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Peti oktobar na bliskom istoku i arapskom svetu


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At a summit meeting in October, 2010 in the Libyan city of Surt, four leaders posed together for a photograph: Zine El-Abidine Ben Ali, Ali Abdullah Saleh, Muammar el-Qaddafi and Hosni Mubarak.

Edited by Roger Sanchez
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Wikipwdia menja Gadafijevu sudbinu:"On 20 August, the rebellion against his rule reached Tripoli, with a large uprising taking place in parts of the capital, posing a serious threat to his regime.[17] On 22 August, he was moving to Algeria and his government was collapse.[18]"Izvor:http://www.tabnak.ir

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Interesantno, gotovo svo vreme je akcenat bio na pobunjenicima na istoku, a na kraju su mu glave došli ovi sa zapadnih planina.
Takticki da, ali sustinski ne bas.ps. TV Jamahiriya i dalje sljaka, verovatno iz Sirta. Doduse, program im je 'umiven'. Edited by Bane5
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vazno je da blic ima prvorazredne izvore informacija:

Tridesetšestogodišnji Laila Javad zaposlen u rasadniku je izjavio za Rojters da će “tiranin konačno biti isporučen”.
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BBC: BBC Monitoring says Libyan state-controlled Al-Jamahiriyah TV is ignoring current events in Tripoli and instead airing a programme about heart disease.
Edited by Bane5
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Kao predigra nadolazećem Dejvovom obraćanju naciji:

This district where I am is completely in opposition hands. I met one guy in an England T-shirt who was praising loudly David Cameron and Nicolas Sarkozy. Saying 'England good, England good. Thank you, thank you'. It was almost like a Conservative Party spin doctor's dream.
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a sta ce da bude sa mladjanim&zgodjusnim seifom el islamom?
postace komsija ratku, anti, mladenu, radovanu, ramusu... Edited by Bane5
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