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Na sajtu zurnala Libération, neimenovani diplomata objasnjava da rezolucija SB ne iskljucuje upotrebu kopnenih snaga. Zabranjuje samo vojnu okupaciju Libije, ali ne i intervenciju. Pripemanje javnosti ili nesto drugo?
Ovo je još uvek na jako dugom štapu, tim pre što prema poslednjim izjavama pobunjenika ovakva akcija ne bi bila dobrodošla.
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Ma jok, samo se pominju garaze sa iperitom...
nije u pitanju propaganda. iperit je Gadafi imao i verovatno jos uvek ima, to nije cak ni diskutabilno. ali nema cime da ga isporuci. toga se odrekao kada je odlucio da postane kooperativan.edit: kao sto napisah na drugoj temi, celu stvar gledate kroz prizmu Iraka i Srbije. potrudite se da se malkice uputite u problematiku Libije.
Embassy Tripoli S E C R E T TRIPOLI 000599 2.(S/NF) During a July 27 visit to Tripoli, Acting A/S Feltman (accompanied by Ambassador and Pol/Econ chief ) reviewed with FM-equivalent Musa Kusa U.S. strategic goals for the NEA region and specific areas for expanded bilateral engagement. Feltman opened the nearly two-hour initial interaction between the two with an overview of the priorities set out by POTUS during his Cairo speech, emphasizing the need to build strategic partnerships throughout the region. 3.(S/NF) Kusa noted that the U.S. must treat Libya differently from other Arab nations, specifying that we could not treat Colonel Qadhafi the same way we treat Ben Ali in Tunisia or Mubarak in Egypt, given his unique background and experience. He commented that a man of Qadhafi's "caliber" could not be placed on equal footing with the King of Jordan or other traditional Arab rulers. Kusa stated that leaders in Egypt, Algeria, Turkey, and Pakistan could not rule without the support of their military establishments and that while Qadhafi had started out as a military figure, he had been able to change into a political figure. Kusa advised that a deep, correct understanding of Qadhafi's visions and aspirations would be of more benefit to the U.S. regionally than would engagement with other Arab statesmen... Kusa commented that the U.S.-Libya relationship was at an "acceptable" level but that the pace of engagement was a point of concern. He reiterated the GOL's familiar refrain about the criticism it has received for its decision to give up its WMD program and, in its estimation, not having been adequately compensated for that decision.
Edited by Gandalf
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pa me zanima de su podaci o ubivenim civilima? NEnaoružanim civilima koje su gadafijeve trupe likvidirale po principu nož, žica...? Ili makar ruke na ledja pa kuršum u potiljak? /da te podsetim to je jedan od onih videoa sa početka za koji se kasnije ispostavilo da je podmetnut, te da su ubijeni policajci zapravo presudjeni od strane Recolucionara/
gde se ispostavilo da su ih ubili revolucionari?
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Jel se ti secas izvestaja o civilnim zrtvama u bombardovanju srbije, osim na Milosevicevom RTS-u?
Da, secam se, veoma dobro. Sve je ovde (fr) bilo uredno ispraceno, Nis, klisura, voz, autobusi, zgrada RTS-a. Na nekim programima vise, na nekim manje, ali mislim da sam bio bolje obavesten od ljudi iz Srbije. Bez "otadzbino nasa..."Nemam vremena ni volje da se dalje raspravljam sa zagovornicima teorije zavere. Igrajte se medjusobno.
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a lazanski video na libyan state tv.ja pomislih da je bilo neke normalne potvrde posto postoji zanimljiv podatak u vezi sa tim snimkom.

Edited by Bane5
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Minka, spamuješ oba topika - ovde se prenose vesti, i direktni pogledi na razvoj situacije. Motive, opravdanost, nebeske forumske pravde, liste zašto/zato i pros/cons oko vojne intervencije su na drugom topiku.

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Minka, spamuješ oba topika - ovde se prenose vesti, i direktni pogledi na razvoj situacije. Motive, opravdanost, nebeske forumske pravde, liste zašto/zato i pros/cons oko vojne intervencije su na drugom topiku.
sory, necu vise...evo pobriso... Edited by minka
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Evo sad i u Siriji, isti rečnik (nekakve savetnice predsednika), mi smo kao uz narod ali oni su instruisani, povećavaju plate državnim službenicima, saslušaće one u Darni (osim naravno onih stotinak koje su pobili, očito), borba protiv nezaposlenosti itd. Ista žvaka svaki put...

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turski parlament upravo dao zeleno svetlo za ucesce u nato pomorskoj blokadi turskoj mornarici.bice zanimljivo videti kako ce to izgleda.poslednje vesti iz misrate kroz usta pobunjenika, jer ne moze da se pridje blize od 30 km osim ako nema onih koji zele da provedu par dana u drustvu vec zarobljenih piskarala.

Forces loyal to Libyan strongman Moamer Kadhafi used tanks and snipers to target the rebel-held city of Misrata on Thursday in clashes that killed at least two people, a rebel spokesman said. "Kadhafi forces surround the city and control the main road as well as adjacent streets," the spokesman saidby telephone from Libya's third city, which is 214 kilometres (132 miles) east of the capital Tripoli. "Snipers are shooting from rooftops and the government forces are also using tanks and artillery," he said. "Two people have been killed today (Thursday)." On Wednesday, Kadhafi forces hammered Misrata's main hospital and other civilian targets with tanks and artillery "killing seven people," the spokesman said. "Many bodies have been lying on the streets for several days now," he added. "We can't get to them because of the snipers." On Wednesday a rebel spokesman had described the situation in Misrata as "very bad and very serious," and said that tanks were shelling the hospital as well as houses. A city resident, meanwhile, said he saw pro-regime vessels off the Misrata coast, and said Kadhafi's forces were using them to resupply the troops that have been besieging the city for weeks. "Weapons and fuel are being brought by sea for the troops," the resident said. "They are trying to avoid running supplies by land because of the coalition strikes," he said in reference to Western air and sea strikes to impose a UN-mandated no-fly zone over Libya. Rebels reported 17 deaths in Misrata on Tuesday, including five children, killed by snipers and shelling from Kadhafi forces. Eleven people were said to have been killed on Monday.
novinar koji je sa pobunjenicima tokom pokusaja da se povrati kontrola nad ajdabijom.
Rebels were in striking distance of the gates of Ajdabiya on Thursday in their bid to retake the strategic eastern oil town from troops loyal to Moamer Kadhafi, a journalist witnessed. Shelling and gunfire could be heard at a rebel outpost nine kilometres from the city, 160 kilometres (100 miles) south of Benghazi, Libya's second city and the rebel stronghold, as hundreds of fighters amassed in the morning before marching in on the city. "They are shooting at us with tanks, artillery and Grad missiles," said Mohamed, a rebel returning from the frontline. "We have nothing but light weapons whereas they have heavy ones." The rebels, whose weapons range from Kalashnikovs to knives, are trying to enter the city from several fronts and managed to get within one kilometre to Ajdabiya's eastern entrance, said Mohamed. Tanks guarded the northern and western entrances. Heavy fighting between rebels and Kadhafi's forces rocked Ajdabiya on Wednesday, sending residents fleeing en masse. In Benghazi, rebel military council spokesman Ahmed Omar Bani said: "We are trying to negotiate with these people (Kadhafi troops) in Ajdabiya because we are almost sure that they have lost contact with their headquarters." He added: "Truthfully some of the Ajdabiya militias have asked to surrender, to be left alone and to go back home. But we cannot leave them to go without interrogation because the answers we get from them will be useful in saving lives." Bani explained the rebels were communicating with the troops through a sheikh in a mosque in the city.
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Jedna od juce prikazuje svu "fluidnost" situacije koju smo vec pominjali na konto onog teksta u Spiegelu. Jedan revolucionar na nekom checkpointu repetira pusku u sumnjivu osobu misleci da je Gadafijev ubaceni borac/spijun/stavec, drugi ga brane...
Drži pušku gore nego najgrđi regrut, verujem da je ovaj veća opasnost po svoje nego po pukovnikove.
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posto ne postoji nezavisna potvrda jer crvenom krstu nije dozvoljen pristup oblastima koje kontrolise gadafijev rezim, portparol vlade musa ibrahim kaze da se je skoro sto civila poginulo otkako je pocela intervencija, bez detalja/podataka. maltene u isto vreme, general ahmed omar bani po prvi put drzi pres u bengaziju.

Rebels are negotiating the possible surrender of forces loyal to Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi inside the town of Ajdabiya, a rebel army spokesman said at his first news conference Thursday. "Some of the Ajdabiya militias have asked to surrender to be left alone and to go back home," said air force general Ahmed Omar Bani, referring to the strategically placed contested eastern town. "We are trying to negotiate with these people in Ajdabiya because we are almost sure that they have lost contact with their headquarters," he added. Ajdabiya sits at a junction on the roads that lead from rebel stronghold Benghazi and Tobruk, the town closest to Libya's border with Egypt. It is currently controlled by Kadhafi forces, which have stationed tanks at its northern and western entrances. Rebel forces are locked in a stalemate with the much better armed Kadhafi forces, but the government troops appear unwilling to advance their tanks onto open roads where they could be targeted by coalition air strikes. "We are trying to resolve this issue peacefully," said Bani, dressed in full air force uniform, as he fielded questions on the provenance of rebel weaponry to the latest situation in the besieged western towns of Misrata and Zintan. Bani said his forces were talking to Kadhafi troops via an imam in Ajdabiya, who had approached the government forces and was serving as a mediator. But he warned that loyalist forces would not be allowed to surrender without facing some interrogation "because the answers we get from them will be useful in saving lives." The news conference was Bani's first as the new face of the military council that is charged with overseeing operations by rebel forces seeking to overthrow Kadhafi. He used the occasion to accused Kadhafi of trying to pass off wounded and killed rebel fighters as the victims of air strikes by an international coalition acting under a UN Security Council mandate. And he said that rebel troops in Misrata and Zintan had managed to kill some 120 government forces during battles on Thursday, citing "sources who spoke to us by satellite phone" and that anti-Kadhafi partisans were in control of Misrata's port, which earlier reports had said was in government hands. "Never believe the dictator in what he says," he admonished reporters. And he joked with foreign journalists eager to learn whether foreign special forces or advisers were in the country, training or advising rebel forces, which have often been woefully under-prepared against Kadhafi's troops. "The only foreign expert that we use is Google Earth," he said.
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