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Libya: secret role played by Britain creating path to the fall of TripoliThe key role played by Britain in equipping and advising Libya’s rebel fighters for their final push on Tripoli was becoming clear last night as Col Muammar Gaddafi’s remaining forces staged a last stand around his bunker. For weeks, military and intelligence officers have been helping the rebels plan their co-ordinated attack on the capital, and Whitehall sources have disclosed that the RAF stepped up raids on Tripoli on Saturday morning in a pre-arranged plan to pave the way for the rebel advance. MI6 officers based in the rebel stronghold of Benghazi had honed battle plans drawn up by Libya’s Transitional National Council (TNC) which were agreed 10 weeks ago. The constantly-updated tactical advice provided by British experts to the rebel leaders centred on the need to spark a fresh uprising within Tripoli that could be used as the cue for fighters to advance on the city. But when it finally came, the speed with which it achieved its goal took everyone, including the rebels, by surprise. The Daily Telegraph has learnt that although the uprising in Tripoli began on Saturday night, the first phase of the battle for the capital had begun hours earlier, when RAF Tornado GR4 aircraft attacked a key communications facility in south-west Tripoli as part of the agreed battle plan.
Meni ovo zanimljivo. Iran, Hamas i UK na istoj strani.
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Prica iz danasnjeg FT:

Libya now needs boots on the groundAll this poses serious challenges to the outside world. The 7,000 sorties flown by Nato aircraft played a central role in the rebel victory. The “humanitarian” intervention introduced to save lives believed to be threatened was, in fact, a political intervention introduced to bring about regime change. Now Nato has to deal with its own success. International assistance, probably including an international force, is likely to be needed for some time to help restore and maintain order.
Da dodam, sve je vise prica da se neke Nato trupe nalaze u blizini Libije koje trebaju da udju kao mirotvorci.
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Prica iz danasnjeg FT:Da dodam, sve je vise prica da se neke Nato trupe nalaze u blizini Libije koje trebaju da udju kao mirotvorci.
Pa treba obezbediti naftovode, i postrojenja za crpljenje nafte.Pošto je NTC već objavio da Rusi, Kinezi i Brazilci mogu da se slikaju sa svojim dosadašnjim koncesijama.
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Prica iz danasnjeg FT:Da dodam, sve je vise prica da se neke Nato trupe nalaze u blizini Libije koje trebaju da udju kao mirotvorci.
:lol:Upravo je glasnogovornik NATO-a na kzš govorila kako je Libija primer budućeg delovanja istog (pod UN mandatom, bez snaga na terenu itd.)
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Nema ih u obliku regularnih trupa, uniformisanih i u hiljadama, niti će ih biti...
Ako SAS obuce drugaciju uniformu od regularne vise nije regularna trupa?! ;)
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Borbe u Tripoliju:
Bab Al Aziziya je na toj snimci. Iza su dva vodotornja, jedan kod jednog igrališta odmah sjeverozapadno od nje, drugi na ulici dalje.Na kraju drugog vidi se ulaz u Rixos, fajt je opet oko Waco-a. Po ovim snimcima je zbilja u toku opsada ''Al-Pentagona''. Ne znam baš jel to efekt koji si htio postići postavljajući ih? Edited by Roger Sanchez
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Bab Al Aziziya je na toj snimci. Iza su dva vodotornja, jedan kod jednog igrališta odmah sjeverozapadno od nje, drugi na ulici dalje.Na kraju drugog vidi se ulaz u Rixos, fajt je opet oko Waco-a. Po ovim snimcima je zbilja u toku opsada ''Al-Pentagona''. Ne znam baš jel to efekt koji si htio postići postavljajući ih?
Zasto ne? Treba da se vidi sve i zna sve. Istina i samo istina i nista sem istine :)
Pa treba obezbediti naftovode, i postrojenja za crpljenje nafte.Pošto je NTC već objavio da Rusi, Kinezi i Brazilci mogu da se slikaju sa svojim dosadašnjim koncesijama.
Rebels might redraw Libya’s oil contracts­Italy’s Foreign Affairs Ministry has confirmed that the Italian oil company Eni SpA, the biggest foreign investor in Muammar Gaddafi’s Libya, has sent a technical team to assist production re-launch. The markets reacted positively to the statement, with oil prices going up a bit. Analysts hope that oil production in Libya, which amounted to 1.6 million barrels a day before being disrupted by the civil war, could soon return to significant levels.But other major oil producers are cautious about joining the race back to Libya. BP said on Monday that it would return to Libya to continue its exploration program “when conditions allow,” Agence France-Presse reported. Still, analysts believe that oil giants could be the actual beneficiaries in postwar Libya, especially the countries that have shown the most support for the opposition. The Libyan opposition has hinted that some business contracts will be preferred if they win. "We don't have a problem with Western countries like the Italians, French and UK companies,” Abdeljalil Mayouf, information manager at the Libyan rebel oil firm Agoco, told Reuters. “But we may have some political issues with Russia, China and Brazil."This could mean that countries that have been calling for the Libyan conflict to be resolved through negotiations might see the loss of billions of dollars in oil contracts. US and European oil giants, meanwhile, might have the market left to themselves and perhaps new players like Qatar.
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