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Nato has confirmed that its air strikes hit opposition fighters using tanks in their battle with the government forces in eastern Libya, but said it would not apologise for the deaths, reports AP.Rear Admiral Russell Harding, the deputy commander of the Nato operation, said Nato had no previous information the rebels were operating tanks. Nato jets attacked a rebel convoy between Brega and Ajdabiya on Thursday, killing at least five fighters and destroying or damaging a number of armoured vehicles.Harding said that Nato jets had conducted 318 sorties and struck 23 targets across Libya in the past 48 hours. He said:''It would appear that two of our strikes yesterday may have resulted in (rebel) deaths. I am not apologising. The situation on the ground was and remains extremely fluid, and until yesterday we did not have information that (rebel) forces are using tanks.''
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Neće da se izvinjavaju zbog toga što imaju manjkave obaveštajne podatke koji dovode do toga da usmrćuju ljude kojima bi trebalo da pomažu.Majstori.

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Petak je...

Protests have erupted in cities across Syria, despite a series of concessions by President Bashar al-Assad, including sacking his Cabinet and firing two governors.
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pristup gradu daraa i dalje skoro pa nemoguc, te sve stize telefonski i bez navodjenja imena

Syrian security forces shot dead at least seven protesters on Friday in the flashpoint town of Daraa, a rights activist said as thousands rallied for democracy for a fourth week after Muslim prayers. The authorities said two people were killed. The rights activist, asking not to be named for security reasons, told by telephone that seven people were killed when security forces opened fire with rubber bullets and live rounds to disperse stone-throwing protesters. "Thousands of demonstrators leaving from three mosques marched to the courthouse but security forces dressed in civilian clothing fired tear gas to disperse them," said the activist. "Demonstrators threw stones and clashes ensued," the activist said, adding that "the situation is very tense" in Daraa, some 100 kilometres (60 miles) south of Damascus. He said the death toll could be higher than 10, although he had been able to confirm the identities of seven fatalities so far. Protesters angered by the deaths set fire to the ruling Baath party's headquarters in Daraa, he added. State television said "saboteurs and conspirators opened fire on residents and security forces" alike in the town, killing two people -- an officer and an ambulance man. The official SANA news agency said dozens of civilians, security and police were wounded. State television broadcast footage showing young men in keffiyehs standing behind trees while the sound of automatic weapons fire could be heard. Thousands of people on Friday also marched in five towns in northern Syria, mainly in predominantly Kurdish Hassake and Ammuda, calling for an end to emergency rule and the release of prisoners, another rights activist said. "More than 3,000 people, Kurds, Arabs and Assyrians (Christians), demonstrated in Qamishli after Friday prayers before staging a sit-in on the main road," Kurdish rights activist Radif Mustafa said. The demonstrators chanted "God, Syria and freedom" and "Neither Arabs, nor Kurds, national unity," Mustafa said. The rallies came one day after Assad granted citizenship to tens of thousands of Kurds who had been denied nationality for nearly half a century because of a controversial census. Abdel Karim Rihawi, head of the Syrian League for the Defence of Human Rights, said several thousand people demonstrated in the port city of Banias and Tal, 20 kilometres north of Damascus. The rallies, he said, were staged in solidarity with the "martyrs" of protests in Douma, Daraa and Latakia, and demonstrators chanted "God, Syria and freedom." In the industrial city of Homs, 160 kilometres north of Damascus, and in Harasta, near the capital, witnesses reported clashes between security forces and protesters. In Douma, 15 kilometres north of Damascus, residents formed committees to verify the identities of people arriving for a rally to check they were not armed, a rights activist said. Syrian rights activists estimate that more than 130 people have been killed in clashes with security forces, mainly in Daraa and the port city of Latakia, since the start of political unrest on March 15. Officials have put the death toll at closer to 30 and blamed the violence on armed groups and foreigners seeking to divide the ethnically and religiously diverse country.
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Sirija, pošto je praktično već net importer nafte, dobija samo ambivalence package. Moći će na miru da se ubijaju.
A da se strpiš do faze građanskog rata? Realno, tek tada se dijele paketi.
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A da se strpiš do faze građanskog rata? Realno, tek tada se dijele paketi.
Pa to i kažem, tek je 20-ak i kusur mrtvih, videće se još.
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Pa to i kažem, tek je 20-ak i kusur mrtvih, videće se još.
Zapravo, ne znamo koliko je mrtvih. Pre dve nedelje spekulisao se brojkom od 100, pa se spustilo na 25.Za razliku od transparetnosti Egipta, u Siriji ne vidimo nista. Ta Dara je imala teska iskustva sa starijim Asadom. Koliko su bile ozbiljne stvari u Latakiji ne znamo. Hafez je bio ozbiljan zlocinac. Za Basira cemo tek da vidimo.
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prosto je nemoguce naci tacne informacije, a cisto da napravimo presek od onoga cemu mozemo verovati, misrata se drzi i dalje, zapadne planine takodje, na podruciju adzdabije i brege gadafijeve snage po svemu sudeci pripremaju/preduzimaju akcije vecih razmera.nato se potpuno izgubio, u politickim krugovima zainteresovanih zapadnih zemalja nema naznaka politickih akcija, turska priprema svoj mirovni predlog, kontakt grupa za libiju se okuplja sledece nedelje, eu izrazila spremnost da preuzme na sebe pomoc misrati i njenom stanovnistvu.

Edited by Bane5
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Zapravo, ne znamo koliko je mrtvih. Pre dve nedelje spekulisao se brojkom od 100, pa se spustilo na 25.Za razliku od transparetnosti Egipta, u Siriji ne vidimo nista. Ta Dara je imala teska iskustva sa starijim Asadom. Koliko su bile ozbiljne stvari u Latakiji ne znamo. Hafez je bio ozbiljan zlocinac. Za Basira cemo tek da vidimo.
Pa nećemo nikad ni znati, jer nikoga nije briga. To je ambivalence package.
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