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legenda kaze da je drug tito inspiraciju za krijenje u drvaru (jel bese tu bio u pecini pa mu luks spasio zivot?) nasao u ovoj pecini.inace je spektakularna (bila, ne znam sta je sad), takav lavirint prolaza da ni najcrnji horor film ne moze da izazove toliki osecaj klaustrofobije i izgubljenosti. ko se tamo sakrije, ljude i oruzje, zna sta radi.
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legenda kaze da je drug tito inspiraciju za krijenje u drvaru (jel bese tu bio u pecini pa mu luks spasio zivot?) nasao u ovoj pecini.
trollNije, pomiješala si Sutjesku sa Konjićevim skokom. biggrin.gif A u pećini se krio i na Visu.off
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trollNije, pomiješala si Sutjesku sa Konjićevim skokom. biggrin.gif A u pećini se krio i na Visu.off
moram da obnovim znanje sa kvizova tito-revolucija-mir.da ne bude da trolujem, maman mi se upravo javlja iz slobodnog tunisa da kaze da je vreme lepo, turista ima itd. ja je pitam je li cula nesto da se vode borbe kod dehibe, na granici, ona mi kaze, ih pa znam ja za to vec dva dana, svi kelneri pricaju o tome.revolucionarni duh nikad ne umire.
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kazu da je u onoj drvarskoj pecini tita uhvatila panika i defetizam i da je bio spreman na predaju u kriticnim trenucima...kako bilo, gadafijeve snage su se vratile na granicu sa tunisom pa cak zauzele prelaz i sa strane tunisa, za svaki slucaj, pobunjenici su se povukli na teritoriju tunisa, a tunizanska vojska se, za sada, nije mesala u sukob.

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http://www.sandmonkey.org/2011/04/07/7-popular-myths-about-the-revolution/1) The Army is co-opting the revolution/trying to establish another military dictatorship.WRONG. This is a prevalent one, and it has strong roots: the arrests of some protesters and their torture, the insistence on ending protests, and the lack of transparency of the Army’s actions. But please take a minute and stop thinking of the Army as a monolith or an institution, and think of it as a bunch of human beings. The Army is a conservative institution, it doesn’t believe in chaos, and has operated for 30 years based on direct orders from Mubarak. The supreme council is a bunch of 60 and 70 year olds who are not used to deliberate amongst themselves to how best deal with civil issues, and they look at the world in terms of balancing risks.2) The NDP/Mubarak is still controlling the countryWRONG. The supreme majority of the NDP are shitting in their pants, every single one of them dreading the day their sins will be exposed to the public, and they are watching their leaders getting plucked and investigated one by one. The reason why the Military is taking its time with the big names is that it needs to 1) build up the civil cases against them and 2) to feed them to the public at the best opportune moment, which with mounting pressures is looking closer every day.3) The Islamists are hijacking the revolutionWRONG. The Salafists, with their bushy beards, talk of bringing back the 7th century and violence against chirstians and women are already alienating and angering the supreme majority of the Egyptian public, to the point that they have angered the sufis - the hippies of Islam, who are 16 million in case you didn’t know - into rising up and standing against them, and they have gotten the Muslim Brotherhood to the point where they will tell anyone who listens that they are different than the Salafists, and that the Salafists are insane.As for the Muslim Brotherhood, well, they are having their own problems. This organization who long has lived and survived underground is now being forced into the light, which isn’t exactly where they are most comfortable, because the cracks are now showing.5) Amr Moussa / Baradei is the new PresidentWRONG. The political Life cycle of any politician in Egypt is now 1 week, the same goes for Presidential candidates. The people don’t want someone who is as tainted as Moussa or as unable to communicate with them as Baradei. Chances are, Egypt’s real next president will appear sometimes by late august/ early September, after those two have been kicked and burned and faced a trial by fire unlike Egypt has ever seen.6) International forces will destroy the revolutionWRONG. But not for lack of trying. God knows the Saudi government and Israel are both very worried about this revolution and will try anything - like funding salafis in the case of Saudi, or placing pressure on the US to support Amr Moussa in the case of Israel and both in order to ensure Egypt stays in the Sunni-Zionist alliance against Iran - in order to sustain a status-quo whose expiration date has long passed.
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Bernard-Henri Lévy dans la « Control Room » de l’état-major des forces libyennes libres. A la gauche de Bernard-Henri Lévy, le Général en chef Mustapha Abdel Fatah Younis. Fot. Marc Roussel.
Ovo pise ispod slike, znaci foto iz Libije (Benzagi najvjerovatnije).
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ok. posto je younis danas u briselu verovatno je slicna poza samo sa vise uniformisanih osoba na slici.anyway, u pravu si za smajli komentar slike.

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gde ce bhl da makne depiliranu guzicu da ode tamo gde je opasno, jeste blesavi. nikad u zivotu nisam srela arogantnije bice, murinjo je malo dete za njega.mozda je ovo ponuda koju ce pukovnik da prihvati

African traditional chiefs on Thursday recommended a transition in Libya with Moamer Kadhafi taking a ceremonial role similar to the queen of England while a rebel leader holds executive power. The traditional rulers meeting in the Benin economic hub of Cotonou called for an end to NATO air strikes and suggested "a political transition with the insurgent leader as the executive head while Kadhafi would be a king in the same manner as the queen of England," a statement said. They condemned the NATO air strikes saying there were driven by ulterior motives involving the country's oil. "Why has no one gone to intervene in Syria where there are massacres?" said King Tossoh Gbaguidi of Savalou, Benin, referring to the anti-regime protests in which hundreds have been killed since mid-March, according to rights groups. Kadhafi in August 2008 gathered African traditional rulers for a meeting to mark the anniversary of the coup that brought him to power. The meeting was organised in the Mediterranean city of Benghazi, now a rebel stronghold, east of Tripoli. They bestowed on him the title "king of kings." Among traditional rulers who attended the Cotonou conference were those from Chad, Congo Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Mali, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe.
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Ovu sliku sam vidio danas u novinama (Marianne) gdje pisu o BHL-u kao "chef de guerre".BHL je bio u Libiji prije intervencije.Marianne---BHL.jpgOdgovor BHL-a

« Chef de guerre? Je vous laisse la responsabilité de votre formule. Je suis juste un philosophe qui essaie de mettre sa vie en accord avec ses principes. » BHL
Luba, slazem se tobom u vezi BHL-a (imam neke licne razloge). Edited by borris_
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gresna mi dusa, vec je bio 14. aprila. ocitacu pet ave bhl, ali isto mislim sto i pre.nego, ovo sa tuniskom granicom nije bas naivno, bar prema izvestaju koji je upravo stigao.

Forces loyal to Moamer Kadhafi Thursday regained control of a border post lost to rebels a week ago after fighting on both sides of the Libya-Tunisia frontier, witnesses and a Western military source said. Witnesses said rebels had fled into Tunisia, pursued by their enemies for about one kilometre (half a mile). "The situation is very confused, and there is fighting on both sides of the border" at Dehiba, a military source told AFP, adding that Tunisian soldiers were "involved", without elaborating. A witness said Tunisian troops had arrested fighters on both sides of the conflict, but this could not be confirmed independently or by Tunisian officials. "About a dozen missiles hit Tunisian territory, near houses," an employee at the Dehiba youth centre told AFP by telephone. "Pupils had to leave school, and residents have taken shelter in their homes." Dehiba was taken by rebels last Thursday, and there had been fears of a counter-attack as troops loyal to Kadhafi amassed on the area in recent days. Thousands of Libyans have crossed into Tunisia in anticipation of a counter attack. Sources said Kadhafi's men have also retaken Wezen, the first Libyan village after crossing the border at Dehiba from Tunisia, with about 5,000 inhabitants. "The loyalists entered Wezen with about a dozen vehicles," said one witness, while the TAP Tunisian news agency reported that the battle for the town caused "numerous deaths" among Kadhafi's fighters. "The clashes terrorised the residents and Libyan families who had taken refuge in Tunisia," said the agency. Fighting between rebels and Kadhafi loyalists intensified in the west of the country in the last week. The rebels still control Nalut, the last big town before the Dehiba crossing as well as the highway leading to the town of Zintan, nearly 200 kilometers (around 120 miles) east. Kadhafi troops fired rockets on Zintan on Sunday evening, killing four and wounding nine, according to residents. On Wednesday, thousands of insurgents defending the city managed to drive Kadhafi's forces back several kilometres after a day of fighting and bombardments. Massive protests in February -- inspired by the revolts that toppled long-time autocrats in Egypt and Tunisia -- escalated into war when Kadhafi's troops fired on demonstrators and protesters seized several eastern towns. The mountainous area of Zintan, southwest of Tripoli, was one of the first to rise up against Kadhafi's regime.
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ovo sa tuniskom granicom nije bas naivno
nimalo naivno iz par razloga, wazin (dehiba) je kljucna tacka za snabdevanje celog regiona nafousa planina koje se bore protiv gadafija. one su pretezno naseljene berberima ili tj. amazighima (imazighen) jer rec berber oni smatraju uvredljivom. kako na nafousa planinama, tako amazighi zive bas u susednom tunisu, bas preko granice u pokrajini tataouine i oni su vrlo solidarni. u takvoj situaciji imam utisak da je tunizanska vojska blagonaklona prema pobunjenicima iako pokusava po svaku cenu da se ne uvuce u sukob direktno. Edited by Bane5
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Luba, slazem se tobom u vezi BHL-a (imam neke licne razloge).
ma, sa njim svako ima licne razloge. gnjida.
nimalo naivno iz par razloga, wazin (dehiba) je kljucna tacka za snabdevanje celog regiona nafousa planina koje se bore protiv gadafija. one su pretezno naseljene berberima ili tj. amazighima (imazighen) jer rec berber oni smatraju uvredljivom. kako na nafousa planinama, tako amazighi zive bas u susednom tunisu, bas preko granice u pokrajini tataouine i oni su vrlo solidarni. u takvoj situaciji imam utisak da je tunizanska vojska blagonaklona prema pobunjenicima iako pokusava po svaku cenu da se ne uvuce u sukob direktno.
pritom mislim da je i kod tunizana pukovnik ostao u zlom secanju, te dodati i to na solidarnost.nego, znam da je berber uvredljivo, ali zaboravih zasto? bese zato sto su arapi tako nazivali zidanove pretke?
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