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Peti oktobar na bliskom istoku i arapskom svetu


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Jbt, da li je moguće da je čitav svet toliko retardirao?Pre tek nešto više od 20 godina, ovakva moronka ne bi mogla da čisti klozete u danskom MIP a kamoli da mu bude na čelu. Ne ide mi u glavu da ljudska vrsta za jedva dve decenije može sebe tako uspešno da liši svih manira, svakog takta i pristojnosti, i stolećima izgrađivanu veštinu komunikacije svede na životinjski nivo obračuna.

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Ma super je... prikladno obučena, skinula je i cvike za fotku, bedž na reveru, biserno-beli osmeh... sva je na mestu.+1 beowl, da ne bude zabune.

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Jbt, da li je moguće da je čitav svet toliko retardirao?Pre tek nešto više od 20 godina, ovakva moronka ne bi mogla da čisti klozete u danskom MIP a kamoli da mu bude na čelu. Ne ide mi u glavu da ljudska vrsta za jedva dve decenije može sebe tako uspešno da liši svih manira, svakog takta i pristojnosti, i stolećima izgrađivanu veštinu komunikacije svede na životinjski nivo obračuna.
naravno da je retardirao. mogla je komotno i da pričučne i olakša se na sag. Sve dok je politik-korektno, ne bi bilo problema.
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Pritisak se pojacava:The ICC hearing has ended; arrest warrants have been issued for Muammar Gaddafi, Saif al-Islam, and Abdullah Senussi.edoit: Da bi se nacinio korak ka objektivnosti:Ocampo: We will investigate crimes done by Libyan rebels

Edited by Bane5
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Pre tek nešto više od 20 godina, ovakva moronka ne bi mogla da čisti klozete u danskom MIP a kamoli da mu bude na čelu.

leeb1.jpggoogle translate:

Lene Espersen's social security fraud was revealed in 1998 - after four years of tinkering. An amount, which allegedly are 225,000 tax-free dollars (equal to approximately 300,000 dollars today).

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Timing Is Questioned in Seeking House Vote on U.S. Role in LibyaThe overwhelming vote in the House on Friday against approving American participation in the NATO action in Libya raised a question in Washington: Why did President Obama not press harder for a vote authorizing the operation months ago when the intervention was more popular? Some in the White House say the answer is simple: Like many previous presidents overseeing interventions in countries including Lebanon and Somalia, he did not believe he needed permission. The administration told Congress that it would “welcome” a resolution of support, a carefully worded statement that made no concession that Congressional approval might be legally necessary.
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Protesters, police clash in CairoCAIRO — Demonstrators and police clashed outside the Interior Ministry in the Egyptian capital late Tuesday in the most intense battle between the two sides in months.It was unclear whether anyone was killed as fighting continued into Wednesday morning, with police surrounding protesters and the demonstrators throwing molotov cocktails at the policemen to push them back. Dozens were reported injured.The clashes are a sign of the growing tension between Egyptians seeking reform and the military leadership that took control of the nation after President Hosni Mubarak was ousted in February. Many activists and relatives of the more than 800 people killed during the 18-day popular uprising are angry at what they see as continued human rights violations and a lack of justice.Human rights groups say that few policemen involved in the killings are being prosecuted, that those being investigated have not been suspended from their jobs and that only one officer has been convicted — in absentia. The protracted trials of top government officials also have angered many Egyptians as more than 7,000 civilians have been convicted in hasty military tribunals since January.The clashes began after slain protesters’ relatives were barred from a celebration for the families of “martyrs” at a Cairo theater, witnesses said. Security forces beat people and forced them to stay away, videos showed.The families and demonstrators then walked to the Interior Ministry, seen as a symbol of the repressive and harsh practices of the old regime, to protest and throw rocks. Police were deployed and began shooting birdshot, rubber bullets and tear gas into the crowd, which numbered hundreds, then thousands of people.Protesters called for the end of military rule, and some screamed, “Now the real revolution begins.’’By midnight Tuesday, the clashes intensified as police pushed people away from the building and into Tahrir Square, the epicenter of the uprising. The clashes went on for hours, and protesters bled in the square. The Interior Ministry security forces surrounded the square, yelling, “You want the press to see this!” and cursing at the crowd. There was no sign of the military.“We are not thugs,” said Samer Abdul Razek, 29, who lost a friend Jan. 28 when he was shot in the head by a sniper. Razek, a student of literature, was bleeding from a stomach wound he suffered when hit by a rock thrown by security forces. “I want this government and military rule to end.”
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I to je to. Jovica umesto Mubaraka, malo "demokratije" a ostatak po starom. Obicno zamajavanje a ne revolucija - steta svih tih poginulih.I dok u Libiji na kraju nece ostati kamen na kamenu, Asad u Siriji ima odresene ruke da ubija.

Edited by Anduril
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I to je to. Jovica umesto Mubaraka, malo "demokratije" a ostatak po starom. Obicno zamajavanje a ne revolucija - steta svih tih poginulih.
ovaj... ranije ne bi ni bilo demonstracija nego bi kolovodje odveo crni pezo u nepoznatom pravcu, pa bi ih mlatili batinama dok ne umru.
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Prince Turki al-Faisal, a former Saudi intelligence chief and ambassador to Washington, warned senior Nato military officials that the existence of such a device "would compel Saudi Arabia … to pursue policies which could lead to untold and possibly dramatic consequences".He did not state explicitly what these policies would be, but a senior official in Riyadh who is close to the prince said yesterday his message was clear."We cannot live in a situation where Iran has nuclear weapons and we don't. It's as simple as that," the official said. "If Iran develops a nuclear weapon, that will be unacceptable to us and we will have to follow suit."
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The Syrian military and the government’s security forces have largely withdrawn from one of the country’s largest cities as well as other areas, residents and activists said Wednesday, leaving territory to protesters whose demonstrations have grown larger and whose chants have taunted a leadership that once inspired deep fear.The military’s move out of Hama, where a government crackdown a generation ago made its name synonymous with the brutality of the ruling Assad family, has surprised even some activists and diplomats. They differ over how to interpret the government’s decision there, asking whether the departure points to a government attempt to avoid casualties and another potentially explosive clash in a restive country, or to an exhausted repressive apparatus stretched too thin.http://www.nytimes.com/2011/06/30/world/middleeast/30syria.html?_r=4&pagewanted=1&ref=world

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Prso covek potpuno:

Gaddafi threatens "martyr" attacks in EuropeFri Jul 8, 2011 6:41pm GMT TRIPOLI, July 8 (Reuters) - Muammar Gaddafi threatened on Friday to send hundreds of Libyans to launch attacks in Europe in revenge for the NATO-led military campaign against him. "Hundreds of Libyans will martyr in Europe. I told you it is eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth. But we will give them a chance to come to their senses," the Libyan leader said in an audio speech carried on Libyan television. Gaddafi, whose forces have been battling rebel fighters increasingly encroaching on his territory and NATO warplanes, was speaking in the desert town of Sabha, about 800 km (500 miles) south of Tripoli. The speech, to a crowd of about 50,000 people, appeared designed to show that Gaddafi still enjoys support in areas of Libya he still controls. "You will regret it, NATO, when the war moves to Europe," he said, adding that the Canary Islands, Sicily, other Mediterranean islands as well as Andalusia in southern Spain were Arab lands that should be liberated. "The Libyan people have no problem, the colonial powers are the ones who have a problem. They want to control our oil. They are jealous because God gave us the gift of oil," Gaddafi said. "We do not fear them. We have no choice but to resist, become martyrs and fight on till the end."
Edited by Bane5
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OK, dobih pitanje oko ovih politickih inicijativa koje su naprasno preplavile situaciju oko Libije.Koliko se zna sve vreme traju pregovori i sve se svodi na to da Gadafi ocajnicki pokusava da sacuva buducnost svog sina Saifa kao nekog ko ce braniti politicki (pa i silom ako zatreba) interese porodice i njima bliskih ljudi. Samo pitanje odlaska Gadafija sa vlasti je vec sasvim izvesno pa cak je i verovatnija mogucnost odlaska iz Libije.Rusija, AU, deo arapskih zemalja, pa sada i deo zemalja koje su ukljucene direktno u vojnu intervenciju ucestvuju u ovom politickom cenkanju i dogovaranju.U kojoj meri ce se naci kompromis, tesko je reci u ovom trenutku, ali se cini da su kljucni spoljni faktori zasiceni intervencije.Po svemu sudeci, sve ce se mozda resiti u tacno narednih mesec dana do pocetka Ramazana. Meni je jedino nejasno kako svi oni misle da pomire zaracene strane na terenu. Tesko mi je da poverujem da je to proces koji moze da se desi bez de facto pobednika u ovom ratu ali i bar jos nekoliko godina protoka vremena.

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