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Peti oktobar na bliskom istoku i arapskom svetu


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Earlier this month, Egyptians voted overwhelmingly in favour of constitutional amendments
Dva politička bloka, Nacionalna demokratska partija i Muslimanska braća, podržavaju predložene promene ustava, koje su napisane za samo 10 dana, dok kritičari amandmana smatraju da predsednik zadržava previše vlasti u svojim rukama, iako mu je ograničen broj mandata.U pojedinim partijama smatraju da bi trebalo ići na radikalnije promene, odnosno pripremiti novi ustav.Dobitnik Nobelove nagrade za mir i vođa opozicije u protestima Muhamed el Baradej, koji je najavio kandidaturu na sledećim predsedničkim izborima, rekao je da očekuje da će većina učesnika revolucije glasati protiv predloženih amandmana.
jel ovo znači da su desničari dobili ovu rundu?
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jel ovo znači da su desničari dobili ovu rundu?
Muhamed el Baradej je bio kamenovan na dan referenduma. MB znaju sta rade i sve ide kako su oni planirali.
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jel ovo znači da su desničari dobili ovu rundu?
da, jedino za utehu da je izlaznost bila 41%. Što je daleko više nego kada ih je organizovao Mubarak.Činjenica je da bradati MB preuzimaju konce sa delovima vojnog vrha u odnosu na mlade tviteraše.
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MB je dobio fer borbu, ne može se demokracija izvoditi sa unaprijed zadanim rezultatom, kao ni diskusija na PPPu. Što se tiče armije, od nje očekujem ni manje ni više od toga da ostane jamac toga da će se za 4 godine održati sljedeći slobodni izbori. Zasad se čini da je dorasla tome.Danas je izišao komunike koji kaže da je Mubarak sada u statusu kućnog pritvora.

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1754: Chris McGreal of The Guardian tweets: "Libya rebel advance stalls 70km from Sirte as revolutionaries fight and then flee en masse from intense rocket attacks by Gaddafi forces."
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Strani novinari bili u 'slobodnoj' Misrati, ali ne blize od 2,5 km od centra. Cula se pucnjava u daljini i video crni dim.Nakon pola sata krenuli nazad za Tripoli. U medjuvremenu pored njih defilovao 'slucajni skup' Gadafijevih pristalica. (by Nic Robertson i John Simpson)Drzavna TV Libije imala kompletnu ekipu sa satelitskim linkom u Misrati.ps. Ekipa kod Sirta naisla na tvrd otpor pa stala i bezala nazad.

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niti je demokratija izbori po uzoru na Iran
Iran nije demokracija, nešto što ima nedodirljivog i doživotnog vođu i neoborivo vijeće čuvara pravog poretka nije demokracija čak ni na papiru.
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Muhamed el Baradej je bio kamenovan na dan referenduma. MB znaju sta rade i sve ide kako su oni planirali.
upucen si, vidi se odmah. ako mozes da mi razjasnis, nisam bas siguran oko nekih detalja... ko je napao El Baradeija? zasto? ko podrzava i finansira te ljude? za koga je zaista udata njegova kcerka? Edited by Gandalf
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President Assad is expected to announce that the emergency law that has been in place since 1963 will be lifted, and will move to annul other restrictions on civil liberties and political freedoms, Syrian Vice-President Farouq al-Shara is quoted as saying on state television.
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Who Are the Rebels?
The hard core of the fighters has been the shabab—the young people whose protests in mid-February sparked the uprising. They range from street toughs to university students (many in computer science, engineering, or medicine), and have been joined by unemployed hipsters and middle-aged mechanics, merchants, and storekeepers. There is a contingent of workers for foreign companies: oil and maritime engineers, construction supervisors, translators....And there are a few bearded religious men, more disciplined than the others, who appear intent on fighting at the dangerous tip of the advancing lines. It seems unlikely, however, that they represent Al Qaeda. I saw prayers being held on the front line at Ras Lanuf, but most of the fighters did not attend. One zealous-looking fighter at Brega acknowledged that he was a jihadi — a veteran of the Iraq war — but said that he welcomed U.S. involvement in Libya, because Qaddafi was a kafir, an unbeliever....For many of them, the fighting consists largely of a performance—dancing and singing and firing into the air—and of racing around in improvised gunwagons. The ritual goes on until they are sent scurrying by Qaddafi’s shells. In the early days of Qaddafi’s counterattack, youthful fighters were outraged that the enemy was firing real artillery at them. :lol:
Edited by Gandalf
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Suezići su objavili drčni komunike.

The British prime minister David Cameron and the French president Nicolas Sarkozy have released a joint statement setting out the objectives of an international conference on Libya being hosted by the UK in London tomorrow.Britain and France of course have been at the forefront of the military action – and at the brunt of criticism that it is tipping over into the area of regime change. The statement is pretty bullish: it says military operations would end "only when the civilian population are safe and secure from the threat of attack".The current regime has "completely lost its legitimacy" and Gaddafi must "go immediately" the statement says, calling on the dictator's supporters to "leave him before it is too late".
Ben Smith je sa fotićem pratio šou gore kod gandalfa opisanih performera.
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Izgleda da se primiče momenat za naziranje nekakvog rešenja, bar koliko ja znam da čitam između redova. Pogotovo ako avijacija saveznika ne digne u vazduh lojaliste u Sirtu u narednih 12 sati.Na channel 4u je William Hague upravo postavio svetski rekord. Mislim da je izgovorio reč "ceasefire" otprilike 8 puta u minutu i kusur. Ko veruje u subliminalne poruke...

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