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revo ekipa povukla deo naoruzanih civila sa fronta, pa oni sad uglavnom sluze za postavljanje checkpoint-ova iza linije fronta. lose vreme smanjilo mogucnost pomoci iz vazduha.ispade da je lazanjski ubo bar jednu stvar (doduse iz teksta starog 6-7 dana), vec dva dana se vode borbe oko brege. dobra vest je da se mozda icrc vraca i u delove pod gadafijevom kontrolom.

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al se razvila polemika medju levima, levljima i najlevljima u amerikama.huan s jedne strane,glen na drugoj.a kod kraljice, vracamo se na lekareovske metode.

British officials met a top Libyan regime aide in London and gave him a "strong message" that leader Moamer Kadhafi had to step down, a government source said Friday. Mohammed Ismail, a key confidant of Kadhafi's powerful son Saif al-Islam, had been visiting family in the British capital in recent days when the British government took the opportunity to make contact, they said. Reports of the meeting came came shortly after Kadhafi's foreign minister Mussa Kussa unexpectedly flew into Britain on Wednesday night and announced he was quitting his post. "Mohammed Ismail had been in Britain visiting family members and we took the opportunity to send a strong message about the Kadhafi regime," a British government source told AFP on condition of anonymity. The Guardian newspaper said the meeting was one of a number between Britain and Libya in the last two weeks and was believed to have addressed the possibility of an exit strategy for Kadhafi. Britain's Foreign Office refused to confirm or deny Ismail's visit. "We are not going to provide a running commentary on our contacts with Libyan officials," a spokeswoman said. "In any contact that we do have, we make it clear that Kadhafi has to go, that we encourage those around him to abandon this brutal regime and embrace a better future for Libya that allows political transition and real reform that meets the aspirations of the Libyan people." Prime Minister David Cameron's Downing Street office refused to comment. Despite a low profile in Libya and internationally, Ismail is a key aide to British-educated Saif al-Islam and represented the nation in arms purchase negotiations, cables leaked on the WikiLeaks website revealed. Britain meanwhile continued to debrief Mussa Kussa following his surprise arrival at an airport southwest of London, which Cameron described as a sign that Kadhafi's regime was "crumbling". Britain says had not offered immunity from prosecution to Kussa, a former foreign intelligence chief who was expelled from the country in 1980 when he was ambassador to London, for threatening to kill dissidents. Scottish authorities say they want to interview Kussa over the 1988 bombing of Pan Am flight 103 over the town of Lockerbie, in which 270 people died, mostly American citizens. The Foreign Office spokeswoman told AFP on Friday that British officials including diplomats formerly based at the British embassy in Tripoli were continuing to speak to Kussa, but gave no further details. It added that it was still investigating reports that the deputy head of Libya's embassy in London had also resigned. Britain is in contact with up to 10 leading Libyan officials about following Kussa's lead, The Independent newspaper reported.
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Ja se kladim da je to sa Muhom Ismailom vučje meso, hoće poljuljati Pukovnikovo povjerenje u sineke, jer Muha je Saifov čoek.Kod Lazanskog mi je najjači ovaj moment (Tresko, jbg, nadmašio te je):

Pre dva dana u Misurati sam video vladinog vojnika naoružanog najmodernijom belgijskom puškom kalibra 5,56 milimetara futurističkog oblika. Tu pušku osim belgijske vojske koriste još samo vojska Slovenije i američke specijalne jedinice u Avganistanu.Libijski vojnik mi nije dozvolio da ga slikam sa tom puškom. Sada su se u bombardovanje Libije uključili i belgijski avioni F-16. Naime, vlada u Tripoliju je pre tri meseca odlučila da većinu svojih trupa prenaoruža ruskom puškom AK-103.Tamo gde nije posredi nafta – u pitanju je oružje.
Dakle, Belgija je uključena u rat zato jer ih Pukovnik nije ispoštovao™ kad je šopingovo puške, a dali su mu i degustaciju i za ponijeti i sve.
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u jemenu i jedni i drugi na ulicama, za sad nema sukobaHuge rival protests split Yemen's capital as security forces deployed in unprecedented strength for another Friday showdown on the streets between President Ali Abdullah Saleh's backers and foes. "I pledge... to sacrifice myself for the people, with my blood and with everything I hold dear," Saleh said, thanking his supporters inside and outside Yemen in the face of two months of escalating demands for his ouster. Despite fears of an outbreak of violence, tens of thousands of pro-regime supporters waving flags and banners packed squares around Sanaa, passing through checkpoints set up by security forces kitted with guns and batons. Tanks and armoured cars were stationed at the city's entry points. "The crowds stretched as far as the eye could see," an AFP correspondent said. Convoys of vehicles flying the Yemeni flag earlier poured into the capital from the surrounding countryside for the pro-Saleh rally. "The people want Ali Abdullah Saleh," they chanted. In a deeply tribal society, many of the demonstrators carried large portraits of the 69-year-old president in tribal headdress rather than his customary suit and tie. The army, many of whose officers have rallied with the pro-democracy camp led by youths, controlled access to the "Change Square" renamed by anti-regime protesters holding a sit-in near Sanaa University. The demonstrators, who also numbered tens of thousands on the weekly day of prayers and rest, have set up camp in the area since late February, but appeared to have been put on the back foot on Friday. In Tahrir Square, about two kilometres (less than two miles) away, security forces channelled the influx of regime supporters, many of them tribesmen mobilised by the president, a former military man. After a heated sermon and prayers, Saleh's supporters trudged the four to five kilometres to Sabiine Square, next to Saleh's palace, in the opposite direction of the rival protest, for the show of solidarity. According to Adel al-Walibi, a leader of the anti-Saleh protests, the ranks of the president's supporters on Friday were swollen by "out-of-uniform soldiers and armed tribesmen." Saleh, who showed up on a stage in Sabiine, vowed to defend the Yemeni people and hailed their massive support, in a brief address to the crowds outside the presidential palace. "I hope their statements will be wise and not irresponsible," he said, in apparent reference to calls from the opposition, which Saleh's massive support base put on the back foot on Friday, for his palace to be overtaken. As the crowds started to disperse without incident, Mohammed Sabri, another opposition spokesman, said on Al-Arabiya television: "The only sacrifice we want (from Saleh) is that he leaves." Roads leading to the venues were blocked by security forces, with Sanaa roughly divided into a northern half held by the opposition camp and Saleh's supporters packing the southern sector. Tens of thousands of anti-regime demonstrators on Friday also took the streets in southern Yemen, correspondents said. Clashes broke out between rival sides in Hodeida on the Red Sea, witnesses said, without reporting casualties. On March 18, regime loyalists gunned down 52 demonstrators but amid fears of a repeat last Friday police kept rival demonstrators apart by firing warning shots in the air. Since the bloodbath, which sparked widespread condemnation, the regime has been hit by a wave of defections, including among the ranks of the military which now has rival units deployed on the streets of Sanaa. The pro-democracy protesters, pressing for an end to Saleh's three-decade rule, called off a planned march on the presidential palace on Friday for fear of renewed carnage. Under the weight of protests, which Amnesty said have cost 95 lives in clashes with security forces, Saleh had offered to step down early but has hardened his stance since the massive pro-regime rally last Friday. Protest leaders say the Yemeni strongman has been emboldened by US support for an ally seen by Washington as a key ally in its fight against Al-Qaeda. Saleh has over the past week been trying to dictate his own terms for an exit from power, intent not to go the same way as Egypt's president Hosni Mubarak, unceremoniously dumped on February 11 in the face of people power.

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Ja se kladim da je to sa Muhom Ismailom vučje meso, hoće poljuljati Pukovnikovo povjerenje u sineke, jer Muha je Saifov čoek.Kod Lazanskog mi je najjači ovaj moment (Tresko, jbg, nadmašio te je):Dakle, Belgija je uključena u rat zato jer ih Pukovnik nije ispoštovao™ kad je šopingovo puške, a dali su mu i degustaciju i za ponijeti i sve.
ne potcenjuj albionske planove. neki se mozda ostvare i pre vencanja vilija i kejt.al lazanski.zbog njega verujem u tezu da bate koje se loze na oruzarenje imaju malu pisu.a tek ove kao iz prvog lica price, mogu da se kladim u sta god da sedi u rixosu i ne mrda guzicu odatle.
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There is no question who the most popular man in Libya is right now.“I love Sarkozy!”“Sarkozy mia mia!” (Mia mia means, literally, “100%.” It’s a common expression meaning “great.”)“Sarkozy is number one.”“Thank you Sarkozy! Also, thank you Obama. Thank you Cameron.”There are French flags all over Benghazi’s central square. One was draped over the central Courthouse building until a few days ago — it was even larger than the rebel flag draped on the building. “Merci,” reads one sign.One petroleum technician I spoke with in Ajdabiyah two days ago (March 27) said that the Libyan people want Nicolas Sarkozy to come to Libya and be their new leader. I’m not sure he speaks for all Libyans, but you get the picture.Today, a rebel fighter in Ras Lanuf turned and pointed to his five comrades in the back of his pickup truck. “If it weren’t for Sarkozy,” he said, “all these guys would be dead. So would the people of Benghazi.”The word “Sarkozy” has actually become shorthand for foreign air attacks on Qaddafi’s troops. Yesterday and the day before, there was great optimism on the rebel side as Coalition jets pounded Qaddafi’s forces, allowing the rebels to advance at lightning speed.But today, when there seemed to be no foreign air support in the Sirt Plain, the rebels were forced to retreat. They don´t have the armaments to fight Qaddafi´s forces on an even playing field.“Qaddafi’s forces have up-to-date artillery pieces that can fire 40 kilometers,” one rebel told me today. ”But this thing here,” he said, pointing to the light artillery piece in his truck, “is ancient. It’ll only fire five kilometers. Without Sarkozy, we can’t compete with Qaddafi’s technology. His militias will overrun us.”Another rebel showed me the date and serial number on his Russian-made Kalashnikov. It was made in 1976. “They [Qaddafi's troops] have better weapons: tanks, rockets, heavy artillery.”Today, as the rebel line retreated from Wadi al-Ahmar (east of Sirt) to Al-Nawfaliyah to Bin Jawad in the absence of Coalition strikes, one rebel fighter looked at me and said,Ma feesh Sarkozy al yawm. ¨”There was no Sarkozy today.” Meaning no air support.Another asked: Wayn Sarkozy?“Where’s Sarkozy?”
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E super, ovde mu mandat istice sledece godine, popularnost mu je nikakva i tesko da ce proci izbore ponovo, s druge strane svi se pitaju sta posle Gadafija... eto resenja -> da im izvezemo Sarközyja

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stiglo pojacanje od al kaide:

The BBC's Nick Springate reports from Libya's eastern town of Brega that for the first time, rag-tag rebel forces have been bolstered by a number of well-armed, seemingly well-trained soldiers in full military attire. It's not clear where they've come from, our correspondent says, but their very presence has boosted morale on the front line. Our correspondent says the rebels are now starting a major onslaught on Brega, having given a boisterous reception to two key rebel figures - the former interior minister and the former head of the armed forces"
Ova potonja dvojica su Younis i Khalifa Heftir.
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Vreme smetalo avionima da “dobro vide“Američki admiral Majk Malen rekao je da su vremenski uslovi predstavljali najveći problem za međunarodnu koaliciju poslednjih nekoliko dana i da avioni koji učestvuju u vazdušnim udarima nisu mogli precizno da vide ciljeve.Metoerolški uslovi omogućili su Gadafijevim snagama da sprovedu svoju kontraofanzivu na istok i potisnu pobunjenike sa položaja koje su povratili kada posle početka međunarodnih udara 19. marta. link

U međuvremenu, iz vojne intervencije u Libiji povlačenje je najavio SAD, u, kako su američki zvaničnici rekli, nepovoljnom trenutku, s obzirom na uspehe Gadafijevih trupa.Američki sekretar za odbranu Robert Gejts i šef američkog generalštaba Majk Mulen izjavili su da će vojno učešće SAD u Libiji biti završeno u subotu.
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i to ne bilo ko iz chada vec pripadnici elitne revolucionarne garde.idriss deby ne zaboravlja pomoc koju mu je gadafi pruzio u gusenju vojne pobune u svojoj zemlji.

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