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Cekaj bre, pa ovo je moj dvojnik, zar on nije ubiven?
Jok, ubivali su dva puta Kamisa Gadafija, al je on dva puta ustajao iz mrtvih.Saif je od prozapadnog politicara i nekog na koga je Zapad racunao, na kraju rata ispao zagrizeni islamofil (takav je i look poceo da seta) i da javno govori kako ce da suruje sa Al Kaidom.Istina je bliza tome da on nije sustinski bio previse veran pro-zapadnoj prici sve vreme. Edited by Bane5
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A živa mu je i zdrava i ona usvojena ćerka Hana,za koju je skot tvrdio pre 25 godinada je poginula u američkom bombardovanju Tripolija, pa tobožnje njene slike, kao dvogodišnjeg mrtvogi okrvavljenog deteta, izlagao na "bilbordu" ispred libijske ambasade u Beogradu, a verovatno i podrugim zemljama.Pre par dana bio intervju s njom u novinama. Završila neke visoke škole naZapadu i uspešna je poslovna žena.

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A živa mu je i zdrava i ona usvojena ćerka Hana,za koju je skot tvrdio pre 25 godinada je poginula u američkom bombardovanju Tripolija,...
Jesi li sigurna da je to ista osoba? Kakav covek :o
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13.24 - Policija u Sarajevu opkolila libijsku ambasadu nakon što je više ljudi upalo unutra, pobacalo slike Moamera Gadafija i razvilo zastavu pobunjenika.
Malo akcije u komšiluku. sleep.gif
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An anecdote about Khamis Qadhafi
Saeed, because he had known Qadhafi back in the days of the Free Officers, broached the topic of the Arab uprisings and the trouble brewing in Benghazi. He began to give his opinion that, the regional environment being what it is, the regime should be cautious about repressing what were still relatively minor protests in Benghazi. Instead, he argued, it should engage the protestors and be cautious about the potential for the movement to get much bigger, as it did in Tunisia and Egypt so recently.This enraged Khamis. He stood up and shouted at Saeed, accusing him of being a traitor and a weakling, and said his father would never have to give in to the vermin in Benghazi. Saeed respectfully stated he was just giving his advice, in light of what was happening elsewhere in the Arab world — just being cautious. But this only further incensed Khamis (who may have been on some kind of drugs), and the argument kept escalating.Finally, Khamis lost it. He pulled out his sidearm and shot Saeed, killing him instantly. Saeed's son jumped towards his father, and the son's wife wailed. Khamis turned out and emptied his gun into them, killing them both. All of this right in front of his father and his entourage.The incident was covered up, and not reported much, but rumors about it spread in Libya. Saeed's other sons began to make plans to leave the country, and the Egyptian company, having lost its protector, hastened plans already underway to stop their activities. No doubt, within regime circles, that Khamis' murder of Saeed and the newlywed couple sent a chilling warning: show total loyalty to the regime and never doubt my father's choices, or else.
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kakvo je to pitanje 'ko ce da zamni gadafija'?ako se rusi sistem nemoguce je da ga bilo ko zameni po nekom postojecem nacinu odlucivanja.pise se ustav, usvaja se i onda idu parlamentarni izbori.ko pobedi, vlada.

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Jesi li sigurna da je to ista osoba? Kakav covek :o
Pa, u tekstu je baš bilo pomenuto da je Gadafi rekao svojevremeno za nju da mu je usvojena kći ida je 84. ili 85., ne sećam se tačne godine, poginula u amaričkom napadu na Tripoli. Čitala samtaj tekst u Pressu pre nekih 4-5 dana, a u njemu su preneti delovi intervjua s Hanom, koji je dat nekomstranom listu ili agenciji.
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kakvo je to pitanje 'ko ce da zamni gadafija'?ako se rusi sistem nemoguce je da ga bilo ko zameni po nekom postojecem nacinu odlucivanja.pise se ustav, usvaja se i onda idu parlamentarni izbori.ko pobedi, vlada.
Osim ako izbori ne budu kao u Egiptu.
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