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Peti oktobar na bliskom istoku i arapskom svetu


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Thanks to Resolution 1973's restraints on the Libyan intervention, the administration will soon discover that placing its hopes on the United Nations was a mistake. It is an institution as formal as it is powerless -- bound up by a huge, wasteful bureaucracy and antiquated legal rules that only prevent the great powers of today from using force to actually stop human rights crises, as with the civil war in the Ivory Coast. The United Nations' fundamental principle is to declare the "territorial integrity" and "political independence" of each country and to prohibit intervention in the internal affairs of member states. In its eyes, North Korea, the most brutal totalitarian government in the world, is the equal of the United States, which has done more than any country in the postwar period to protect freedom and democracy.The U.N. charter contains even deeper flaws. Its provision for the use of force is identical to law enforcement: that force can only be used against an attacker; otherwise, the state has a monopoly on violence. The charter shares the same goal as domestic law -- to drive violence down to zero. But this is a mistake on two grounds. First, there is no world government that can effectively police countries from using force against each other. Second, the optimal use of force in international politics should not be zero; instead, it should be permitted where its use would increase global welfare.
Tko je ponosni koautor ove kritike, što mislite?
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tanderbolti se koristeDoduše samo ih je 6.
a-ha <_<"We have employed A-10s and AC-130s over the weekend," he said, without giving specifics about targets.BUT"We're not in direct support of the opposition, that's not part of our mandate, and we're not coordinating with the opposition," he said.Sto ce reci, verovatno su napali neki teski kurac od konvoja, stotinama kilometara daleko od prve linije. A tamo gde ih rebelsi trebaju, i gde Gadafisti imaju Strele, tamo ih neces videti.
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Tko je ponosni koautor ove kritike, što mislite?
Ovaj mu ga je baš dao. Kakav crni "teritorijalni integritet", jednakost država, ima da se zna: jedna je Amerikaaaaa!
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Ovaj mu ga je baš dao. Kakav crni "teritorijalni integritet", jednakost država, ima da se zna: jedna je Amerikaaaaa!
Aha, dobro si pogodio ton. Evo još:
It is high time to replace the U.N. Charter with international rules that encourage countries to end human rights abuses, fix failed states, and oppose rogue nations and terrorist groups.Instead, the United States and its allies should form a Concert of Democracies. No international bureaucracy or complicated rules on the use of force are needed. Instead, the great democracies should collectively decide, case by case, whether to intervene. A concert would allow these countries to share the costs of intervention. And it should exclude countries like Russia and China; they should have no voice until they show a corresponding desire to shoulder global responsibilities.
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a-ha <_<"We have employed A-10s and AC-130s over the weekend," he said, without giving specifics about targets.BUT"We're not in direct support of the opposition, that's not part of our mandate, and we're not coordinating with the opposition," he said.Sto ce reci, verovatno su napali neki teski kurac od konvoja, stotinama kilometara daleko od prve linije. A tamo gde ih rebelsi trebaju, i gde Gadafisti imaju Strele, tamo ih neces videti.
Ne znam kako si izvukao taj zaključak iz njegove izjave, to su lažljivi Amerikanci, after all. Da li im veruješ i kada kažu da ne napadaju civilne ciljeve?Taj film da strela obara A-10 nećeš videti.
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Ne znam kako si izvukao taj zaključak iz njegove izjave, to su lažljivi Amerikanci, after all. Da li im veruješ i kada kažu da ne napadaju civilne ciljeve?
ja im nista ne verujem, a ti?
Taj film da strela obara A-10 nećeš videti.
Pa naravno da necu - nece ni leteti tamo gde bi taj film mogao da bude snimljen. Mislio sam da nikad necu gledati ni ovaj
, pa me vreme demantovalo. A kudikamo je softiciranija letelica, zar ne? Za USAF moze sve da se kaze, ali da ne uce lekcije iz gresaka nikako. Primera je mnogo.
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Aha, dobro si pogodio ton. Evo još:
A зна се ко би дириговао тим концертом...Који тинк тенк је ово испрднуо?
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Sve je vise prerpostavki da je neko od bliskih Gadafijevih saradnika zbrisao. Da li je u pitanju PM ili ne, vidicemo.
ovaj i još neki?
Mr Koussa was on an early afternoon flight from the Tunisian resort of Djerba to the British capital, after a "private" visit to Tunisia, AP quoted TAP as saying.
inače, da vam razrešim i tu misteriju, s Strelom teško da išta može da se pogodi, pogotovu Svinja (A10).
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Sve je vise prerpostavki da je neko od bliskih Gadafijevih saradnika zbrisao. Da li je u pitanju PM ili ne, vidicemo.
Da li je to vazno u smislu osipanja rezima?Iz onoa sto citamo, ne. Lojalisti se loze na Gadafija, dok poluge moci drze Gadafi(ji).
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ovaj i još neki?inače, da vam razrešim i tu misteriju, s Strelom teško da išta može da se pogodi, pogotovu Svinja (A10).
roknuli su nasi jednog tokom "Milosrdnog" ali je ipak sleteo u Albaniju bez jednog motora cini mi se, mozda ima slika negde
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Pa naravno da necu - nece ni leteti tamo gde bi taj film mogao da bude snimljen. Mislio sam da nikad necu gledati ni ovaj
, pa me vreme demantovalo. A kudikamo je softiciranija letelica, zar ne? Za USAF moze sve da se kaze, ali da ne uce lekcije iz gresaka nikako. Primera je mnogo.
Znao sam da ćeš ovo postaviti. Ovaj avion je oboren baš zato što se letelo spuštenog garda.S druge strane A10 je divlja fakin svinja kojoj uopšte nije cilj da bude sofisticirana nego baš ko svinja spusti glavu napred i juriš gde je najgušće. Ima jebeni titanijumski oklop i ako je verovati wikiju predviđeno je da može da sleti sa 1 motorom bez pola repa i pola krila. Strela može da obori helikopter, avion malo teže. Edited by Hartmann
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