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Ovog bezbrižnog đubretarskog jenki šaljivdžiju treba malo u zatvor ili puno po džepu, ima li kakaf zakon oko tog?
Da, saljivdzija je jedini polu-hoax bloger na netu. Pravo je pitanje kako su se veliki mdeiji upecali. Nije stetu lokalnim Sirijcima nacinio bloger vec Guardian u procesu trazenja nuznog simbola otpora. (Praslin je nesto o tome pisao na Drustvu.)Jedino Jelena moze mirne savesti da tuzi idiota.
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Da, saljivdzija je jedini polu-hoax bloger na netu. Pravo je pitanje kako su se veliki mdeiji upecali. Nije stetu lokalnim Sirijcima nacinio bloger vec Guardian u procesu trazenja nuznog simbola otpora. (Praslin je nesto o tome pisao na Drustvu.)Jedino Jelena moze mirne savesti da tuzi idiota.
beh, isto ko što su se svojevremeno "upecali" na tragičnu priču one devojčice iz kuvajta, ....za koju se posle ispostavilo da je ćerka Kuvajtskog ambasadora u USA. :lol:
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US Congress votes against Libya fundingWASHINGTON (AFP) – The US House of Representatives voted to prohibit the use of funds for American military operations in Libya.Lawmakers adopted the amendment to a military appropriations bill by a vote of 248 to 163.A number of members of Congress have recently expressed their dissatisfaction at President Barack Obama's decision to go ahead with operations in Libya in March and to continue without congressional authorization.The amendment, introduced by Democratic representative Brad Sherman from California, invokes the War Powers Resolution, a 1973 law that limits presidential powers on sending troops abroad into combat zones without the consent of Congress.
Ovo je vise znak da USofA nece ici u druge ratove u bliskoj buducnosti.
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Ovo je vise znak da USofA nece ici u druge ratove u bliskoj buducnosti.
Ne, to je više znak da će drugi plaćati za one ratove u kojim USofA učestvuje.
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Republikanci prete Ustavnom krizom zbog Libije

Boehner gives Obama Friday deadline on LibyaStepping up a simmering constitutional conflict, House Speaker John A. Boehner warned President Obama on Tuesday that unless he gets authorization from Congress for his military deployment in Libya, he will be in violation of the War Powers Resolution.In a letter sent Tuesday afternoon, Mr. Boehner, the top Republican in the constitutional chain of succession, said Mr. Obama must provide a clear justification by Friday for committing troops to Libya.Sunday marks the 90th day since the president notified Congress that U.S. troops had been committed to help enforce a no-fly zone over Libya, which is designed to protect the rebels fighting Col. Moammar Gadhafi’s government.“The Constitution requires the president to ‘take care that the laws be faithfully executed,’ and one of those laws is the War Powers Resolution, which requires an approving action by Congress or withdrawal within 90 days from the notification of a military operation,” Mr. Boehner said in the letter.
Veliki problem za sve je javnost u US
A Fox News poll taken last week found Americans opposing the mission by a nearly 2-to-1 ratio, and substantial majorities said Mr. Obama has not articulated a cogent reason for U.S. involvement.
GOP se protivi ratu :isuse:
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pregrupisavanje u toku?

The U.S. has put Bahrain, a Persian Gulf ally, in the company of Iran, North Korea, Syria and Zimbabwe on its list of human rights violators to be scrutinized by the UN Human Rights Council. “The Bahraini government has arbitrarily detained workers and others perceived as opponents,” U.S. Ambassador Eileen Donahoe said in a statement to the council yesterday in Geneva.
The newly re-elected prime minister of Turkey has given his support to a British-backed effort to put pressure on neighbouring Syria through a resolution at the United Nations Security Council, it was revealed today. Recep Tayyip Erdogan assured David Cameron of his backing for the move in a phone call last night, in which the Prime Minister congratulated him on securing a third successive election victory for his Justice and Development Party.
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Libyan rebels dismiss Gaddafi's call for election English.news.cn 2011-06-17 07:36:09 FeedbackPrintRSSBENGHAZI, Libya, June 16 (Xinhua) -- Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi agreed to hold internationally-supervised elections, his son said, which was dismissed by rebels Thursday."They could be held within three months. At the maximum by the end of the year, and the guarantee of transparency could be the presence of international observers," Gaddafi's son Saif al-Islam told Italian daily Corriere della Sera in an interview published on Thursday.He said the elections could be supervised by bodies including the European Union, the African Union, the United Nations or even NATO, which has intensified air strikes against Gaddafi's forces."Gaddafi's government has lost legitimacy, so he is not supposed to ask for elections and we will not negotiate with him," Jalal Gallal, the rebels' spokesman, told Xinhua by phone."The international community has been calling on Gaddafi to pull back his troops and allow humanitarian aid to reach the Libyan people," he said, adding that "the only choice for Gaddafi is to step down."The United States said Thursday that it is "a little late" for Gaddafi to broach any proposal as his days are numbered."It's a little late for any proposal by Gaddafi and his circle for democratic change. It's time for him to go," the U.S. State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland told reporters.She said the pressure the international community has brought on Gaddafi and his regime is "having an effect," with over 50 senior-level diplomatic and government officials having defected."So the guy is getting increasingly lonely, increasingly isolated. His days are numbered," she added.http://news.xinhuanet.com/english2010/world/2011-06/17/c_13934413.htm

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Evo ga Asad drži govor. Prosto je neverovatno kakvi su se sve ludaci našli na čelu pojedinih (ako ne i skoro svih) arapskih država...

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U.S.-Saudi rivalry intensifies
Senior U.S. diplomats have been dropping by the royal palace in Amman almost every week this spring to convince Jordanian King Abdullah II that democratic reform is the best way to quell the protests against his rule.But another powerful ally also has been lobbying Abdullah — and wants him to ignore the Americans.Saudi Arabia is urging the Hashemite kingdom to stick to the kind of autocratic traditions that have kept the House of Saud secure for centuries, and Riyadh has been piling up gifts at Abdullah's door to sell its point of view....Steven A. Cook, a Mideast specialist at the Council on Foreign Relations, said Riyadh's forceful response in Bahrain "demonstrates the Saudis have absolutely no faith in our position on the region, and are going to look after their own interests in a way they know how."
Edited by Gandalf
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Posto je mene neki primitivac napao na ovom topiku za razne stvari, a kljucna mu je bila "prenosenje lazi" o tome da su Gadafijeve snage zasule Misratu kasetnom municijom i koje je on uz pomoc anonimnog sajta "raskrinkao" i nakon toga primitivno i bezobrazno se odnosio prema imenovanim i neimenovanim clanovima ovog foruma, a ni do danas se nije izvinuo za svoj jadni nastup pa cak ni na svom topiku, postavljam sazetak kroz tekstove objavljene u NYT-u.OK, on je zavrsio na PZD-u gde mu je i mesto, ali ja sam se nasao u slicnoj poziciji kao i ljudi iz HRW-a ili ekipa NYT-a koja je bila u tom trenutku u Misrati. To je situacija gde moras zbog spinovanja kojekakvih placenih budala i teoreticara zavera da dokazujes svoju istinu iznova i iznova ili da proveravas destine izvora o tacnosti navoda, dokumenata i slicno.Linkove postavljam ovde da bi neko koga interesuje video, a ne na onom topiku dole gde retko ko normalan zadje.Toliko u uvodu - CJ Chivers i tim New York Times-a istrazivao je nakon odlaska iz libije poreklo kasetne municije iz Misrate, njenog dopremanja u Libiju i na kraju tehnicke karakteristike ne bi li se dokazalo sa kakvog je orudja ona ispaljena na Misratu.Rezultati su objavljeni u tri opsirna clanka od kojih se treci pojavio danas.Za sve koje interesuje cela istorija ovog segmenta rata u Libiji, hronoloski opis otkrivanja koja je municija u pitanju, priznanje spanskih zvanicnika da su je izvozili u Libiju i na kraju prava mala igra sa tvrdnjama kvazi-istrazivackog anonimnog sajta i potpuno razoblicavanje njihovih tvrdnji i nalazenje istih u varanju (brisali su neke delove cak i jedan ceo tekst, menjali su niz tekstova unazad i prepravljali tvrdnje kako su cinjenice o ovom slucaju otkrivane) neka lagano krene u iscitavanje...Following Up, Part 1: Battlefield Refuse, Social Media and Qaddafi’s Cluster BombsFollowing Up, Part 2. Down the Rabbit Hole: Arms Exports and Qaddafi’s Cluster BombsFollowing Up, Part III. Down the Rabbit Hole: Qaddafi’s Cluster Munitions and the Age of Internet Claims

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