, Aug. 23, using his son Saif al-Islam's surreal appearance before foreign reporters earlier in the day to cover their escape.Our sources believe they exited the compound through one of the underground tunnels of the compound's military complex. But regional intelligence experts are baffled by the enigma of the mysterious sudden disappearance of Qaddafi's divisions overnight. It's as though the ground swallowed them up leaving no trace.No one knows Qaddafi's destination but informed observers expect him to make for Sebha in southern Libya where the local tribes are loyal to whom and where he established a whole range of subterranean military facilities. And that is where he located Libyan nuclear facilities in 2000, which he later agreed to dismantle. Qaddafi may have equipped a place of asylum at Sebha with military and residential facilities form which to launch a guerilla war against whomsoever takes power in Tripoli and against NATO targets in Libya and Europe, as punishment for his downfall.Thousands of fighters from the tribes loyal to Qaddafi are reported by debkafile's military sources to have been streaming to the desert town in recent weeks. Prominent among them were members of his own Gaddadfa tribe which numbers some 100,000 members and is based in Sirte, a town lying on the Mediterranean coast in the north between Tripoli and the rebel base of Benghazi. Qaddafi will need the help of tribes other than his own in a region 800 kilometers south of his home town on the fringes of the Sahara, for waging a guerrilla war against the new rulers in Tripoli.
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Stevo Đobs bi trebal bit ponosan - Alex koristi MacBook Pro za izvještavanje, ovi u Rixosu za opuštanje.. Apple je i tamo gdje su se svi drugi usrali!7dfa7f4e-0335-4576-ad05-db36f2868bf1_500.jpg

The Rixos has been so cut off that we often haven't even been able to tell who was in control of the streets outside. Over the weekend, the area appeared to be in government hands. As rebels approached, our minders got jittery, then belligerent.One young gunman grew paranoid that journalists were feeding information to the rebels and began threatening us. Others simply left, in some cases shaking hands with reporters and saying goodbye. Government Information Minister Musa Ibhrahim departed soon after his German wife and infant.For awhile we were alone. Then the pro-government gunmen returned, surrounding the hotel with heavy weaponry even as rebels reportedly took Gaddafi's compound a few blocks away. We don't know for sure.Fighting intensified Tuesday and the smell of gunpowder hangs in the thick heat, along with sweat and a little fear. When the shooting is most intense, we take refuge in hotel's basement conference rooms.Two satellite telephones set up on a balcony were destroyed by gunfire, so we've stopped transmitting our material. We wait and worry the gunmen could turn hostile at any moment.There is no power and no running water. On Monday we ate bread and butter. On Tuesday, the cook made french fries. Bottled water is running low.We don't know when it's going to end, and we see little of what happens. We weren't there when the Bab al-Aziziyah was captured less than 24 hours after Saif [Gaddafi] took us there. He hasn't been seen publicly since then.So I can tell a story about trapped journalists, but the real story about what is happening to
is just out there. Unfortunately, we can't cover it.

@ sirius
From a position in Western Tripoli, Sky News producer Tom Rayner has been tweeting that he and other journalists can hear jets in the sky and several large explosions.He adds that he and others came under some fire as they left the Bab-al-Azzizia compound earlier, but suspect it was a "misfire", as opposed to fire from Gaddafi loyalists.The big worry, according to Tom, will be the huge numbers of berretta pistols and rifles carried away by people who came to the compound.A number of rebel military leaders at compound were apologetic about the "mistake" of allowing such a large number of weapons to be taken by non-fighters.
Edited by Roger Sanchez
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Sta se zove SPIN :lol:Slika je potisana sa "Protesti u Siriji", a na slici je ocigledno da je ovaj mladi evropskomoderni žabarijana looklike Sirijac lojalan Asadu. Na kolima mu Asadova slika i Sirijska zastava. No dobro, Beee92 ume da se pozove na wikipediju, pa ovakve budalastine ne cude...

Edited by minka
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